"; $default_comicpress_config_file = implode("\n", $default_comicpress_config_file_lines); cpm_get_cpm_document_root(); cpm_initialize_options(); /** * Show a warning at the top of Manage -> Categories if not enough categories * are defined. */ function cpm_comicpress_categories_warning() { if (count(get_all_category_ids()) < 2) { echo '
'; echo __("Remember, you need at least two categories defined in order to use ComicPress.", 'comicpress-manager'); echo '
'; } } /** * Get the path to the plugin folder. */ function cpm_get_plugin_path() { return PLUGINDIR . '/' . preg_replace('#^.*/([^\/]*)#', '\\1', dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__))); } /** * Add pages to the admin interface and load necessary JavaScript libraries. * Also read in the configuration and handle any POST actions. */ function cpm_add_pages() { global $plugin_page, $access_level, $pagenow, $cpm_config, $wp_version, $wpmu_version; load_plugin_textdomain('comicpress-manager', cpm_get_plugin_path()); $widget_options = get_option('dashboard_widget_options'); if ( !$widget_options || !is_array($widget_options) ) $widget_options = array(); cpm_read_information_and_check_config(); $do_enqueue_prototype = false; if (($pagenow == "post.php") && ($_REQUEST['action'] == "edit")) { $do_enqueue_prototype = true; } $filename = plugin_basename(__FILE__); if (strpos($plugin_page, $filename) !== false) { $editor_load_pages = array($filename, $filename . '-import'); if (in_array($plugin_page, $editor_load_pages)) { wp_enqueue_script('editor'); if (!function_exists('wp_tiny_mce')) { wp_enqueue_script('wp_tiny_mce'); } } $do_enqueue_prototype = true; cpm_handle_actions(); } if (in_array($pagenow, array("edit.php", "post-new.php"))) { $do_enqueue_prototype = true; } if ($do_enqueue_prototype) { wp_enqueue_script('prototype'); wp_enqueue_script('scriptaculous-effects'); wp_enqueue_script('scriptaculous-builder'); } if (!isset($access_level)) { $access_level = 10; } $plugin_title = __("ComicPress Manager", 'comicpress-manager'); add_menu_page($plugin_title, __("ComicPress", 'comicpress-manager'), $access_level, $filename, "cpm_manager_index_caller", get_option('siteurl') . '/' . cpm_get_plugin_path() . '/comicpress-icon.png'); add_submenu_page($filename, $plugin_title, __("Upload", 'comicpress-manager'), $access_level, $filename, 'cpm_manager_index_caller'); //if (!$wpmu_version) { add_submenu_page($filename, $plugin_title, __("Import", 'comicpress-manager'), $access_level, $filename . '-import', 'cpm_manager_import_caller'); //} add_submenu_page($filename, $plugin_title, __("Bulk Edit", 'comicpress-manager'), $access_level, $filename . '-status', 'cpm_manager_status_caller'); add_submenu_page($filename, $plugin_title, __("Storyline Structure", 'comicpress-manager'), $access_level, $filename . '-storyline', 'cpm_manager_storyline_caller'); add_submenu_page($filename, $plugin_title, __("Change Dates", 'comicpress-manager'), $access_level, $filename . '-dates', 'cpm_manager_dates_caller'); add_submenu_page($filename, $plugin_title, __("ComicPress Config", 'comicpress-manager'), $access_level, $filename . '-config', 'cpm_manager_config_caller'); add_submenu_page($filename, $plugin_title, __("Manager Config", 'comicpress-manager'), $access_level, $filename . '-cpm-config', 'cpm_manager_cpm_config_caller'); if ($pagenow == "index.php") { if (cpm_option('cpm-enable-dashboard-rss-feed') == 1) { wp_register_sidebar_widget( 'dashboard_cpm', __("ComicPress News", "comicpress-manager"), 'cpm_dashboard_widget', array( 'all_link' => "http://mindfaucet.com/comicpress/", 'feed_link' => "http://feeds.feedburner.com/comicpress?format=xml", 'width' => 'half', 'class' => 'widget_rss' ) ); add_filter('wp_dashboard_widgets', 'cpm_add_dashboard_widget'); } if (($option = generate_comic_categories_options('category')) !== false) { if (cpm_option('cpm-enable-quomicpress') == 1) { if (count($cpm_config->errors) == 0) { wp_register_sidebar_widget( 'dashboard_quomicpress', __("QuomicPress (Quick ComicPress)", "comicpress-manager"), 'cpm_quomicpress_widget', array( 'width' => 'half' ) ); add_filter('wp_dashboard_widgets', 'cpm_add_quomicpress_widget'); } } } } } /** * Handle updating a post. If Edit Post Integration is enabled, and the post * date is changing, rename the file as necessary. */ function cpm_handle_pre_post_update($post_id) { global $cpm_config; if (!$cpm_config->is_cpm_managing_posts) { if (cpm_option("cpm-edit-post-integrate") == 1) { if ($post_id > 0) { $post = get_post($post_id); if (!in_array($post->post_type, array("attachment", "revision", "page"))) { $ok = false; extract(cpm_get_all_comic_categories()); $post_categories = wp_get_post_categories($post_id); foreach ($category_tree as $node) { $parts = explode("/", $node); if (in_array(end($parts), $post_categories)) { $ok = true; break; } } if ($ok) { $original_timestamp = false; foreach (array("post_date", "post_date_gmt") as $param) { $result = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($post->{$param}))); if ($result !