1, 'comic_dimensions' => '760x', 'rss_dimensions' => '350x', 'archive_dimensions' => '125x', 'mini_dimensions' => '100x', 'category_order' => false, 'blogpost_count' => 10, 'comic_space' => 'comic_only', 'category_usage' => 'storyline', 'layout' => 'classic.inc', 'helpers' => array() ); var $additional_stylesheets = array(); var $additional_javascripts = array(); var $comic_post_attachments_cache = array(); var $category_tree = array(); var $partial_paths = array(); var $layouts = null; /** * Load ComicPress options. */ function load() { $result = get_option('comicpress-options'); if (is_array($result)) { $this->comicpress_options = array_merge($this->comicpress_options, $result); } } /** * Save ComicPress options. */ function save() { if (is_array($this->comicpress_options)) { update_option('comicpress-options', $this->comicpress_options); } } /** * Initialize the class. */ function init() { $this->load(); $this->get_all_category_objects_by_id(); $this->flatten_categories(); $this->separate_categories(); $this->sort_comic_categories(); add_action('wp_head', array(&$this, 'wp_head')); add_filter('comicpress_nav', array(&$this, 'comicpress_nav'), 10, 2); add_filter('comicpress_nav_fields', array(&$this, 'comicpress_nav_fields')); if (current_user_can('edit_themes')) { if (!empty($this->comicpress_options['helpers'])) { if (isset($this->comicpress_options['helpers']['show_partials_info'])) { add_filter('comicpress_partial', array(&$this, 'comicpress_partial'), 10, 2); add_action('wp_head', array(&$this, 'setup_comicpress_partial')); } add_action('wp_footer', array(&$this, 'announce_activated_helpers')); } } add_filter('intermediate_image_sizes', array(&$this, 'intermediate_image_sizes')); foreach (array('comic', 'rss', 'archive', 'mini') as $size) { list($w, $h) = explode("x", $this->comicpress_options["${size}_dimensions"]); update_option("${size}_size_w", $w); update_option("${size}_size_h", $h); update_option("${size}_crop", 0); } } function intermediate_image_sizes($sizes) { return array_merge($sizes, array('comic', 'rss', 'archive', 'mini')); } function needs_storyline_nav() { return (count($this->category_tree) > 1) && ($this->comicpress_options['category_usage'] == "storyline"); } function is_multicomic() { return $this->comicpress_options['category_usage'] == "multicomic"; } function comicpress_nav($type, $content) { return $type; } function comicpress_nav_fields($nav_fields) { $nav_fields = array( 'first' => '‹‹ ' . __('First', 'comicpress'), 'previous' => '‹ ' . __('Previous', 'comicpress'), 'next' => __('Next', 'comicpress') . ' ›', 'last' => __('Last', 'comicpress') . ' ››' ); if ($this->needs_storyline_nav()) { $nav_fields = array_merge( array('prior' => '‹‹ ' . __('Prior Storyline', 'comicpress')), $nav_fields, array('upcoming' => __('Upcoming Storyline', 'comicpress') . ' ››') ); } return $nav_fields; } function wp_head() { foreach ($this->additional_stylesheets as $uri) { ?> additional_javascripts as $uri) { ?> [ Activated ComicPress helpers: " . implode(", ", array_keys($this->comicpress_options['helpers'])) . " ]"; } function setup_comicpress_partial() { ?> ' . substr(realpath($target), strlen(realpath(get_template_directory())) + 1) . '' . $content; } /** * Flatten all WP categories into nodes like 0/3/5. * @tested */ function flatten_categories() { $this->category_tree = array(); foreach (array_keys($this->categories_by_id) as $category_id) { $this->category_tree[] = $this->categories_by_id[$category_id]->parent . '/' . $category_id; } do { $all_ok = true; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->category_tree); ++$i) { $current_parts = explode("/", $this->category_tree[$i]); if (reset($current_parts) != 0) { $all_ok = false; for ($j = 0; $j < count($this->category_tree); ++$j) { $j_parts = explode("/", $this->category_tree[$j]); if (end($j_parts) == reset($current_parts)) { $this->category_tree[$i] = implode("/", array_merge($j_parts, array_slice($current_parts, 1))); break; } } } } } while (!