'comics', 'comiccat' => '1', 'blogcat' => '2', 'rss_comic_folder' => 'comics', 'archive_comic_folder' => 'comics', 'archive_comic_width' => '380', 'rss_comic_width' => '380', 'blog_postcount' => '10' ); var $warnings, $messages, $errors, $detailed_warnings, $show_config_editor; var $config_method, $config_filepath, $path, $plugin_path; var $comic_files, $blog_category_info, $comic_category_info; var $scale_method_cache, $identify_method_cache, $can_write_config; var $need_calendars = false; var $is_wp_options = false; var $import_safe_exit = null; var $did_first_run; var $is_cpm_managing_posts, $is_cpm_modifying_categories; var $wpmu_disk_space_message; var $separate_thumbs_folder_defined = array('rss' => null, 'archive' => null); var $thumbs_folder_writable = array('rss' => null, 'archive' => null); var $allowed_extensions = array("gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "png"); function get_scale_method() { if (!isset($this->scale_method_cache)) { $this->scale_method_cache = CPM_SCALE_NONE; $result = @shell_exec("which convert") . @shell_exec("which identify"); if (!empty($result)) { $this->scale_method_cache = CPM_SCALE_IMAGEMAGICK; } else { if (extension_loaded("gd")) { $this->scale_method_cache = CPM_SCALE_GD; } } } return $this->scale_method_cache; } function ComicPressConfig() { if (function_exists('cpm_wpmu_config_setup')) { cpm_wpmu_config_setup($this); } } } /** * Get a ComicPress Manager option from WP Options. */ function cpm_option($name) { return get_option("comicpress-manager-${name}"); } /** * Calculate the document root where comics are stored. */ function cpm_calculate_document_root() { global $wpmu_version; $document_root = ""; // a base document root to try and use if (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) { $document_root = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); } $cwd = getcwd(); if ($cwd !== false) { // Strip the wp-admin part and just get to the root. $document_root = str_replace('\wp-admin','',getcwd()); $document_root = str_replace('/wp-admin','',$document_root); // For IIS if (isset($wpmu_version)) { $document_root = cpm_wpmu_modify_path($document_root); } return untrailingslashit($document_root); } /** * Define the constants for the document root. */ function cpm_get_cpm_document_root() { if (!defined('CPM_DOCUMENT_ROOT')) { define('CPM_DOCUMENT_ROOT', cpm_calculate_document_root()); define("CPM_STRLEN_REALPATH_DOCUMENT_ROOT", strlen(realpath(CPM_DOCUMENT_ROOT))); } } /** * Transform a date()-compatible string into a human-parseable string. * Useful for generating examples of date() usage. */ function cpm_transform_date_string($string, $replacements) { if (!is_array($replacements)) { return false; } if (!is_string($string)) { return false; } $transformed_string = $string; foreach (array("Y", "m", "d") as $required_key) { if (!isset($replacements[$required_key])) { return false; } $transformed_string = preg_replace('#(? "YYYY", 'm' => "MM", 'd' => "DD")); } /** * Build the URI to a comic file. */ function cpm_build_comic_uri($filename, $base_dir = null) { global $wpmu_version; if (!is_null($base_dir)) { if (strlen($filename) < strlen($base_dir)) { return false; } } if (($realpath_result = realpath($filename)) !== false) { $filename = $realpath_result; } if (!is_null($base_dir)) { $filename = substr($filename, strlen($base_dir)); } $parts = explode('/', str_replace('\\', '/', $filename)); if (count($parts) < 2) { return false; } $parsed_url = parse_url(get_bloginfo('url')); $path = $parsed_url['path']; if ($wpmu_version) { $path = cpm_wpmu_fix_folder_to_use($path); } $count = (cpm_get_subcomic_directory() !== false) ? 