== false) { $original_timestamp = $result; break; } } $new_timestamp = strtotime(implode("-", array($_POST['aa'], $_POST['mm'], $_POST['jj']))); if (!empty($original_timestamp) && !empty($new_timestamp)) { $original_date = date(CPM_DATE_FORMAT, $original_timestamp); $new_date = date(CPM_DATE_FORMAT, $new_timestamp); if ($original_date !== $new_date) { if (empty($cpm_config->comic_files)) { cpm_read_information_and_check_config(); } foreach ($cpm_config->comic_files as $file) { $filename = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_BASENAME); if (($result = cpm_breakdown_comic_filename($filename)) !== false) { if ($result['date'] == $original_date) { foreach (cpm_find_thumbnails_by_filename($file) as $thumb_file) { @rename($thumb_file, str_replace("/${original_date}", "/${new_date}", $thumb_file)); } @rename($file, str_replace("/${original_date}", "/${new_date}", $file)); } } } $cpm_config->comic_files = null; } } } } } } } } /** * Handle editing a post. */ function cpm_handle_edit_post($post_id) { global $cpm_config; if (!$cpm_config->is_cpm_managing_posts) { $ok = false; extract(cpm_get_all_comic_categories()); $post_categories = wp_get_post_categories($post_id); foreach ($category_tree as $node) { $parts = explode("/", $node); if (in_array(end($parts), $post_categories)) { $ok = true; break; } } if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['comicpress-replace-image']['tmp_name']) && !$ok) { $post_categories = wp_get_post_categories($post_id); $post_categories[] = end(explode("/", reset($category_tree))); wp_set_post_categories($post_id, $post_categories); $ok = true; } if ($ok) { $new_date = date(CPM_DATE_FORMAT, strtotime(implode("-", array($_POST['aa'], $_POST['mm'], $_POST['jj'])))); foreach (array('hovertext' => 'comicpress-img-title', 'transcript' => 'comicpress-transcript') as $meta_name => $post_name) { if (isset($_POST[$post_name])) { update_post_meta($post_id, $meta_name, $_POST[$post_name]); } } if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['comicpress-replace-image']['tmp_name'])) { $_POST['override-date'] = $new_date; cpm_handle_file_uploads(array('comicpress-replace-image')); } } } } /** * Handle deleting a post. If Edit Post Integration is enabled, delete any associated * files from the comics folders. */ function cpm_handle_delete_post($post_id) { global $cpm_config; if (!$cpm_config->is_cpm_managing_posts) { if (cpm_option("cpm-edit-post-integrate") == 1) { $post = get_post($post_id); if (!in_array($post->post_type, array("attachment", "revision", "page"))) { $ok = false; extract(cpm_get_all_comic_categories()); $post_categories = wp_get_post_categories($post_id); foreach ($category_tree as $node) { $parts = explode("/", $node); if (in_array(end($parts), $post_categories)) { $ok = true; break; } } if ($ok) { $original_date = date(CPM_DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($post->post_date)); if (empty($cpm_config->comic_files)) { cpm_read_information_and_check_config(); } foreach ($cpm_config->comic_files as $file) { $filename = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_BASENAME); if (($result = cpm_breakdown_comic_filename($filename)) !== false) { if ($result['date'] == $original_date) { foreach (cpm_find_thumbnails_by_filename($file) as $thumb_file) { $thumb_file = CPM_DOCUMENT_ROOT . $thumb_file; @unlink($thumb_file); } @unlink($file); } } } } } } } } /** * Add the ComicPress News Dashboard widget. */ function cpm_add_dashboard_widget($widgets) { global $wp_registered_widgets; if (!isset($wp_registered_widgets['dashboard_cpm'])) { return $widgets; } array_splice($widgets, sizeof($widgets)-1, 0, 'dashboard_cpm'); return $widgets; } /** * Write out the ComicPress News Dashboard widget. */ function cpm_dashboard_widget($sidebar_args) { if (is_array($sidebar_args)) { extract($sidebar_args, EXTR_SKIP); } echo $before_widget . $before_title . $widget_name . $after_title; wp_widget_rss_output('http://feeds.feedburner.com/comicpress?format=xml', array('items' => 2, 'show_summary' => true)); echo $after_widget; } /** * Add the QuomicPress Dashboard widget. */ function cpm_add_quomicpress_widget($widgets) { global $wp_registered_widgets; if (!isset($wp_registered_widgets['dashboard_quomicpress'])) { return $widgets; } array_splice($widgets, sizeof($widgets)-1, 0, 'dashboard_quomicpress'); return $widgets; } /** * Write out the QuomicPress Dashboard widget. */ function cpm_quomicpress_widget($sidebar_args) { if (is_array($sidebar_args)) { extract($sidebar_args, EXTR_SKIP); } echo $before_widget . $before_title . $widget_name . $after_title; include("pages/write_comic_post.php"); cpm_manager_write_comic(plugin_basename(__FILE__), false); echo $after_widget; } /** * Add the Comic column to Edit Posts. */ function cpm_manage_posts_columns($posts_columns) { wp_enqueue_script('prototype'); $posts_columns['comic'] = "Comic"; return $posts_columns; } $broken_down_comic_files = null; /** * Populate the Comic coulmn in Edit Posts. */ function cpm_manage_posts_custom_column($column_name) { global $cpm_config, $broken_down_comic_files, $post; if ($column_name == "comic") { $post_date = date(CPM_DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($post->post_date)); if ($is_first = empty($broken_down_comic_files)) { $broken_down_comic_files = array(); if (empty($cpm_config->comic_files)) { cpm_read_information_and_check_config(); } foreach ($cpm_config->comic_files as $file) { $filename = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_BASENAME); if (($result = cpm_breakdown_comic_filename($filename)) !== false) { if (!isset($broken_down_comic_files[$result['date']])) { $broken_down_comic_files[$result['date']] = array(); } $broken_down_comic_files[$result['date']][] = $file; } } ?> ID . '-' . $index; $thumbnails_found = cpm_find_thumbnails_by_filename($file); $icon_file_to_use = $file; foreach (array('rss', 'archive') as $type) { if (isset($thumbnails_found[$type])) { $icon_file_to_use = $thumbnails_found[$type]; } } $hovertext = get_post_meta($post->ID, "hovertext", true); ?>
is_cpm_modifying_categories)) { cpm_read_information_and_check_config(); cpm_normalize_storyline_structure(); } } /** * Create a list of checkboxes that can be used to select additional categories. */ function cpm_generate_additional_categories_checkboxes($override_name = null) { global $cpm_config; $additional_categories = array(); $invalid_ids = array($cpm_config->properties['blogcat']); extract(cpm_get_all_comic_categories()); foreach ($category_tree as $node) { $invalid_ids[] = end(explode('/', $node)); } foreach (get_all_category_ids() as $cat_id) { if (!in_array($cat_id, $invalid_ids)) { $category = get_category($cat_id); $additional_categories[strtolower($category->cat_name)] = $category; } } ksort($additional_categories); $name = (!empty($override_name)) ? $override_name : "additional-categories"; $selected_additional_categories = explode(",", cpm_option("cpm-default-additional-categories")); $category_checkboxes = array(); if (count($additional_categories) > 0) { foreach ($additional_categories as $category) { $checked = (in_array($category->cat_ID, $selected_additional_categories) ? "checked" : ""); $category_checkboxes[] = "cat_ID . "\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"${name}[]\" value=\"" . $category->cat_ID . "\" ${checked} />
"; } } return $category_checkboxes; } /** * Initialize ComicPress Manager options. */ function cpm_initialize_options() { global $cpm_config; include('cpm_configuration_options.php'); foreach ($configuration_options as $option_info) { if (is_array($option_info)) { $result = cpm_option($option_info['id']); if (isset($option_info['not_blank']) && empty($result)) { $result = false; } if ($result === false) { $default = (isset($option_info['default']) ? $option_info['default'] : ""); update_option("comicpress-manager-" . $option_info['id'], $default); } } } } /** * Show the Post Editor. * @param integer $width The width in pixels of the text editor widget. */ function cpm_post_editor($width = 435, $is_import = false) { global $cpm_config; $form_titles_and_fields = array(); if (is_null(get_category($cpm_config->properties['comiccat']))) { ?>

You don't have a comics category defined! Go to the ComicPress Config screen and choose a category. properties['comiccat']); } } ob_start(); cpm_display_storyline_checkboxes($category_tree, $post_categories); $storyline_editor = ob_get_clean(); $form_titles_and_fields[] = array( __("Storyline:", 'comicpress-manager'), $storyline_editor ); // see if there are additional categories that can be set besides the comic and blog categories if (count($category_checkboxes = cpm_generate_additional_categories_checkboxes()) > 0) { $form_titles_and_fields[] = array( __("Additional Categories:", 'comicpress-manager'), implode("\n", $category_checkboxes) ); } $form_titles_and_fields[] = array( __("Time to post:", 'comicpress-manager'), "" . __(" (must be in the format HH:MM am/pm or now)", 'comicpress-manager') ); $form_titles_and_fields[] = array( '', '' . __(" ", "comicpress-manager") ); if (!$is_import) { $form_titles_and_fields[] = array( '', '' . __(" ", "comicpress-manager") ); } else { $form_titles_and_fields[] = ''; } if ($cpm_config->get_scale_method() != CPM_SCALE_NONE) { $thumbnail_writes = cpm_get_thumbnails_to_generate(); $thumb_write_holder = ' ('; if (count($thumbnail_writes) > 0) { $thumb_write_holder .= sprintf("If enabled, you'll be writing thumbnails to: %s", implode(", ", $thumbnail_writes)); } else { $thumb_write_holder .