Feature: Command Line In order to manage my stylesheets As a user on the command line I want to create a new project Scenario: Install a project without a framework When I enter the command: compass create my_project Then a directory my_project/ is created And a configuration file my_project/config.rb is created And a sass file my_project/src/screen.sass is created And a sass file my_project/src/print.sass is created And a sass file my_project/src/ie.sass is created And a sass file my_project/src/screen.sass is compiled And a sass file my_project/src/print.sass is compiled And a sass file my_project/src/ie.sass is compiled And a css file my_project/stylesheets/screen.css is created And a css file my_project/stylesheets/print.css is created And a css file my_project/stylesheets/ie.css is created And I am told how to link to /stylesheets/screen.css for media "screen, projection" And I am told how to link to /stylesheets/print.css for media "print" And I am told how to conditionally link IE to /stylesheets/ie.css for media "screen, projection"