diff --git a/features/command_line.feature b/features/command_line.feature
index b77b0912..6aa615c7 100644
--- a/features/command_line.feature
+++ b/features/command_line.feature
@@ -210,9 +210,10 @@ Feature: Command Line
     Given I am using the existing project in test/fixtures/stylesheets/compass
     When I run: compass stats
     Then I am told statistics for each file:
-      | Filename            | Rules | Properties | Mixins Defs | Mixins Used |
-      | sass/layout.sass    |     0 |          0 |           0 |           1 |
-      | sass/print.sass     |     0 |          0 |           0 |           2 |
-      | sass/reset.sass     |     4 |          1 |           0 |           2 |
-      | sass/utilities.sass |     2 |          0 |           0 |           2 |
+      | Filename            | Rules | Properties | Mixins Defs | Mixins Used | CSS Rules | CSS Properties |
+      | sass/layout.sass    |     0 |          0 |           0 |           1 |         5 |              9 |
+      | sass/print.sass     |     0 |          0 |           0 |           2 |        61 |             61 |
+      | sass/reset.sass     |     4 |          1 |           0 |           2 |       191 |            665 |
+      | sass/utilities.sass |     2 |          0 |           0 |           2 |         5 |             11 |
+      | Total.*             |     6 |          1 |           0 |           7 |       262 |            746 |
diff --git a/lib/compass/commands/project_stats.rb b/lib/compass/commands/project_stats.rb
index 2cabb0d7..05d20acf 100644
--- a/lib/compass/commands/project_stats.rb
+++ b/lib/compass/commands/project_stats.rb
@@ -33,33 +33,37 @@ module Compass
         require 'compass/stats'
         compiler = new_compiler_instance
         sass_files = sorted_sass_files(compiler)
-        rows       = [[           :-,           :-,           :-,            :-,            :- ],
-                      [   'Filename',      'Rules', 'Properties', 'Mixins Defs', 'Mixins Used' ],
-                      [           :-,           :-,           :-,            :-,            :- ]]
-        maximums   =  [            8,            5,           10,            14,            11 ]
-        alignments =  [        :left,       :right,       :right,        :right,        :right ]
-        delimiters =  [ ['| ', ' |'],  [' ', ' |'],  [' ', ' |'],   [' ', ' |'],   [' ', ' |'] ]
-        totals     =  [ "Total (#{sass_files.size} files):", 0, 0,            0,             0 ]
+        rows       = [[           :-,           :-,           :-,            :-,            :-,            :-,               :- ],
+                      [   'Filename',      'Rules', 'Properties', 'Mixins Defs', 'Mixins Used',   'CSS Rules', 'CSS Properties' ],
+                      [           :-,           :-,           :-,            :-,            :-,            :-,               :- ]]
+        maximums   =  [            8,            5,           10,            14,            11,             9,               14 ]
+        alignments =  [        :left,       :right,       :right,        :right,        :right,        :right,           :right ]
+        delimiters =  [ ['| ', ' |'],  [' ', ' |'],  [' ', ' |'],   [' ', ' |'],   [' ', ' |'],   [' ', ' |'],      [' ', ' |'] ]
+        totals     =  [ "Total (#{sass_files.size} files):", 0, 0,            0,             0,             0,                0 ]
         sass_files.each do |sass_file|
           css_file = compiler.corresponding_css_file(sass_file) unless sass_file[0..0] == '_'
           row = filename_columns(sass_file)
           row += sass_columns(sass_file)
+          row += css_columns(css_file)
           row.each_with_index do |c, i|
             maximums[i] = [maximums[i].to_i, c.size].max
             totals[i] = totals[i] + c.to_i if i > 0
           rows << row
-        rows << [:-, :-, :-, :-, :-]
+        rows << [:-] * 7
         rows << totals.map{|t| t.to_s}
-        rows << [:-, :-, :-, :-, :-]
+        rows << [:-] * 7
         rows.each do |row|
           row.each_with_index do |col, i|
             print pad(col, maximums[i], :align => alignments[i], :left => delimiters[i].first, :right => delimiters[i].last)
           print "\n"
+        if @missing_css_parser
+          puts "\nInstall css_parser to enable stats on your css files:\n\n\tgem install css_parser"
+        end
       def pad(c, max, options = {})
@@ -100,6 +104,21 @@ module Compass
+      def css_columns(css_file)
+        if File.exists?(css_file)
+          cf = Compass::Stats::CssFile.new(css_file)
+          cf.analyze!
+          %w(selector_count prop_count).map do |t|
+            cf.send(t).to_s
+          end
+        else
+          return [ '--', '--' ]
+        end
+      rescue LoadError
+        @missing_css_parser = true
+        return [ 'DISABLED', 'DISABLED' ]
+      end
       class << self
         def option_parser(arguments)
diff --git a/lib/compass/stats.rb b/lib/compass/stats.rb
index 18a93790..30f59093 100644
--- a/lib/compass/stats.rb
+++ b/lib/compass/stats.rb
@@ -27,9 +27,15 @@ module Compass
     class CssFile
-      attr_accessor :path
+      attr_accessor :path, :css
+      attr_accessor :selector_count, :prop_count
       def initialize(path)
+        require 'css_parser'
         self.path = path
+        self.css = CssParser::Parser.new
+        self.css.add_block!(contents)
+        self.selector_count = 0
+        self.prop_count = 0
       def contents
         @contents ||= File.read(path)
@@ -37,6 +43,14 @@ module Compass
       def lines
         contents.inject(0){|m,c| m + 1 }
+      def analyze!
+        css.each_selector do |selector, declarations, specificity|
+          sels = selector.split(/,/).size
+          props = declarations.split(/;/).size
+          self.selector_count += sels
+          self.prop_count += props
+        end
+      end
     class SassFile
       attr_accessor :path