true, '//input[contains(@name, "mode") and @value="one-button" and not(@checked)]' => true, '//input[contains(@name, "title") and @value="Bookmark This Page"]' => true, ), ), array( array('title' => 'Title', 'mode' => 'three-button'), array( '//input[contains(@name, "mode") and @value="three-button" and @checked]' => true, '//input[contains(@name, "mode") and @value="one-button" and not(@checked)]' => true, '//input[contains(@name, "title") and @value="Title"]' => true, ), ), array( array('title' => 'Another Title', 'mode' => 'one-button'), array( '//input[contains(@name, "mode") and @value="one-button" and @checked]' => true, '//input[contains(@name, "mode") and @value="three-button" and not(@checked)]' => true, '//input[contains(@name, "title") and @value="Another Title"]' => true, ), ), ); } /** * @dataProvider providerTestForm */ function testForm($instance, $expected_additional_xpath) { $w = new ComicPressBookmarkWidget(); ob_start(); $w->form($instance); $content = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertTrue(($xml = _to_xml($content, true)) !== false); foreach ($expected_additional_xpath as $xpath => $value) { $this->assertTrue(_xpath_test($xml, $xpath, $value), $xpath); } } function providerTestUpdate() { return array( array( array(), array() ), array( array('tag-page' => 'Test', 'title' => 'Test title', 'mode' => 'one-button'), array('tag-page' => 'Test', 'title' => 'Test title', 'mode' => 'one-button') ), array( array('mode' => 'two-button'), array('mode' => 'three-button') ), ); } /** * @dataProvider providerTestUpdate */ function testUpdate($update_array, $expected_instance_merge) { $w = new ComicPressBookmarkWidget(); $this->assertEquals(array_merge($w->default_instance, $expected_instance_merge), $w->update($update_array, array())); } function providerTestWidget() { return array( array( array( 'title' => 'Title', 'mode' => 'one-button', 'tag-page' => 'Tag page', 'bookmark-clicker-off' => 'Clicker off' ), array( '//p[text()="Title"]' => true, '//div[@class="bookmark-widget one-button"]/a[@class="bookmark-clicker"]' => true, '//script[contains(text(), "tag-page")]' => false, '//script[contains(text(), "bookmark-clicker-off")]' => true, '//script[contains(text(), "Post url")]' => true, ) ), array( array( 'title' => 'Other Title', 'mode' => 'three-button', 'tag-page' => 'Tag page', 'bookmark-clicker-off' => 'Clicker off' ), array( '//p[text()="Other Title"]' => true, '//div[@class="bookmark-widget three-button"]/a[@class="tag-page"]' => true, '//script[contains(text(), "tag-page")]' => true, '//script[contains(text(), "bookmark-clicker-off")]' => false, '//script[contains(text(), "Blog url")]' => true, ), true ), ); } /** * @dataProvider providerTestWidget */ function testWidget($instance, $expected_xpath, $is_home = false) { global $post; $post = (object)array( 'ID' => 1, 'guid' => 'Post url' ); wp_insert_post($post); $w = new ComicPressBookmarkWidget(); _set_bloginfo('url', 'Blog url'); _set_current_option('is_home', $is_home); ob_start(); $w->widget(array( 'before_widget' => '', 'after_widget' => '', 'before_title' => '
', 'after_title' => '
' ), $instance); $content = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertTrue(($xml = _to_xml($content, true)) !== false); foreach ($expected_xpath as $xpath => $value) { $this->assertTrue(_xpath_test($xml, $xpath, $value), $xpath); } } }