3 : 2; return $path . '/' . implode('/', array_slice($parts, -$count, $count)); } /** * Breakdown the name of a comic file into a date and proper title. */ function cpm_breakdown_comic_filename($filename, $allow_override = false) { $pattern = CPM_DATE_FORMAT; if ($allow_override) { if (isset($_POST['upload-date-format']) && !empty($_POST['upload-date-format'])) { $pattern = $_POST['upload-date-format']; } } $pattern = cpm_transform_date_string($pattern, array("Y" => '[0-9]{4,4}', "m" => '[0-9]{2,2}', "d" => '[0-9]{2,2}')); if (@preg_match("#^(${pattern})(.*)\.[^\.]+$#", $filename, $matches) > 0) { list($all, $date, $title) = $matches; if (strtotime($date) === false) { return false; } $converted_title = ucwords(trim(preg_replace('/[\-\_]/', ' ', $title))); return compact('date', 'title', 'converted_title'); } else { return false; } } /** * Generate a hash for passing to wp_insert_post() * @param string $filename_date The post date. * @param string $filename_converted_title The title of the comic. * @return array The post information or false if the date is invalid. */ function generate_post_hash($filename_date, $filename_converted_title) { if (isset($_POST['time']) && !empty($_POST['time'])) { if (strtolower($_POST['time']) == "now") { $filename_date .= " " . strftime("%H:%M:%S"); } else { $filename_date .= " " . $_POST['time']; } } if (($timestamp = strtotime($filename_date)) !== false) { if ($filename_converted_title == "") { $filename_converted_title = strftime("%m/%d/%Y", $timestamp); } extract(cpm_normalize_storyline_structure()); $selected_categories = array(); if (isset($_POST['in-comic-category'])) { foreach ($category_tree as $node) { $category_id = end(explode("/", $node)); if (in_array($category_id, $_POST['in-comic-category'])) { $selected_categories[$category_id] = get_cat_name($category_id); } } } $category_name = implode(",", array_values($selected_categories)); $post_content = ""; if (isset($_POST['content']) && !empty($_POST['content'])) { $post_content = $_POST['content']; $post_content = preg_replace('/\{date\}/', date('F j, Y', $timestamp), $post_content); $post_content = preg_replace('/\{title\}/', $filename_converted_title, $post_content); $post_content = preg_replace('/\{category\}/', $category_name, $post_content); } $override_title = $_POST['override-title-to-use']; $tags = $_POST['tags']; if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $override_title = stripslashes($override_title); $tags = stripslashes($tags); } $post_title = !empty($override_title) ? $override_title : $filename_converted_title; $post_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp); $post_date_gmt = get_gmt_from_date($post_date); $post_category = array_keys($selected_categories); if (isset($_POST['additional-categories'])) { if (is_array($_POST['additional-categories'])) { $post_category = array_merge($post_category, array_intersect(get_all_category_ids(), $_POST['additional-categories'])); } } $publish_mode = ($timestamp > time()) ? "future" : "publish"; $post_status = isset($_POST['publish']) ? $publish_mode : "draft"; $tags_input = $tags; return compact('post_content', 'post_title', 'post_date', 'post_date_gmt', 'post_category', 'post_status', 'tags_input'); } return false; } /** * Retrieve posts from the WordPress database. */ function cpm_query_posts() { global $cpm_config; $query_posts_string = "posts_per_page=999999&post_status=draft,pending,future,inherit,publish&cat="; $comic_categories = array(); extract(cpm_get_all_comic_categories()); foreach ($category_tree as $node) { $comic_categories[] = end(explode("/", $node)); } $query_posts_string .= implode(",", $comic_categories); $result = query_posts($query_posts_string); if (empty($result)) { $result = array(); } return $result; } /** * Get the absolute filepath to the comic folder. */ function get_comic_folder_path() { global $cpm_config; $output = CPM_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/' . $cpm_config->properties['comic_folder']; if (($subdir = cpm_get_subcomic_directory()) !== false) { $output .