%h1= item[:title] %p The blueprint module is a simple way of importing all of the most commonly used blueprint modules. In addition, it provides a single mixin, +blueprint, that can be used to generate the blueprint css styles. %h2 Imports %ol - imports(@item).each do |import| %li= import %h2 Mixins - mixins(@item).each do |mixin| %a.view-source{:href=>"#", :onclick => "$('#mixin-source-#{mixin.name}').dialog('open'); return false;"} View Source %h3.mixin{:id=>"mixin-#{mixin.name}"} %a.permalink{:href => "#mixin-#{mixin.name}"}= mixin_signature mixin .source-documentation= format_doc(mixin.comment) - render 'dialog', :title => "Source for +#{mixin.name}", :id => "mixin-source-#{mixin.name}" do %pre.source-code.sass= mixin.to_sass - content_for :footer do :javascript $(function(){ $('.ui-dialog').dialog({hide: true, modal: true, autoOpen: false, width: 400}); });