--- title: Plugins and frameworks crumb: Plugins and frameworks --- %h3 Adding Frameworks to Compass %ul %li Add a folder under %code compass/frameworks %li Register it by creating a file in %code compass/lib/compass/frameworks/ %li Require it in %code compass/lib/compass/frameworks.rb \. %h3 Supported Frameworks %table.datagrid %tr %th Framework %th Version %th Status %th Homepage %th Documentation %tr %td Compass Core %td 0.10 %td pre5 %td %a http://compass-style.org %td You are currently vising the Compass docs. %tr %td Blueprint %td 0.8.0 %td Stable %td %a http://blueprintcss.org/ %td %a{:href => "/docs/reference/blueprint/"} Blueprint docs %tr %td YUI %td 2.5.2 %td Beta %td %a http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/grids/ %td %a{:href => "http://wiki.github.com/chriseppstein/yui-compass-plugin/"} YUI docs %tr %td 960 %td 1.0 %td Stable %td %a http://960.gs/ %td %a{:href => "http://github.com/chriseppstein/compass-960-plugin"} Compass960 plugin on Github %h3 Compass plugins %p Compass allows you to easily download, install, and upgrade plugins that share design and design elements between users and projects. %p For instructions on how to install a plugin, please refer to the individual plugin's instructions. %h3 Released Plugins %h4 Frameworks %ul %li %a{ :href => "http://github.com/chriseppstein/compass-960-plugin" } 960.gs – a lightweight CSS framework for producing fixed-width grid-based layouts %li %a{ :href => "http://github.com/adamstac/grid-coordinates" } Grid Coordinates – a lightweight CSS framework for producing fixed-width grid-based layouts, based on %a{ :href => "http://1kbgrid.com/" } 1KB CSS Grid (which was loosely based on 960.gs). Supports nested grids. %li %a{ :href => "http://github.com/alexcabrera/graphpaper" } GraphPaper – a lightweight CSS framework for producing fixed-width grid-based layouts %li %a{ :href => "http://github.com/tdreyno/compass-baseline" } Baseline – a CSS framework for producing grid-based layouts (up to 8 columns) with typography. See %a{ :href => "http://baselinecss.com/" } http://baselinecss.com/ %li %a{ :href => "http://github.com/bangpound/compass-drupal-zen-plugin" } Drupal Zen – adds the Drupal Zen theme STARTERKIT to Compass %li %a{ :href => "http://github.com/ericam/compass-susy-plugin" } Susy – a semantic CSS framework creator. Susy is an expert at fluid grids in an elastic (or fluid, or fixed) shell that will never activate the horizontal scroll bar. %h3 Colors %ul %li %a{ :href => "http://github.com/chriseppstein/compass-colors" } Compass Colors – for working with colors in Sass, and generating color themes %h3 Widgets %ul %li %a{ :href => "http://github.com/imathis/fancy-buttons" } Fancy Buttons – %a{ :href => "http://sass-lang.com/tutorial.html#mixins" } mixins to get beautiful buttons with %span.caps CSS gradients that degrade nicely. Uses Compass Colors. %h3 Misc %ul %li %a{ :href => "http://github.com/tdreyno/compass-slickmap" } Slickmap – plugin for %a{ :href => "http://astuteo.com/slickmap/" } slickmap sitemaps %h3 Sass Libraries %p Libraries are simply Sass stylesheets or %a{ :href => "http://sass-lang.com/docs/yardoc/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#partials" } partials \. %ul %li %a{ :href => "http://github.com/handcrafted/handcrafted-compass-mixins/blob/master/_border-radius.sass" } Handcrafted Rounded Corners %li %a{ :href => "http://github.com/ntreadway/JQuery.tools.tabs.sass" } Ntreadway JQuery tools tabs %h3 Plugins that are Works-In-Progress %ul %li %a{ :href => "http://github.com/hpoydar/compass-aristo-plugin" } Aristo %li %a{ :href => "http://github.com/marnen/compass-elastic-plugin" } Elastic %li %a{ :href => "http://github.com/jtoy/compass-fluid960-plugin" } Fluid 960 %li %a{ :href => "http://github.com/kosmas58/compass-jquery-plugin" } jQuery %li %a{ :href => "http://github.com/djmaze/compass-yaml-plugin" } %span.caps YAML %h3 Other Sass-based Projects %ul %li %a{ :href => "http://github.com/jazen/css" } Jazen’s %span.caps CSS Framework – Sass library that %em should be a compass plugin. %li %a{ :href => "http://github.com/teejayvanslyke/sassafras" } Sassafras – Color Scheme Generator for Sass %li %a{ :href => "http://github.com/danboy/tenplate" } Tenplate – Another Sass library with rails helpers.