--- title: Blueprint Framework layout: tutorial classnames: - tutorial --- %h1= item[:title] %h2#semantic-blueprint Semantic Blueprint Template %p The semantic template assumes that you will write your own selectors and apply the blueprint mixins to them to achieve a design that does not use any presentational classes. This is the preferred approach for using Blueprint with compass, but if you want a more traditional approach, consider the <a href="#basic-blueprint">Basic Blueprint Template</a>. %h2 Getting Started with Semantic Blueprint %p Once you get Compass installed, you are ready to create a new blueprint project. In your terminal enter the following commands: %code.shell %pre %span.prompt<> $ compass create my_project --using blueprint/semantic %br> %span.prompt<> $ cd my_project %hr %h2#basic-blueprint Basic Blueprint Template %p The basic template is the starting point for working with blueprint in compass. It can be used to generate CSS that is virtually identical to the Blueprint CSS. If all you want is an easy way to customize the grid or typography, you’ll be using these libraries. Since the basic library is built on top of the blueprint modules, customization will require that you refer to the particular module you want to customize. %p If you want to get started with the Basic Template because it feels more familiar to you, that's fine. It's very easy to transition to <a href="#semantic-blueprint">semantic selectors</a> when you're ready. %h2 Getting Started with Basic Blueprint %p Once you get Compass installed, you are ready to create a new blueprint project. In your terminal enter the following commands: %code.shell %pre %span.prompt<> $ compass create my_project --using blueprint/basic %h2 Blueprint Plugins %p The core blueprint plugins are available, but must be installed into your project. Follow the instructions below: %ul %li %a(href="/docs/reference/blueprint/buttons/") Blueprint Buttons %li %a(href="/docs/reference/blueprint/link_icons/") Blueprint Link Icons