= __("You won't be generating any thumbnails.", 'comicpress-manager'); } $thumb_write_holder .= ")"; if (count($thumbnail_writes) > 0) { $form_titles_and_fields[] = array( '', '' . '" ); } } $form_titles_and_fields[] = array( __("Title For All Posts:", 'comicpress-manager'), '' . __(" (the title to use for all posts)", 'comicpress-manager') ); $form_titles_and_fields[] = array( __("<img title>/Hovertext For All Posts:", 'comicpress-manager'), '' . __(" (the hovertext to use for all posts)", 'comicpress-manager') ); $form_titles_and_fields[] = array( __("Transcript For All Posts:", 'comicpress-manager'), '' . __(" (the transcript to use for all posts)", 'comicpress-manager') ); $form_titles_and_fields[] = array( __("Upload Date Format:", 'comicpress-manager'), '' . __(" (if the files you are uploading have a different date format, specify it here. ex: Ymd for a file named 20080101-my-new-years-day.jpg)", 'comicpress-manager') ); $form_titles_and_fields[] = array( __("Tags:", 'comicpress-manager'), '' . __(" (any tags to add to the post, separated by commas. any tags you've used before will be listed below.)", 'comicpress-manager') ); $all_tags_links = array(); foreach (get_tags() as $tag) { $all_tags_links[] = "{$tag->name}"; } sort($all_tags_links); if (count($all_tags_links) > 0) { $form_titles_and_fields[] = array( __("Quick Tags (click to add):", 'comicpress-manager'), implode("\n", $all_tags_links) ); } ?>>


properties["${folder_name}comic_folder"])) { $all_comic_folders_found = false; break; } } $do_first_run = !$all_comic_folders_found; if (!$do_first_run) { if ($wpmu_version) { update_option("comicpress-manager-cpm-did-first-run", 1); } } } if ($do_first_run) { include("pages/comicpress_first_run.php"); cpm_manager_first_run(plugin_basename(__FILE__)); if ($wpmu_version) { update_option("comicpress-manager-cpm-did-first-run", 1); } } else { if ($cpm_config->did_first_run) { $page = "config"; } include("pages/comicpress_${page}.php"); call_user_func("cpm_manager_${page}"); } } /** * Wrappers around page calls to reduce the amount of code in _admin.php. */ function cpm_manager_index_caller() { cpm_manager_page_caller("index"); } function cpm_manager_status_caller() { cpm_manager_page_caller("status"); } function cpm_manager_dates_caller() { cpm_manager_page_caller("dates"); } function cpm_manager_import_caller() { cpm_manager_page_caller("import"); } function cpm_manager_config_caller() { cpm_manager_page_caller("config"); } function cpm_manager_cpm_config_caller() { cpm_manager_page_caller("cpm_config"); } function cpm_manager_storyline_caller() { cpm_manager_page_caller("storyline"); } function cpm_show_comic_caller() { include("pages/edit_post_show_comic.php"); cpm_show_comic(); } function cpm_manager_write_comic_caller() { include("pages/write_comic_post.php"); cpm_manager_write_comic(plugin_basename(__FILE__)); } /** * Show the header. */ function cpm_show_manager_header() { global $cpm_config; ?>

comic_category_info)) { ?> comic_category_info['name']) ?>

separate_thumbs_folder_defined[$type]) { $path = CPM_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/' . $cpm_config->properties[$type . "_comic_folder"]; if (($subdir = cpm_get_subcomic_directory()) !== false) { $path .= '/' . $subdir; } $files = glob($path . '/' . $date_root . "*"); if ($files === false) { $files = array(); } if (count($files) > 0) { $thumbnails_found[$type] = substr(realpath(array_shift($files)), CPM_STRLEN_REALPATH_DOCUMENT_ROOT); } } } return $thumbnails_found; } /** * Find all the thumbnails for a particular image root. */ function cpm_find_thumbnails_by_filename($filename) { global $cpm_config; $thumbnails_found = array(); foreach (array('rss', 'archive') as $type) { if ($cpm_config->separate_thumbs_folder_defined[$type]) { $thumb_filename = str_replace('/' . $cpm_config->properties["comic_folder"] . '/', '/' . $cpm_config->properties[$type . "_comic_folder"] . '/', $filename); if (file_exists($thumb_filename)) { $thumbnails_found[$type] = substr(realpath($thumb_filename), CPM_STRLEN_REALPATH_DOCUMENT_ROOT); } } } return $thumbnails_found; } /** * Find a comic file by date. */ function find_comic_by_date($timestamp) { global $cpm_config; $files = glob(get_comic_folder_path() . '/' . date(CPM_DATE_FORMAT, $timestamp) . '*'); if ($files === false) { $files = array(); } foreach ($files as $file) { if (in_array(strtolower(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)), $cpm_config->allowed_extensions)) { return $file; } } return false; } function cpm_display_storyline_checkboxes($category_tree, $post_categories, $prefix = null, $root_name = "in-comic-category") { foreach ($category_tree as $node) { $parts = explode("/", $node); $category_id = end($parts); $name = (empty($prefix) ? "" : "${prefix}-") . $root_name; ?>