$all_ok); return $this->category_tree; } /** * Separate categories into comics and non-comics categories. * @tested */ function separate_categories() { $comic_categories = array(); $non_comic_categories = array(); foreach ($this->category_tree as $node) { $parts = split("/", $node); if ($parts[1] == $this->comicpress_options['comic_category_id']) { $comic_categories[] = $node; } else { $non_comic_categories[] = $node; } } $this->category_tree = $comic_categories; $this->non_comic_categories = $non_comic_categories; } /** * Sort the category tree, adding in new categories in the order as necessary. * @tested */ function sort_comic_categories() { if (is_array($this->comicpress_options['category_order'])) { $new_order = array(); foreach ($this->comicpress_options['category_order'] as $node) { if (in_array($node, $this->category_tree)) { $new_order[] = $node; } } foreach ($this->category_tree as $node) { if (!in_array($node, $this->comicpress_options['category_order'])) { $new_order[] = $node; } } $this->category_tree = $new_order;; } return $this->category_tree; } /** * Turn the list of categories into a hash table of category objects. */ function get_all_category_objects_by_id() { if (empty($this->categories_by_id)) { $this->categories_by_id = array(); foreach (get_categories("hide_empty=0") as $category_object) { $this->categories_by_id[$category_object->term_id] = $category_object; } } return $this->categories_by_id; } /** * Turn the tree of comics categories into a string to be fed into wp_query functions. * @tested */ function get_all_comic_categories_as_cat_string() { if (empty($this->all_comic_categories_as_string)) { $categories = array(); foreach ($this->category_tree as $node) { $categories[] = end(explode("/", $node)); } $this->all_comic_categories_as_string = implode(",", $categories); } return $this->all_comic_categories_as_string; } /** * Return true if the current post is in the comics category or a child category. * @tested */ function in_comic_category($post_id = null) { global $post; $post_id_to_use = !is_null($post_id) ? $post_id : $post->ID; $categories = wp_get_post_categories($post_id_to_use); if (is_array($categories)) { foreach ($this->category_tree as $node) { if (in_array(end(explode("/", $node)), $categories)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Find the terminal post in a specific category. */ function get_terminal_post_in_category($category_id = null, $first = true) { $category_id = is_null($category_id) ? $this->comicpress_options['comic_category_id'] : $category_id; $sort_order = $first ? "asc" : "desc"; $terminal_comic_query =$this->_new_wp_query(); $terminal_comic_query->query("showposts=1&order=${sort_order}&cat=${category_id}&status=publish"); if ($terminal_comic_query->have_posts()) { return reset($terminal_comic_query->posts); } return false; } /** * Get the first comic in a category. */ function get_first_comic($category_id = null) { return $this->get_terminal_post_in_category($category_id); } /** * Get the last comic in a category. */ function get_last_comic($category_id = null) { return $this->get_terminal_post_in_category($category_id, false); } /** * Get the comics necessary to build the navigation. * @tested */ function get_nav_comics($override_category_id = null) { global $post; $category = is_numeric($override_category_id) ? $override_category_id : $this->comicpress_options['comic_category_id']; $comic_posts = array(); foreach (array('first', 'last', 'previous', 'next') as $which) { $comic_posts[$which] = $this->{"get_${which}_comic"}($category); } $comic_posts['show_first'] = (trim($post->ID) != trim($comic_posts['first']->ID)); $comic_posts['show_previous'] = (!empty($comic_posts['previous']) && (trim($comic_posts['first']->ID) != trim($comic_posts['previous']->ID))); $comic_posts['show_next'] = (!empty($comic_posts['next']) && (trim($comic_posts['last']->ID) != trim($comic_posts['next']->ID))); $comic_posts['show_last'] = (trim($post->ID) != trim($comic_posts['last']->ID)); if ($this->needs_storyline_nav()) { $comic_posts = array_merge($comic_posts, $this->get_storyline_nav_comics()); } return $comic_posts; } function get_storyline_nav_comics() { $comic_posts = array('prior' => false, 'upcoming' => false); foreach ($this->get_sorted_post_categories() as $category_id) { $prev_next_categories = $this->get_previous_next_categories($category_id); foreach ($prev_next_categories as $master_id => $cat_list) { foreach ($cat_list as $which => $id) { switch ($which) { case "previous": $terminal_post = $this->get_last_comic($id); $which_field = "prior"; break; case "next": $terminal_post = $this->get_first_comic($id); $which_field = "upcoming"; break; } if (is_object($terminal_post)) { $comic_posts[$which_field] = $terminal_post; $comic_posts["show_${which_field}"] =true; } if (count($terminal_post) == 2) { break; } } } } return $comic_posts; } /** * Get the comic post adjacent to the current comic. */ function get_adjacent_comic($category, $next = false, $override_post = null) { global $wp_query, $post; $temp = $wp_query->is_single; $wp_query->is_single = true; if (!is_null($override_post)) { $temp_post = $post; $post = $override_post; } $categories_to_exclude = $this->get_leaves_of_tree($this->non_comic_categories); if (!is_null($category)) { $categories_to_exclude = $this->exclude_all_but_provided_categories($category); } $result = get_adjacent_post(false, implode(" and ", $categories_to_exclude), !$next); $wp_query->is_single = $temp; if (!is_null($override_post)) { $post = $temp_post; } return empty($result) ? false : $result; } /** * Given a category ID or an array of category IDs, create an exclusion string that will * filter out every category but the provided ones. */ function get_string_to_exclude_all_but_provided_categories($category) { return implode(",", $this->exclude_all_but_provided_categories($category)); } /** * Exclude every category but the given one. */ function exclude_all_but_provided_categories($category) { $category_ids = array_keys($this->get_all_category_objects_by_id()); if (!is_array($category)) { $category = array($category); } return array_diff($category_ids, $category); } /** * Gets the leaves of a ComicPress node tree (branches look like "0/4/5"). */ function get_leaves_of_tree($tree) { $leaves = array(); foreach ($tree as $branch) { $leaves[] = end(explode("/", $branch)); } return $leaves; } /** * Get a new WP_Query object. */ function _new_wp_query() { return new WP_Query(); } /** * Get the previous comic from the current one. */ function get_previous_comic($category = null, $override_post = null) { return $this->get_adjacent_comic($category, false, $override_post); } /** * Get the next comic from the current one. */ function get_next_comic($category = null, $override_post = null) { return $this->get_adjacent_comic($category, true, $override_post); } /** * Get the path to a partial. * @param array $partials The partials to search for in each path. * @return string|boolean The partial path to use, or false if no matches. */ function get_partial_path($partials) { foreach ($partials as $partial) { foreach ($this->partial_paths as $path) { $target = $path . '/' . $partial . '.inc'; if (file_exists($target)) { return $target; } } } return false; } /** * Gather blog posts for the given index page. */ function get_index_blog_posts_query() { global $post, $paged; $t = $post; $wp_query = new WP_Query(); $wp_query->query( 'showposts=' . (int)$this->comicpress_options['blogpost_count'] . '&cat=-' . $this->comicpress_options['comic_category_id'] . '&paged=' . $paged ); return $wp_query; } function _glob($pattern) { return glob($pattern); } function _file_get_contents($file) { return file_get_contents($file); } function get_layout_choices() { if (!is_array($this->layouts)) { $this->layouts = array(); foreach ($this->_glob(get_template_directory() . '/layouts/*') as $file) { $content = $this->_file_get_contents($file); $basename = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_BASENAME); foreach (array( "Layout Name", "Sidebars" ) as $field) { if (preg_match('#/\*.*' . $field . ': ([^\n]+).*\*/#s', $content, $matches) > 0) { if (!is_array($this->layouts[$basename])) { $this->layouts[$basename] = array(); } $this->layouts[$basename][$field] = $matches[1]; } } } } return $this->layouts; } function get_previous_next_categories($category_id) { $prev_next_categories = array(); for ($i = 0, $il = count($this->category_tree); $i < $il; ++$i) { $parts = explode("/", $this->category_tree[$i]); if (count($parts) > 2) { if (end($parts) == $category_id) { while (count($parts) > 2) { foreach (array( 'previous' => -1, 'next' => 1 ) as $key => $direction) { $index = $i; while (isset($this->category_tree[$index])) { $index += $direction; if (isset($this->category_tree[$index])) { $compare_parts = explode("/", $this->category_tree[$index]); if (count($compare_parts) == count($parts)) { $target_category = array_pop($compare_parts); $parent_category = array_pop($compare_parts); if (!isset($prev_next_categories[$parent_category])) { $prev_next_categories[$parent_category] = array(); } $prev_next_categories[$parent_category][$key] = $target_category; } } } } array_pop($parts); } } } } return $prev_next_categories; } function get_sorted_post_categories($override_post = null) { global $post; $post_to_use = (!empty($override_post)) ? $override_post : $post; $categories = wp_get_post_categories($post_to_use->ID); $sorted_categories = array(); foreach ($this->category_tree as $node) { $category_id = end(explode("/", $node)); if (in_array($category_id, $categories)) { $sorted_categories[] = $category_id; } } return $sorted_categories; } function _is_dir($dir) { return is_dir($dir); } function setup_multicomic_partial_paths($post_id) { $this->partial_paths = array(); $category_ids = wp_get_post_categories($post_id); if (is_array($category_ids)) { foreach ($category_ids as $id) { $category = get_category($id); if (!empty($category)) { if ($this->_is_dir($target = get_template_directory() . '/subthemes/' . $category->slug)) { $this->partial_paths[] = $target; } } } } } } ?>