if ENV['RUN_CODE_RUN'] # We need to checkout edge haml for the run>code>run test environment. if File.directory?("haml") Dir.chdir("haml") do sh "git", "pull" end else sh "git", "clone", "git://github.com/nex3/haml.git" end $LOAD_PATH.unshift "haml/lib" end require 'rubygems' require 'rake' require 'lib/compass' # ----- Default: Testing ------ task :default => :run_tests require 'rake/testtask' require 'fileutils' Rake::TestTask.new :run_tests do |t| t.libs << 'lib' t.libs << 'haml/lib' if ENV["RUN_CODE_RUN"] test_files = FileList['test/**/*_test.rb'] test_files.exclude('test/rails/*', 'test/haml/*') t.test_files = test_files t.verbose = true end Rake::Task[:test].send(:add_comment, <= 2.1.12') gemspec.files = [] gemspec.files << "CHANGELOG.markdown" gemspec.files << "README.markdown" gemspec.files += Dir.glob("bin/*") gemspec.files += Dir.glob("examples/**/*.*") gemspec.files += Dir.glob("frameworks/**/*.*") gemspec.files += Dir.glob("lib/**/*") gemspec.files += Dir.glob("test/**/*.*") gemspec.test_files = Dir.glob("test/**/*.*") end rescue LoadError puts "Jeweler not available. Install it with: sudo gem install technicalpickles-jeweler -s http://gems.github.com" end desc "Record the current git revision." task :REVISION do require 'git' repo = Git.open('.') open("REVISION", "w") do |f| f.write(repo.object("HEAD").sha) end end desc "Commit the revision file." task :commit_revision => :REVISION do require 'git' repo = Git.open('.') repo.add("REVISION") repo.commit("Record current revision for release.") end task :release => :commit_revision desc "Compile Examples into HTML and CSS" task :examples do linked_haml = "tests/haml" if File.exists?(linked_haml) && !$:.include?(linked_haml + '/lib') puts "[ using linked Haml ]" $:.unshift linked_haml + '/lib' end require 'haml' require 'sass' require 'pathname' require 'lib/compass' require 'lib/compass/exec' FileList['examples/*'].each do |example| puts "\nCompiling #{example}" puts "=" * "Compiling #{example}".length # compile any haml templates to html FileList["#{example}/*.haml"].each do |haml_file| basename = haml_file[0..-6] engine = Haml::Engine.new(open(haml_file).read, :filename => haml_file) puts " haml #{File.basename(basename)}" output = open(basename,'w') output.write(engine.render) output.close end Dir.chdir example do Compass::Exec::Compass.new(["--force"]).run! end end end namespace :git do task :clean do sh "git", "clean", "-fdx" end end