properties['comiccat']; } } ob_start(); foreach (get_all_category_ids() as $cat_id) { $ok = ($cat_id == $default_category); if ($ok) { $number_of_categories++; $category = get_category($cat_id); if (is_null($first_category)) { $first_category = $category; } ?> cat_ID}\" />"; if ($label) { $output .= $first_category->cat_name; } return $output; } else { return ""; } } } /** * Use file_put_contents or f-functions() as necessary. */ function file_write_contents($file, $data) { //harmonious file_put_contents if (function_exists('file_put_contents')) { return file_put_contents($file, $data); } else { if (($fh = fopen($file, "w")) !== false) { fwrite($fh, $data); fclose($fh); } } //harmonious_end } /** * Write the current ComicPress Config to disk. */ function write_comicpress_config_functions_php($filepath, $just_show_config = false, $use_default_file = false) { global $cpm_config, $default_comicpress_config_file; $file_lines = array(); if ($use_default_file) { $file_lines = $default_comicpress_config_file; } else { foreach (file($filepath) as $line) { $file_lines[] = rtrim($line, "\r\n"); } } include('cp_configuration_options.php'); $properties_written = array(); $closing_line = null; for ($i = 0; $i < count($file_lines); $i++) { foreach (array_keys($cpm_config->properties) as $variable) { if (!in_array($variable, $properties_written)) { if (preg_match("#\\$${variable}\ *\=\ *([^\;]*)\;#", $file_lines[$i], $matches) > 0) { $value = $cpm_config->properties[$variable]; $file_lines[$i] = '$' . $variable . ' = "' . $value . '";'; $properties_written[] = $variable; } } } if (strpos($file_lines[$i], "?>") !== false) { $closing_line = $i; } } foreach (array_keys($cpm_config->properties) as $variable) { if (!in_array($variable, $properties_written)) { foreach ($comicpress_configuration_options as $option_info) { if ($option_info['id'] == $variable) { $comicpress_lines = array(); $comicpress_lines[] = "//{$option_info['name']} - {$option_info['description']} (default \"{$option_info['default']}\")"; $comicpress_lines[] = "\${$option_info['id']} = \"{$cpm_config->properties[$variable]}\";"; $comicpress_lines[] = ""; array_splice($file_lines, $closing_line, 0, $comicpress_lines); break; } } } } $file_output = implode("\n", $file_lines); if (!$just_show_config) { if (can_write_comicpress_config($filepath)) { $target_filepath = $filepath . '.' . time(); $temp_filepath = $target_filepath . '-tmp'; if (@file_write_contents($temp_filepath, $file_output) !== false) { if (file_exists($temp_filepath)) { @chmod($temp_filepath, CPM_FILE_UPLOAD_CHMOD); if (@rename($filepath, $target_filepath)) { if (@rename($temp_filepath, $filepath)) { return array($target_filepath); } else { @unlink($temp_filepath); @rename($target_filepath, $filepath); } } else { @unlink($temp_filepath); } } } } } return $file_output; } /** * Generate links to view or edit a particular post. * @param array $post_info The post information to use. * @return string The view & edit post links for the post. */ function generate_view_edit_post_links($post_info) { $view_post_link = sprintf("%s", __("View post", 'comicpress-manager')); $edit_post_link = sprintf("%s", __("Edit post", 'comicpress-manager')); return $view_post_link . ' | ' . $edit_post_link; } /** * Write a thumbnail image to the thumbnail folders. * @param string $input The input image filename. * @param string $target_filename The filename for the thumbnails. * @param boolean $do_rebuild If true, force rebuilding thumbnails. * @return mixed True if successful, false if not, null if unable to write. */ function cpm_write_thumbnail($input, $target_filename, $do_rebuild = false) { global $cpm_config; $target_format = pathinfo($target_filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $files_created_in_operation = array(); $write_targets = array(); foreach ($cpm_config->separate_thumbs_folder_defined as $type => $value) { if ($value) { if ($cpm_config->thumbs_folder_writable[$type]) { $converted_target_filename = preg_replace('#\.[^\.]+$#', '', $target_filename) . '.' . $target_format; $target = CPM_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/' . $cpm_config->properties[$type . "_comic_folder"]; if (($subdir = cpm_get_subcomic_directory()) !== false) { $target .= '/' . $subdir; } $target .= '/' . $converted_target_filename; if (!in_array($target, $write_targets)) { $write_targets[$type] = $target; } } } } if (count($write_targets) > 0) { if (!