function showInstallCommand() { var cmd = $("#existence").val(); var commands = []; var notes = []; var project_name = "<myproject>"; var can_be_bare = true; commands.push("$ gem install compass"); if (cmd == "init") { commands.push("$ cd " + project_name); project_name = "."; } if ($("#app-type").val() == "rails") { if (cmd == "create") { commands.push("$ rails new " + project_name); } cmd = "init rails"; can_be_bare = false; } else if ($("#app-type").val() == "other") { if (cmd == "init") { cmd = "create"; } } else if ($("#app-type").val() == "stand-alone") { if (cmd == "init") { cmd = "install"; can_be_bare = false; } } var framework = $("#framework").val(); var create_command; if (cmd == "install") { create_command = "$ compass install " + framework + " " + project_name; } else { create_command = "$ compass " + cmd + " " + project_name; } if (framework != "compass" && framework != "bare" && cmd != "install") { create_command = create_command + " --using " + framework; } else if (framework == "bare") { if (can_be_bare) { create_command = create_command + " --bare"; } else { notes.push("
You cannot create a bare project in this configuration. Feel free to remove any stylesheets that you don't want.
"); } } if ($("#syntax").val() == "sass") { create_command = create_command + " --syntax sass"; } if ($("#options").val() == "customized") { $("#directories").show(); create_command = create_command + " --sass-dir \"" + $("#sassdir").val() + "\"" + " --css-dir \"" + $("#cssdir").val() + "\"" + " --javascripts-dir \"" + $("#jsdir").val() + "\"" + " --images-dir \"" + $("#imagesdir").val() + "\""; } else { $("#directories").hide(); } commands.push(create_command); var instructions = "" + commands.join("\n") + "
if (instructions.match(/</)) {
notes.push("Note: Values indicated by <> are placeholders. Change them to suit your needs."); } $("#steps").html(instructions + notes.join("")); } function attachMadlibBehaviors() { $("#app-type").change(function(event) { var val = $(; if (val == "other") { $("#options").val("customized"); $(".madlib").addClass("customizable"); } else if (val == "rails") { $("#options").val("default"); $(".madlib").removeClass("customizable"); } else { $(".madlib").addClass("customizable"); } }); $("#existence, #app-type, #framework, #syntax, #options").change(showInstallCommand); $(".madlib input").keyup(function(){setTimeout(showInstallCommand, 0.1)}); } function setupMadlib() { attachMadlibBehaviors(); showInstallCommand(); } $(setupMadlib);