= '/' . $subdir; } return $output; } function cpm_get_subcomic_directory() { global $cpm_config; if (function_exists('get_option')) { $result = get_option('comicpress-manager-manage-subcomic'); if (!empty($result)) { if ($result != $cpm_config->properties['comiccat']) { if (($category = get_category($result)) !== false) { return $category->slug; } } } } return false; } /** * Find all the valid comics in the comics folder. * If CPM_SKIP_CHECKS is enabled, comic file validity is not checked, improving speed. * @return array The list of valid comic files in the comic folder. */ function cpm_read_comics_folder() { global $cpm_config; $glob_results = glob(get_comic_folder_path() . "/*"); if ($glob_results === false) { //$cpm_config->messages[] = "FYI: glob({$cpm_config->path}/*) returned false. This can happen on some PHP installations if you have no files in your comic directory. This message will disappear once you upload a comic to your site."; return array(); } $filtered_glob_results = array(); foreach ($glob_results as $result) { if (in_array(strtolower(pathinfo($result, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)), $cpm_config->allowed_extensions)) { $filtered_glob_results[] = $result; } } if (cpm_option("cpm-skip-checks") == 1) { return $filtered_glob_results; } else { $files = array(); foreach ($filtered_glob_results as $file) { if (cpm_breakdown_comic_filename(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_BASENAME)) !== false) { $files[] = $file; } } return $files; } } /** * Read information about the current installation. */ function cpm_read_information_and_check_config() { global $cpm_config, $cpm_attempted_document_roots, $blog_id, $wpmu_version; $cpm_config->config_method = read_current_theme_comicpress_config(); $cpm_config->config_filepath = get_functions_php_filepath(); $cpm_config->can_write_config = can_write_comicpress_config($cpm_config->config_filepath); $cpm_config->path = get_comic_folder_path(); $cpm_config->plugin_path = PLUGINDIR . '/' . plugin_basename(__FILE__); foreach (array_keys($cpm_config->separate_thumbs_folder_defined) as $type) { $cpm_config->separate_thumbs_folder_defined[$type] = ($cpm_config->properties['comic_folder'] != $cpm_config->properties[$type . '_comic_folder']); } $cpm_config->errors = array(); $cpm_config->warnings = array(); $cpm_config->detailed_warnings = array(); $cpm_config->messages = array(); $cpm_config->show_config_editor = true; $folders = array( array('comic folder', 'comic_folder', true, ""), array('RSS feed folder', 'rss_comic_folder', false, 'rss'), array('archive folder', 'archive_comic_folder', false, 'archive')); foreach ($folders as $folder_info) { list ($name, $property, $is_fatal, $thumb_type) = $folder_info; if ($thumb_type != "") { $cpm_config->thumbs_folder_writable[$thumb_type] = null; } } if (cpm_option("cpm-skip-checks") == 1) { // if the user knows what they're doing, disabling all of the checks improves performance foreach ($folders as $folder_info) { list ($name, $property, $is_fatal, $thumb_type) = $folder_info; $path = CPM_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/' . $cpm_config->properties[$property]; if ($thumb_type != "") { $cpm_config->thumbs_folder_writable[$thumb_type] = true; } } foreach (array('comic', 'blog') as $type) { $result = (object)get_category($cpm_config->properties["${type}cat"]); if (!is_wp_error($result)) { $cpm_config->{"${type}_category_info"} = get_object_vars($result); } } $cpm_config->comic_files = cpm_read_comics_folder(); } else { // quick check to see if the theme is ComicPress. // this needs to be made more robust. if (preg_match('/ComicPress/', get_current_theme()) == 0) { $cpm_config->detailed_warnings[] = __("The current theme isn't the ComicPress theme. If you've renamed the theme, ignore this warning.", 'comicpress-manager'); } if (!extension_loaded('zip')) { $cpm_config->detailed_warnings[] = __("You do not have the Zip extension installed. Uploading a Zip file will not work.", 'comicpress-manager'); } $any_cpm_document_root_failures = false; if (!