diff --git a/doc-src/content/help/tutorials/spriting.markdown b/doc-src/content/help/tutorials/spriting.markdown
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index 00000000..cb771047
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+title: Spriting with Compass
+layout: tutorial
+crumb: Spriting
+ - tutorial
+# Spriting with Compass
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc-src/content/reference/compass/helpers/sprites.haml b/doc-src/content/reference/compass/helpers/sprites.haml
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+++ b/doc-src/content/reference/compass/helpers/sprites.haml
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+title: Compass Sprite Helpers
+crumb: Sprites
+framework: compass
+meta_description: Helper functions for working with Sprite images.
+layout: core
+ - reference
+ - core
+ - helpers
+%h1 Compass Sprite Helpers
+ These helpers make it easier to build and to work with sprites.
+ While it is allowed to use these directly, to do so is considered "advanced usage".
+ It is recommended that you instead use the sprite mixins that are designed to work
+ with these functions.
+ See the [Spriting Tutorial](/help/tutorials/spriting/) for more information.
+ %h3
+ %a(href="#sprite-map")
+ sprite-map($glob, ...)
+ .details
+ :markdown
+ Generates a sprite map from the files matching the glob pattern. Uses the
+ keyword-style arguments passed in to control the placement.
+ Only PNG files can be made into sprites at this time.
+ The `$glob` should be glob pattern relative to the images directory that specifies
+ what files will be in the sprite. For example:
+ $icons: sprite-map("icons/*.png");
+ background: $icons;
+ This will generate a sprite map and return a reference to it. It's important to
+ capture this to a variable, because you will need to use it later when creating
+ sprites. In the above example you might end up with a new file named
+ `images/sprites/icons-a2ef041.png` and your css stylesheet will have:
+ background: url('/images/sprites/icons-a2ef041.png?1234678') no-repeat;
+ The exact image name is not something you should depend on as it may change based on the
+ arguments you pass in. Instead, you can use the `sprite-url()` function to create a
+ reference to the sprite map without generating the image again. Alternatively, simply
+ using the sprite map variable in an property will have the same effect as calling
+ `sprite-url()`.
+ For each sprite in the sprite map you can control the position, spacing, and whether or
+ not it repeats. You do this by passing arguments to this function that tell each sprite
+ how to behave. For instance if there is a icons/new.png then you can control it like so:
+ $icon-sprite: sprite-map("icons/*.png",
+ $new-position: 100%, $new-spacing: 15px, $new-repeat: no-repeat);
+ If you don't specify these options they will default to `0%` for `position`,
+ `0px` for spacing, and `no-repeat` for `repeat`.
+ Default values for all sprites can be specified by passing values for `$position`,
+ `$spacing`, and `$repeat`.
+ %h3
+ %a(href="#sprite")
+ sprite($map, $sprite, $offset-x, $offset-y)
+ .details
+ :markdown
+ Returns the image and background position for use in a single shorthand property:
+ $icons: sprite-map("icons/*.png"); // contains icons/new.png among others.
+ background: sprite($icons, new) no-repeat;
+ Becomes:
+ background: url('/images/icons.png?12345678') 0 -24px no-repeat;
+ %h3
+ %a(href="#sprite-map-name")
+ sprite-map-name($map)
+ .details
+ :markdown
+ Returns the name of a sprite map
+ The name is derived from the folder than contains the sprites.
+ %h3
+ %a(href="#sprite-file")
+ sprite-file($map, $sprite)
+ .details
+ :markdown
+ Returns the relative path (from the images directory) to the original file
+ used when construction the sprite. This is suitable for passing to the
+ `image-width` and `image-height` helpers.
+ %h3
+ %a(href="#sprite-url")
+ sprite-url($map)
+ .details
+ :markdown
+ Returns a url to the sprite image.
+ %h3
+ %a(href="#sprite-position")
+ sprite-position($map, $sprite, $offset-x, $offset-y)
+ .details
+ :markdown
+ Returns the position for the original image in the sprite.
+ This is suitable for use as a value to background-position:
+ $icons: sprite-map("icons/*.png");
+ background-position: sprite-position($icons, new);
+ Might generate something like:
+ background-position: 0 -34px;
+ You can adjust the background relative to this position by passing values for
+ `$offset-x` and `$offset-y`:
+ $icons: sprite-map("icons/*.png");
+ background-position: sprite-position($icons, new, 3px, -2px);
+ Would change the above output to:
+ background-position: 3px -36px;
diff --git a/doc-src/content/reference/compass/utilities/sprites/base.haml b/doc-src/content/reference/compass/utilities/sprites/base.haml
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index 00000000..5fec97e9
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+++ b/doc-src/content/reference/compass/utilities/sprites/base.haml
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+title: Compass Sprite Base
+crumb: Sprite Base
+framework: compass
+stylesheet: compass/utilities/sprites/_base.scss
+layout: core
+nav_stylesheet: compass/_utilities.scss
+ - reference
+ - core
+ - utilities
+- render 'reference' do
+ :markdown
+ These mixins are useful for working with sprites. This file is imported by
+ magic sprite imports.
+ See the [Spriting Tutorial](/help/tutorials/spriting/) for more information.