//** DEFAULT STYLES **// // Don't forget to set your default styles. // Get all the details and mixins from base.sass @import base // Reset browser defaults, and prepare block-level HTML5 elements @import susy/reset /* @group defaults body +sans-family color: $base /* @group links \:focus outline: 1px dotted $alt a &:link, &:visited color: $alt text-decoration: none &:focus, &:hover, &:active color: $alt - #222222 /* @end /* @group inline tags cite font-style: italic em font-style: italic strong font-weight: bold ins text-decoration: underline del text-decoration: line-through q font-style: italic em font-style: normal /* @end /* @group replaced tags img vertical-align: bottom /* @end /* @group headers h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 font-weight: bold margin: 1em 0 /* @end /* @group block tags p +leader +trailer =list-default($ol: false) +leader +trailer margin-left: 3em @if $ol list-style: decimal @else list-style: disc =no-style-list +no-bullets margin: 0 padding: 0 ol +list-default(ol) ul +list-default blockquote margin: $base-rhythm-unit +serif-family /* @end /* @group tables /* tables still need 'cellspacing="0"' in the markup table width: 100% th font-weight: bold /* @end /* @group forms fieldset +trailer legend font-weight: bold font-variant: small-caps label display: block legend + label margin-top: 0 textarea, input:not([type="radio"]) +box-sizing(border-box) width: 100% button vertical-align: top /* @end /* @end