$wpmu_version) { // is the site root configured properly? if (!file_exists(CPM_DOCUMENT_ROOT)) { $cpm_config->warnings[] = sprintf(__('The comics site root %s does not exist. Check your WordPress address and address settings.', 'comicpress-manager'), CPM_DOCUMENT_ROOT); $any_cpm_document_root_failures = true; } if (!file_exists(CPM_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/index.php')) { $cpm_config->warnings[] = sprintf(__('The comics site root %s does not contain a WordPress index.php file. Check your WordPress address and address settings.', 'comicpress-manager'), CPM_DOCUMENT_ROOT); $any_cpm_document_root_failures = true; } } if ($any_cpm_document_root_failures) { $cpm_config->warnings[] = print_r($cpm_attempted_document_roots, true); } // folders that are the same as the comics folder won't be written to $all_the_same = array(); foreach ($cpm_config->separate_thumbs_folder_defined as $type => $value) { if (!$value) { $all_the_same[] = $type; } } if (count($all_the_same) > 0) { $cpm_config->detailed_warnings[] = sprintf(__("The %s folders and the comics folder are the same. You won't be able to generate thumbnails until you change these folders.", 'comicpress-manager'), implode(", ", $all_the_same)); } if (cpm_option('cpm-did-first-run') == 1) { // check the existence and writability of all image folders foreach ($folders as $folder_info) { list ($name, $property, $is_fatal, $thumb_type) = $folder_info; if (($thumb_type == "") || ($cpm_config->separate_thumbs_folder_defined[$thumb_type] == true)) { $path = CPM_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/' . $cpm_config->properties[$property]; if (!file_exists($path)) { $cpm_config->errors[] = sprintf(__('The %1$s %2$s does not exist. Did you create it within the %3$s folder?' , 'comicpress-manager'), $name, $cpm_config->properties[$property], CPM_DOCUMENT_ROOT); } else { do { $tmp_filename = "test-" . md5(rand()); } while (file_exists($path . '/' . $tmp_filename)); $ok_to_warn = true; if ($thumb_type != "") { $ok_to_warn = (cpm_option("cpm-${thumb_type}-generate-thumbnails") == 1); } if ($ok_to_warn) { if (!@touch($path . '/' . $tmp_filename)) { $message = sprintf(__('The %1$s %2$s is not writable by the Webserver.', 'comicpress-manager'), $name, $cpm_config->properties[$property]); if ($is_fatal) { $cpm_config->errors[] = $message; } else { $cpm_config->warnings[] = $message; } if ($thumb_type != "") { $cpm_config->thumbs_folder_writable[$thumb_type] = false; } } else { if (@stat($path . '/' . $tmp_filename) === false) { $cpm_config->errors[] = __('Files written to the %s directory by the Webserver cannot be read again! Are you using IIS7 with FastCGI?', $cpm_config->properties[$property]); if ($thumb_type != "") { $cpm_config->thumbs_folder_writable[$thumb_type] = false; } } } } if (is_null($cpm_config->thumbs_folder_writable[$thumb_type])) { @unlink($path . '/' . $tmp_filename); if ($thumb_type != "") { $cpm_config->thumbs_folder_writable[$thumb_type] = true; } } } } } } // to generate thumbnails, a supported image processor is needed if ($cpm_config->get_scale_method() == CPM_SCALE_NONE) { $cpm_config->detailed_warnings[] = __("No image resize methods are installed (GD or ImageMagick). You are unable to generate thumbnails automatically.", 'comicpress-manager'); } // are there enough categories created? if (count(get_all_category_ids()) < 2) { $cpm_config->errors[] = __("You need to define at least two categories, a blog category and a comics category, to use ComicPress. Visit Manage -> Categories and create at least two categories, then return here to continue your configuration.", 'comicpress-manager'); $cpm_config->show_config_editor = false; } else { // ensure the defined comic category exists if (is_null($cpm_config->properties['comiccat'])) { // all non-blog categories are comic categories $cpm_config->comic_category_info = array( 'name' => __("All other categories", 'comicpress-manager'), ); $cpm_config->properties['comiccat'] = array_diff(get_all_category_ids(), array($cpm_config->properties['blogcat'])); if (count($cpm_config->properties['comiccat']) == 1) { $cpm_config->properties['comiccat'] = $cpm_config->properties['comiccat'][0]; $cpm_config->comic_category_info = get_object_vars(get_category($cpm_config->properties['comiccat'])); } } else { if (!is_numeric($cpm_config->properties['comiccat'])) { // the property is non-numeric $cpm_config->errors[] = __("The comic category needs to be defined as a number, not an alphanumeric string.", 'comicpress-manager'); } else { // one comic category is specified if (is_null($cpm_config->comic_category_info = get_category($cpm_config->properties['comiccat']))) { $cpm_config->errors[] = sprintf(__("The requested category ID for your comic, %s, doesn't exist!", 'comicpress-manager'), $cpm_config->properties['comiccat']); } else { $cpm_config->comic_category_info = get_object_vars($cpm_config->comic_category_info); } } } // ensure the defined blog category exists // TODO: multiple blog categories if (!is_numeric($cpm_config->properties['blogcat'])) { // the property is non-numeric $cpm_config->errors[] = __("The blog category needs to be defined as a number, not an alphanumeric string.", 'comicpress-manager'); } else { if (is_null($cpm_config->blog_category_info = get_category($cpm_config->properties['blogcat']))) { $cpm_config->errors[] = sprintf(__("The requested category ID for your blog, %s, doesn't exist!", 'comicpress-manager'), $cpm_config->properties['blogcat']); } else { $cpm_config->blog_category_info = get_object_vars($cpm_config->blog_category_info); } if (!is_array($cpm_config->properties['blogcat']) && !is_array($cpm_config->properties['comiccat'])) { if ($cpm_config->properties['blogcat'] == $cpm_config->properties['comiccat']) { $cpm_config->warnings[] = __("Your comic and blog categories are the same. This will cause browsing problems for visitors to your site.", 'comicpress-manager'); } } } } // a quick note if you have no comics uploaded. // could be a sign of something more serious. if (count($cpm_config->comic_files = cpm_read_comics_folder()) == 0) { $cpm_config->detailed_warnings[] = __("Your comics folder is empty!", 'comicpress-manager'); } } } /** * Read the ComicPress config from a file. */ function read_current_theme_comicpress_config() { global $cpm_config, $wpmu_version; if ($wpmu_version) { cpm_wpmu_load_options(); return __("WordPress Options", 'comicpress-manager'); } $current_theme_info = get_theme(get_current_theme()); $method = null; $config_json_file = ABSPATH . '/' . $current_theme_info['Template Dir'] . '/config.json'; // harmonious json_decode if (function_exists("json_decode")) { if (file_exists($config_json_file)) { $config = json_decode(file_get_contents($config_json_file), true); $cpm_config->properties = array_merge($cpm_config->properties, $config); $method = "config.json"; } } //harmonious_end if (is_null($method)) { if (!is_null($filepath = get_functions_php_filepath())) { read_comicpress_config_functions_php($filepath); $method = basename($filepath); } } return $method; } /** * Read the ComicPress config from a functions.php file. * Note: this isn't super-robust, but should cover basic use cases. */ function read_comicpress_config_functions_php($filepath) { global $cpm_config; if (!file_exists($filepath)) { $cpm_config->warnings[] = "file not found: ${filepath}"; return; } $file = file_get_contents($filepath); $variable_values = array(); foreach (array_keys($cpm_config->properties) as $variable) { if (preg_match("#\\$${variable}\ *\=\ *([^\;]*)\;#", $file, $matches) > 0) { $variable_values[$variable] = preg_replace('#"#', '', $matches[1]); } } $cpm_config->properties = array_merge($cpm_config->properties, $variable_values); } /** * Get the path to the currently used config. */ function get_functions_php_filepath() { $template_files = glob(TEMPLATEPATH . '/*'); if ($template_files === false) { $template_files = array(); } foreach (array("comicpress-config.php", "functions.php") as $possible_file) { foreach ($template_files as $file) { if (pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_BASENAME) == $possible_file) { return $file; } } } return null; } /** * See if we can write to the config folder. */ function can_write_comicpress_config($filepath) { $perm_check_filename = $filepath . '-' . md5(rand()); if (@touch($perm_check_filename) === true) { $move_check_filename = $perm_check_filename . '-' . md5(rand()); if (@rename($perm_check_filename, $move_check_filename)) { @unlink($move_check_filename); return true; } else { @unlink($perm_check_filename); return false; } } return false; } function cpm_get_thumbnails_to_generate() { global $cpm_config; $thumbnails_to_generate = array(); if ($cpm_config->get_scale_method() != CPM_SCALE_NONE) { foreach ($cpm_config->thumbs_folder_writable as $type => $value) { if ($value) { if ($cpm_config->separate_thumbs_folder_defined[$type] !== false) { if (cpm_option("cpm-${type}-generate-thumbnails") == 1) { $thumbnails_to_generate[] = $type; } } } } } return $thumbnails_to_generate; } /** * Get a tree of the categories that are children of the comic category. */ function cpm_get_all_comic_categories() { global $cpm_config; $max_id = 0; foreach (get_all_category_ids() as $category_id) { $category = get_category($category_id); $category_tree[] = $category->parent . '/' . $category_id; $max_id = max($max_id, $category_id); } do { $all_ok = true; for ($i = 0; $i < count($category_tree); ++$i) { $current_parts = explode("/", $category_tree[$i]); if (reset($current_parts) != 0) { $all_ok = false; for ($j = 0; $j < count($category_tree); ++$j) { $j_parts = explode("/", $category_tree[$j]); if (end($j_parts) == reset($current_parts)) { $category_tree[$i] = implode("/", array_merge($j_parts, array_slice($current_parts, 1))); break; } } } } } while (!$all_ok); $new_category_tree = array(); foreach ($category_tree as $node) { $parts = explode("/", $node); if ($parts[1] == $cpm_config->properties['comiccat']) { $new_category_tree[] = $node; } } $category_tree = $new_category_tree; return compact('category_tree', 'max_id'); } /** * Normalize a storyline structure, merging it with category changes as necessary. * @return array A compact()ed array with the $max_id found and the $category_tree. */ function cpm_normalize_storyline_structure() { global $cpm_config; extract(cpm_get_all_comic_categories()); do { $did_normalize = false; // sort it by this order as best as possible if ($result = get_option("comicpress-storyline-category-order")) { $sorted_tree = explode(",", $result); $new_sorted_tree = array(); foreach ($sorted_tree as $node) { if (in_array($node, $category_tree)) { $new_sorted_tree[] = $node; } else { $did_normalize = true; } } $sorted_tree = $new_sorted_tree; foreach ($category_tree as $node) { if (!in_array($node, $sorted_tree)) { // try to find the nearest sibling $parts = explode("/", $node); while (count($parts) > 0) { array_pop($parts); $node_snippit = implode("/", $parts); $last_sibling = null; for ($i = 0; $i < count($sorted_tree); ++$i) { if (strpos($sorted_tree[$i], $node_snippit) === 0) { $last_sibling = $i; } } if (!is_null($last_sibling)) { $did_normalize = true; array_splice($sorted_tree, $last_sibling + 1, 0, $node); break; } } } } $category_tree = $sorted_tree; } else { sort($category_tree); } if ($did_normalize || empty($result)) { update_option("comicpress-storyline-category-order", implode(",", $category_tree)); } } while ($did_normalize); return compact('category_tree', 'max_id'); } function cpm_short_size_string_to_bytes($string) { $max_bytes = trim($string); $last = strtolower(substr($max_bytes, -1, 1)); switch($last) { case 'g': $max_bytes *= 1024; case 'm': $max_bytes *= 1024; case 'k': $max_bytes *= 1024; } return $max_bytes; } ?>