$do_rebuild) { if (file_exists($input)) { if (file_exists($target)) { if (filemtime($input) > filemtime($target)) { $do_rebuild = true; } } else { $do_rebuild = true; } } } if ($do_rebuild) { switch ($cpm_config->get_scale_method()) { case CPM_SCALE_NONE: return null; case CPM_SCALE_IMAGEMAGICK: $unique_colors = exec("identify -format '%k' '${input}'"); if (empty($unique_colors)) { $unique_colors = 256; } $ok = true; foreach ($write_targets as $type => $target) { $width_to_use = (isset($cpm_config->properties["${type}_comic_width"])) ? $cpm_config->properties["${type}_comic_width"] : $cpm_config->properties['archive_comic_width']; $command = array("convert", "\"${input}\"", "-filter Lanczos", "-resize " . $width_to_use . "x"); $im_target = $target; switch(strtolower($target_format)) { case "jpg": case "jpeg": $command[] = "-quality " . cpm_option("cpm-thumbnail-quality"); break; case "gif": $command[] = "-colors ${unique_colors}"; break; case "png": if ($unique_colors <= 256) { $im_target = "png8:${im_target}"; $command[] = "-colors ${unique_colors}"; } $command[] = "-quality 100"; break; default: } $command[] = "\"${im_target}\""; $convert_to_thumb = escapeshellcmd(implode(" ", $command)); exec($convert_to_thumb); if (!file_exists($target)) { $ok = false; } else { @chmod($target, CPM_FILE_UPLOAD_CHMOD); $files_created_in_operation[] = $target; } } return ($ok) ? $files_created_in_operation :false ; case CPM_SCALE_GD: list ($width, $height) = getimagesize($input); if ($width > 0) { $pixel_size_buffer = 1.25; $max_bytes = cpm_short_size_string_to_bytes(ini_get('memory_limit')); if ($max_bytes > 0) { $max_thumb_size = 0; foreach ($write_targets as $type => $target) { $width_to_use = (isset($cpm_config->properties["${type}_comic_width"])) ? $cpm_config->properties["${type}_comic_width"] : $cpm_config->properties['archive_comic_width']; $archive_comic_height = (int)(($width_to_use * $height) / $width); $max_thumb_size = max($width_to_use * $archive_comic_height * 4, $max_thumb_size); } $input_image_size = $width * $height * 4; if (strtolower(pathinfo($input, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) == "gif") { $input_image_size *= 2; } $recommended_size = ($input_image_size + $max_thumb_size) * $pixel_size_buffer; if (function_exists('memory_get_usage')) { $recommended_size += memory_get_usage(); } if ($recommended_size > $max_bytes) { $cpm_config->warnings[] = sprintf(__("You don't have enough memory available to PHP and GD to process this file. You should set your PHP memory_size to at least %sM and try again. For more information, read the ComicPress Manager FAQ.", 'comicpress-manager'), (int)($recommended_size / (1024 * 1024))); return false; } } foreach ($write_targets as $type => $target) { $width_to_use = (isset($cpm_config->properties["${type}_comic_width"])) ? $cpm_config->properties["${type}_comic_width"] : $cpm_config->properties['archive_comic_width']; $archive_comic_height = (int)(($width_to_use * $height) / $width); $pathinfo = pathinfo($input); $thumb_image = imagecreatetruecolor($width_to_use, $archive_comic_height); imagealphablending($thumb_image, true); switch(strtolower($pathinfo['extension'])) { case "jpg": case "jpeg": $comic_image = imagecreatefromjpeg($input); break; case "gif": $is_gif = true; $temp_comic_image = imagecreatefromgif($input); list($width, $height) = getimagesize($input); $comic_image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); imagecopy($comic_image, $temp_comic_image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height); imagedestroy($temp_comic_image); break; case "png": $comic_image = imagecreatefrompng($input); break; default: return false; } imagealphablending($comic_image, true); if ($is_palette = !imageistruecolor($comic_image)) { $number_of_colors = imagecolorstotal($comic_image); } imagecopyresampled($thumb_image, $comic_image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width_to_use, $archive_comic_height, $width, $height); $ok = true; @touch($target); if (file_exists($target)) { @unlink($target); switch(strtolower($target_format)) { case "jpg": case "jpeg": if (imagetypes() & IMG_JPG) { @imagejpeg($thumb_image, $target, cpm_option("cpm-thumbnail-quality")); } else { return false; } break; case "gif": if (imagetypes() & IMG_GIF) { if (function_exists('imagecolormatch')) { $temp_comic_image = imagecreate($width_to_use, $archive_comic_height); imagecopymerge($temp_comic_image, $thumb_image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width_to_use, $archive_comic_height, 100); imagecolormatch($thumb_image, $temp_comic_image); @imagegif($temp_comic_image, $target); imagedestroy($temp_comic_image); } else { @imagegif($thumb_image, $target); } } else { return false; } break; case "png": if (imagetypes() & IMG_PNG) { if ($is_palette) { imagetruecolortopalette($thumb_image, true, $number_of_colors); } @imagepng($thumb_image, $target, 9); } else { return false; } break; default: return false; } } if (!file_exists($target)) { $ok = false; } else { @chmod($target, CPM_FILE_UPLOAD_CHMOD); $files_created_in_operation[] = $target; } imagedestroy($comic_image); imagedestroy($thumb_image); } } else { $ok = false; } return ($ok) ? $files_created_in_operation :false ; } } } return null; } function cpm_obfuscate_filename($filename) { if (($result = cpm_breakdown_comic_filename($filename)) !