require 'spec/expectations' $:.unshift(File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../test'))) require 'test_helper' require 'compass/exec' include Compass::CommandLineHelper include Compass::IoHelper include Compass::RailsHelper Before do Compass.reset_configuration! @cleanup_directories = [] @original_working_directory = Dir.pwd end After do Dir.chdir @original_working_directory @cleanup_directories.each do |dir| FileUtils.rm_rf dir end end # Given Preconditions Given %r{^I am using the existing project in ([^\s]+)$} do |project| tmp_project = "tmp_#{File.basename(project)}" @cleanup_directories << tmp_project FileUtils.cp_r project, tmp_project Dir.chdir tmp_project end Given %r{^I am in the parent directory$} do Dir.chdir ".." end Given /^I'm in a newly created rails project: (.+)$/ do |project_name| @cleanup_directories << project_name begin generate_rails_app project_name Dir.chdir project_name rescue LoadError pending "Missing Ruby-on-rails gems: sudo gem install rails" end end # When Actions are performed When /^I create a project using: compass create ([^\s]+) ?(.+)?$/ do |dir, args| @cleanup_directories << dir compass 'create', dir, *(args || '').split end When /^I initialize a project using: compass init ?(.+)?$/ do |args| compass 'init', *(args || '').split end When /^I run: compass ([^\s]+) ?(.+)?$/ do |command, args| compass command, *(args || '').split end When /^I run in a separate process: compass ([^\s]+) ?(.+)?$/ do |command, args| unless @other_process = fork @last_result = '' @last_error = '' Signal.trap("HUP") do open('/tmp/last_result.compass_test.txt', 'w') do |file| file.puts $stdout.string end open('/tmp/last_error.compass_test.txt', 'w') do |file| file.puts @stderr.string end exit! end # this command will run forever # we kill it with a HUP signal from the parent process. args = (args || '').split args << { :wait => 5 } compass command, *args exit! end end When /^I shutdown the other process$/ do Process.kill("HUP", @other_process) Process.wait @last_result ='/tmp/last_result.compass_test.txt') @last_error ='/tmp/last_error.compass_test.txt') end When /^I touch ([^\s]+)$/ do |filename| FileUtils.touch filename end When /^I wait ([\d.]+) seconds?$/ do |count| sleep count.to_f end When /^I add some sass to ([^\s]+)$/ do |filename| open(filename, "w+") do |file| file.puts ".added .some .arbitrary" file.puts " sass: code" end end # Then postconditions Then /^a directory ([^ ]+) is (not )?created$/ do |directory, negated| == !negated end Then /an? \w+ file ([^ ]+) is (not )?created/ do |filename, negated| File.exists?(filename).should == !negated end Then /an? \w+ file ([^ ]+) is reported created/ do |filename| @last_result.should =~ /create #{Regexp.escape(filename)}/ end Then /a \w+ file ([^ ]+) is (?:reported )?compiled/ do |filename| @last_result.should =~ /compile #{Regexp.escape(filename)}/ end Then /a \w+ file ([^ ]+) is reported unchanged/ do |filename| @last_result.should =~ /unchanged #{Regexp.escape(filename)}/ end Then /a \w+ file ([^ ]+) is reported identical/ do |filename| @last_result.should =~ /identical #{Regexp.escape(filename)}/ end Then /a \w+ file ([^ ]+) is reported overwritten/ do |filename| @last_result.should =~ /overwrite #{Regexp.escape(filename)}/ end Then /I am told how to link to ([^ ]+) for media "([^"]+)"/ do |stylesheet, media| @last_result.should =~ %r{} end Then /I am told how to conditionally link "([^"]+)" to ([^ ]+) for media "([^"]+)"/ do |condition, stylesheet, media| @last_result.should =~ %r{}mi end Then /^an error message is printed out: (.+)$/ do |error_message| @last_error.should =~ end Then /^the command exits with a non\-zero error code$/ do @last_exit_code.should_not == 0 end Then /^I am congratulated$/ do @last_result.should =~ /Congratulations!/ end Then /^I am told that I can place stylesheets in the ([^\s]+) subdirectory$/ do |subdir| @last_result.should =~ /You may now add sass stylesheets to the #{subdir} subdirectory of your project./ end Then /^I am told how to compile my sass stylesheets$/ do @last_result.should =~ /You must compile your sass stylesheets into CSS when they change.\nThis can be done in one of the following ways:/ end Then /^I should be shown a list of "([^"]+)" commands$/ do |kind| @last_result.should =~ /^#{kind.capitalize} Commands:$/ @last_command_list = [] found = false indent = nil @last_result.split("\n").each do |line| if line =~ /^#{kind.capitalize} Commands:$/ found = true elsif found && line =~ /^\s+/ @last_command_list << line elsif found && line =~ /^$|^\w/ break end end end Then /^the list of commands should describe the ([^ ]+) command$/ do |command| @last_result.should =~ /^\s+\* #{command}\s+- [A-Z].+$/ end Then /^the following configuration properties are set in ([^ ]+):$/ do |config_file, table| config = Compass::Configuration::Data.new_from_file(config_file) table.hashes.each do |hash| config.send(hash['property']).should == hash['value'] end end Then /^my css is validated$/ do if @last_error =~ /The Compass CSS Validator could not be loaded/ pending "Missing Dependency: sudo gem install chriseppstein-compass-validator" else @last_result.should =~ /Compass CSS Validator/ end end Then /^I am informed that my css is valid.$/ do @last_result.should =~ /Your CSS files are valid\./ end Then /^I am told statistics for each file:$/ do |table| # table is a Cucumber::Ast::Table table.raw.each do |row| re = row.join(' *\| *') @last_result.should =~ re end end Then /^I should see the following "([^"]+)" commands:$/ do |kind, table| Then %Q{I should be shown a list of "#{kind}" commands} commands ={|c| c =~ /^\s+\* ([^ ]+)\s+- [A-Z].+$/; [$1]} table.diff!(commands) end