need_calendars = true; if (cpm_get_subcomic_directory() !== false) { $cpm_config->messages[] = sprintf(__("Reminder: You are managing the %s comic subdirectory.", 'comicpress-manager'), get_cat_name(get_option('comicpress-manager-manage-subcomic'))); } if (cpm_option('cpm-skip-checks') != 1) { if (!function_exists('get_comic_path')) { $cpm_config->warnings[] = __('It looks like you\'re running an older version of ComicPress. Storyline, hovertext, and transcript are fully supported in ComicPress 2.7. You can use hovertext and transcripts in earlier themes by using get_post_meta($post->ID, "hovertext", true) and get_post_meta($post->ID, "transcript", true).', 'comicpress-manager'); } } ob_start(); ?>

ComicPress-related information, such as transcripts and Storyline categories for posts, and thumbnail regeneration, can be bulk edited here. To edit post-specific information, such as title and publishing date, use Edit Posts. comic_files as $comic_filepath) { $comic_file = pathinfo($comic_filepath, PATHINFO_BASENAME); if (($result = cpm_breakdown_comic_filename($comic_file)) !== false) { $timestamp = strtotime($result['date']); $comic_date = date("Y-m-d", $timestamp); if (!isset($data_by_date[$comic_date])) { $data_by_date[$comic_date] = array(); } $comic_info = array( 'type' => 'comic', 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'comic_file' => $comic_file, 'file_title' => $result['converted_title'], 'comic_uri' => cpm_build_comic_uri($comic_filepath, CPM_DOCUMENT_ROOT) ); if (count($thumbnails_found = cpm_find_thumbnails_by_filename($comic_filepath)) > 0) { foreach ($thumbnails_found as $thumb_type => $thumb_filename) { $comic_info["thumbnails_found_${thumb_type}"] = cpm_build_comic_uri(CPM_DOCUMENT_ROOT . $thumb_filename, CPM_DOCUMENT_ROOT); } } $icon_file_to_use = $comic_filepath; foreach (array('rss', 'archive') as $type) { if (isset($thumbnails_found[$type])) { $icon_file_to_use = CPM_DOCUMENT_ROOT . $thumbnails_found[$type]; } } $comic_info['icon_uri'] = cpm_build_comic_uri($icon_file_to_use, CPM_DOCUMENT_ROOT); $data_by_date[$comic_date][] = $comic_info; } } foreach (cpm_query_posts() as $comic_post) { $ok = true; if (cpm_get_subcomic_directory() !== false) { $ok = in_array(get_option('comicpress-manager-manage-subcomic'), wp_get_post_categories($comic_post->ID)); } if ($ok) { $timestamp = strtotime($comic_post->post_date); $post_date = date("Y-m-d", $timestamp); if (!isset($data_by_date[$post_date])) { $data_by_date[$post_date] = array(); } $post_info = array( 'type' => 'post', 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'post_id' => $comic_post->ID, 'post_title' => $comic_post->post_title, 'post_object' => (array)$comic_post ); $data_by_date[$post_date][] = $post_info; } } krsort($data_by_date); $all_months = array(); foreach (array_keys($data_by_date) as $date) { list($year, $month, $day) = explode("-", $date); $key = "${year}-${month}"; if (!isset($all_months[$key])) { $all_months[$key] = date("F Y", strtotime($date)); } } krsort($all_months); if (isset($_POST['dates'])) { if ($_POST['dates'] != -1) { $new_data_by_date = array(); foreach ($data_by_date as $date => $data) { if (strpos($date, $_POST['dates']) === 0) { $new_data_by_date[$date] = $data; } } $data_by_date = $new_data_by_date; } } if (!isset($_GET['paged'])) { $_GET['paged'] = 1; } $page_links = paginate_links( array( 'base' => add_query_arg( 'paged', '%#%' ), 'format' => '', 'prev_text' => __('«'), 'next_text' => __('»'), 'total' => ceil(count($data_by_date) / $dates_per_page), 'current' => $_GET['paged'] )); $total_data_by_date = count($data_by_date); $data_by_date = array_slice($data_by_date, ($_GET['paged'] - 1) * $dates_per_page, $dates_per_page); extract(cpm_normalize_storyline_structure()); $comic_categories = array(); foreach ($category_tree as $node) { $comic_categories[] = end(explode("/", $node)); } $thumbnail_writes = cpm_get_thumbnails_to_generate(); if ($total_data_by_date > 0) { $displaying_num_content = sprintf(__("Displaying %d-%d of %d", 'comicpress-manager'), (($_GET['paged'] - 1) * $dates_per_page) + 1, min($total_data_by_date, (($_GET['paged'] - 1) * $dates_per_page) + $dates_per_page), $total_data_by_date); } else { $displaying_num_content = __('No items to display', 'comicpress-manager'); } ?>

$data) { $all_objects_by_type = array(); foreach ($data as $object) { if (!isset($all_objects_by_type[$object['type']])) { $all_objects_by_type[$object['type']] = array(); } $all_objects_by_type[$object['type']][] = $object; } $classes = array("data-row"); if ($is_grey) { $classes[] = "grey"; } $is_first_row = true; foreach ($data as $object) { ?> ">
0) { ?> [ $uri) { ?> ] [ No thumbnails found ]
Post: ()
[ ]

0) { ?>

<img title>/hovertext:
Storyline: [ Edit ]