== false) { $md5_key = substr(md5(rand() + strlen($filename)), 0, 8); $extension = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); switch (cpm_option('cpm-obfuscate-filenames-on-upload')) { case "append": return $result['date'] . $result['title'] . '-' . $md5_key . '.' . $extension; case "replace": return $result['date'] . '-' . $md5_key . '.' . $extension; } } return $filename; } function cpm_do_gd_file_check_on_upload($check_file_path, $target_filename) { global $cpm_config, $wpmu_version; $file_ok = true; $did_filecheck = false; $is_cmyk = false; $result = cpm_breakdown_comic_filename($target_filename, true); if (extension_loaded("gd") && (cpm_option('cpm-perform-gd-check') == 1)) { $file_ok = (($image_info = getimagesize($check_file_path)) !== false); $did_filecheck = true; if (($image_info[2] == IMAGETYPE_JPEG) && ($image_info['channels'] == 4)) { $is_cmyk = true; $file_ok = false; $temp_check_file_path = $check_file_path . md5(rand()); switch ($cpm_config->get_scale_method()) { case CPM_SCALE_NONE: break; case CPM_SCALE_IMAGEMAGICK: exec(implode(" ", array("convert", "\"{$check_file_path}\"", "-colorspace rgb", $temp_check_file_path))); break; case CPM_SCALE_GD: $cmyk_data = imagecreatefromjpeg($check_file_path); imagejpeg($cmyk_data, $temp_check_file_path, cpm_option("cpm-thumbnail-quality")); break; } if (file_exists($temp_check_file_path)) { rename($temp_check_file_path, $check_file_path); $file_ok = true; } } if ($file_ok) { $current_extension = strtolower(pathinfo($target_filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); if ($current_extension != "") { $remove_extension = false; switch($image_info[2]) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: $remove_extension = !in_array($current_extension, array("gif")); break; case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: $remove_extension = !in_array($current_extension, array("jpg", "jpeg")); break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: $remove_extension = !in_array($current_extension, array("png")); break; } if ($remove_extension) { $target_filename = preg_replace('#\.[^\.]+$#', '', $target_filename); $result = cpm_breakdown_comic_filename($target_filename, true); } } $gd_did_rename = false; if ($result === false && $file_ok) { if (pathinfo($target_filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == "") { $new_extension = ""; switch($image_info[2]) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: $new_extension = "gif"; break; case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: $new_extension = "jpg"; break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: $new_extension = "png"; break; } if ($new_extension != "") { $target_filename .= '.' . $new_extension; } $result = cpm_breakdown_comic_filename($target_filename, true); $gd_did_rename = true; } } } } return compact('file_ok', 'did_filecheck', 'gd_did_rename', 'result', 'target_filename', 'is_cmyk'); } /** * Handle uploading a set of files. * @param array $files A list of valid $_FILES keys to process. */ function cpm_handle_file_uploads($files) { global $cpm_config; $posts_created = array(); $duplicate_posts = array(); $files_uploaded = array(); $thumbnails_written = array(); $invalid_filenames = array(); $thumbnails_not_written = array(); $files_not_uploaded = array(); $invalid_image_types = array(); $gd_rename_file = array(); $did_convert_cmyk_jpeg = array(); $target_root = CPM_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/' . $cpm_config->properties[$_POST['upload-destination'] . "_folder"]; if (($subdir = cpm_get_subcomic_directory()) !== false) { $target_root .= '/' . $subdir; } $write_thumbnails = isset($_POST['thumbnails']) && ($_POST['upload-destination'] == "comic"); $new_post = isset($_POST['new_post']) && ($_POST['upload-destination'] == "comic"); $ok_to_keep_uploading = true; $files_created_in_operation = array(); $filename_original_titles = array(); foreach ($files as $key) { if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$key]['tmp_name'])) { if ($_FILES[$key]['error'] != 0) { switch ($_FILES[$key]['error']) { case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: $cpm_config->warnings[] = sprintf(__("The file you uploaded was too large. The max allowed filesize for uploads to your server is %s.", 'comicpress-manager'), ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); break; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: break; default: $cpm_config->warnings[] = sprintf(__("There was an error in uploading. The PHP upload error code was %s.", 'comicpress-manager'), $_FILES[$key]['error']); break; } } else { if (strpos($_FILES[$key]['name'], ".zip") !