diff --git a/doc-src/content/reference/compass/layout.haml b/doc-src/content/reference/compass/layout.haml
index 401ecb14..b712fc28 100644
--- a/doc-src/content/reference/compass/layout.haml
+++ b/doc-src/content/reference/compass/layout.haml
@@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ classnames:
- render 'reference' do
This module provides tools to help you with page layout.
- So far, it's just the stick-footer mixin.
+ So far, it's just the sticky-footer
diff --git a/doc-src/content/reference/compass/layout/sticky_footer.haml b/doc-src/content/reference/compass/layout/sticky_footer.haml
index 4be05210..4b3ad8f4 100644
--- a/doc-src/content/reference/compass/layout/sticky_footer.haml
+++ b/doc-src/content/reference/compass/layout/sticky_footer.haml
@@ -10,6 +10,27 @@ classnames:
- layout
- render 'reference' do
- %p
+ :markdown
This module provides tools needed to lay out your footer such
that it sticks to the bottom of the page.
+ Mix in to the top level of your stylesheet, so the footer stays
+ at the bottom of the screen. This mixin relies on the following
+ HTML structure, and a fixed-height `#footer` element: