// This import applies a global reset to any page that imports this stylesheet. @import blueprint/reset // To configure blueprint, edit the partials/base.sass file. @import partials/base // Import all the default blueprint modules so that we can access their mixins. @import blueprint // Import the non-default scaffolding module. @import blueprint/scaffolding // To generate css equivalent to the blueprint css but with your // configuration applied, uncomment: // @include blueprint // If you are doing a lot of stylesheet concatenation, it is suggested // that you scope your blueprint styles, so that you can better control // what pages use blueprint when stylesheets are concatenated together. body.bp +blueprint-typography(true) +blueprint-utilities +blueprint-debug +blueprint-interaction // Remove the scaffolding when you're ready to start doing visual design. // Or leave it in if you're happy with how blueprint looks out-of-the-box form.bp +blueprint-form // You'll probably want to remove the scaffolding once you start styling your site. +blueprint-scaffolding // Page layout can be done using mixins applied to your semantic classes and IDs: body.two-col #container +container #header, #footer +column($blueprint-grid-columns) #sidebar // One third of the grid columns, rounding down. With 24 cols, this is 8. $sidebar-columns: floor($blueprint-grid-columns / 3) +column($sidebar-columns) #content // Two thirds of the grid columns, rounding up. // With 24 cols, this is 16. $content-columns: ceil(2 * $blueprint-grid-columns / 3) // true means it's the last column in the row +column($content-columns, true)