need_calendars = true; $thumbnails_to_generate = $comicpress_manager->get_thumbnails_to_generate(); $go_live_time_string = ($comicpress_manager->get_cpm_option('cpm-default-post-time') == "now") ? __("now", 'comicpress-manager') : sprintf(__("at %s", 'comicpress-manager'), $comicpress_manager->get_cpm_option('cpm-default-post-time')); cpm_write_global_styles_scripts(); ?>
errors) == 0) { ?>

comic_files) == 0) && ($comicpress_manager->get_subcomic_directory() === false)) { ?>
It looks like this is a new ComicPress install. You should test to make sure uploading works correctly by visiting ComicPress -> Upload.

Upload a single comic file and immediately start editing the associated published post. Your post will be going live %s on the provided date and will be posted in the %s category.", 'comicpress-manager'), $go_live_time_string, generate_comic_categories_options('category')) ?> get_subcomic_directory() !== false) { printf(__("Comic files will be uploaded to the %s comic subdirectory.", 'comicpress-manager'), get_cat_name(get_option('comicpress-manager-manage-subcomic'))); } ?> %s thumbnails that are %spx wide", 'comicpress-manager'), $type, $comicpress_manager->properties["${type}_comic_width"]); } ?>

0) { ?>