admin = new ComicPressOptionsAdmin(); } function testShowOptionsPage() { $nonce = wp_create_nonce('comicpress'); ob_start(); $this->admin->render_admin(); $source = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertTrue(($xml = _to_xml($source)) !== false); foreach (array( '//input[@name="cp[_nonce]" and @value="' . $nonce . '"]' => true, '//select[@name="cp[comic_category_id]"]' => true ) as $xpath => $value) { $this->assertTrue(_xpath_test($xml, $xpath, $value), $xpath); } } function providerTestGetRootComicCategories() { return array( array(array(), array()), array( array( array('id' => 1, 'parent' => 0), array('id' => 2, 'parent' => 1) ), array(1) ) ); } /** * @dataProvider providerTestGetRootComicCategories */ function testGetRootCategories($categories, $expected_result) { foreach ($categories as $category) { add_category($category['id'], (object)$category); } $result_ids = array(); foreach ($this->admin->get_root_categories() as $category) { $result_ids[] = $category->term_id; } $this->assertEquals($expected_result, $result_ids); } function testCreateCategoryOptions() { add_category(1, (object)array('name' => 'test-one')); add_category(2, (object)array('name' => 'test-two')); foreach(array( array(1,2), array(get_category(1), get_category(2)) ) as $category_test) { $source = $this->admin->create_category_options($category_test, 1); $this->assertTrue(($xml = _to_xml($source, true)) !== false); foreach (array( '//option[@value="1" and @selected="selected"]' => "test-one", '//option[@value="2"]' => "test-two", ) as $xpath => $value) { $this->assertTrue(_xpath_test($xml, $xpath, $value), $xpath); } } } function testCreateDimensionSelector() { $source = $this->admin->create_dimension_selector("test", "760x340"); $this->assertTrue(($xml = _to_xml($source, true)) !== false); foreach (array( '//input[@name="test[width]" and @value="760"]' => true, '//input[@name="test[height]" and @value="340"]' => true, ) as $xpath => $value) { $this->assertTrue(_xpath_test($xml, $xpath, $value), $xpath); } } function providerTestHandleUpdate() { return array( array( array('comic_category_id' => 1), array('comic_category_id' => 2), array('comic_category_id' => 1) ), array( array('comic_category_id' => 1), array('cp' => array( 'comic_category_id' => 2), ), array('comic_category_id' => 2) ), array( array('comic_category_id' => 1), array('cp' => array( 'comic_category_id' => "cat"), ), array('comic_category_id' => 1) ), array( array('comic_category_id' => 1), array('cp' => array( 'comic_category_id' => 3), ), array('comic_category_id' => 1) ), ); } /** * @dataProvider providerTestHandleUpdate */ function testHandleUpdate($original, $change, $new) { $merged = array_merge($this->admin->comicpress_options, $original); update_option('comicpress-options', $merged); add_category(2, (object)array('name' => 'test')); $_POST = $change; $this->admin->handle_update(); $result = get_option('comicpress-options'); foreach ($new as $key => $value) { $this->assertEquals($value, $result[$key]); } } } ?>