== false) { $invalid_files = array(); //harmonious zip_open zip_entry_name zip_read zip_entry_read zip_entry_open zip_entry_filesize zip_entry_close zip_close if (extension_loaded("zip")) { if (is_resource($zip = zip_open($_FILES[$key]['tmp_name']))) { while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) { if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry, "r")) { $temp_path = $target_root . '/' . md5(rand()); file_write_contents($temp_path, zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry))); $comic_file = zip_entry_name($zip_entry); $target_filename = pathinfo(zip_entry_name($zip_entry), PATHINFO_BASENAME); $result = cpm_breakdown_comic_filename($target_filename, true); if (file_exists($temp_path)) { extract(cpm_do_gd_file_check_on_upload($temp_path, $target_filename)); if ($result !== false) { extract($result, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, "filename"); if ($file_ok) { if (($obfuscated_filename = cpm_obfuscate_filename($target_filename)) !== $target_filename) { $cpm_config->messages[] = sprintf(__('Uploaded file %1$s renamed to %2$s.', 'comicpress-manager'), $target_filename, $obfuscated_filename); $filename_original_titles[$obfuscated_filename] = $result['converted_title']; $target_filename = $obfuscated_filename; } @rename($temp_path, $target_root . '/' . $target_filename); $files_created_in_operation[] = $target_root . '/' . $target_filename; $files_uploaded[] = $target_filename; if ($gd_did_rename) { $gd_rename_file[] = $comic_file; } if ($did_filecheck) { if ($is_cmyk) { $did_convert_cmyk_jpeg[] = $comic_file; } } } else { if ($did_filecheck) { $invalid_image_types[] = $comic_file; } else { $invalid_filenames[] = $comic_file; } } } else { $files_not_uploaded[] = $comic_file; } } else { $invalid_filenames[] = $comic_file; } @unlink($temp_path); zip_entry_close($zip_entry); } if (($result = cpm_breakdown_comic_filename($target_filename, true)) !== false) { extract($result, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'filename'); $target_path = $target_root . '/' . $target_filename; if (isset($_POST['upload-date-format']) && !empty($_POST['upload-date-format'])) { $target_filename = date(CPM_DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($result['date'])) . $result['title'] . '.' . pathinfo($_FILES[$key]['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); } } else { $invalid_filenames[] = $comic_file; } } zip_close($zip); } } else { $cpm_config->warnings[] = sprintf(__("The Zip extension is not installed. %s was not processed.", 'comicpress-manager'), $_FILES[$key]['name']); } //harmonious_end } else { $target_filename = $_FILES[$key]['name']; if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $target_filename = stripslashes($target_filename); } $tried_replace = false; if (!empty($_POST['overwrite-existing-file-choice'])) { $tried_replace = true; $original_filename = $target_filename; $target_filename = $_POST['overwrite-existing-file-choice']; if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $target_filename = stripslashes($target_filename); } $new_post = false; if (pathinfo($original_filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) != pathinfo($target_filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) { if (@unlink($target_root . '/' . $target_filename)) { foreach (cpm_get_thumbnails_to_generate() as $type) { $path = CPM_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/' . $cpm_config->properties[$type . "_comic_folder"]; if (($subdir = cpm_get_thumbnails_to_generate()) !== false) { $path .= '/' . $subdir; } @unlink($path . '/' . $target_filename); } } $target_filename = preg_replace('#\.[^\.]+$#', '', $target_filename) . '.' . pathinfo($original_filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); } $result = cpm_breakdown_comic_filename($target_filename); $cpm_config->messages[] = sprintf(__('Uploaded file %1$s renamed to %2$s.', 'comicpress-manager'), $original_filename, $target_filename); } else { if (count($files) == 1) { if (!empty($_POST['override-date'])) { $date = strtotime($_POST['override-date']); if (($date !== false) && ($date !== -1)) { $new_date = date(CPM_DATE_FORMAT, $date); $old_filename = $target_filename; if (($target_result = cpm_breakdown_comic_filename($target_filename, true)) !== false) { $target_filename = $new_date . $target_result['title'] . '.' . pathinfo($target_filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); } else { $target_filename = $new_date . '-' . $target_filename; } if ($old_filename !== $target_filename) { $cpm_config->messages[] = sprintf(__('Uploaded file %1$s renamed to %2$s.', 'comicpress-manager'), $_FILES[$key]['name'], $target_filename); } $result = cpm_breakdown_comic_filename($target_filename); } else { if (preg_match('/\S/', $_POST['override-date']) > 0) { $cpm_config->warnings[] = sprintf(__("Provided override date %s is not parseable by strtotime().", 'comicpress-manager'), $_POST['override-date']); } } } } $result = cpm_breakdown_comic_filename($target_filename, true); if ($result !== false) { // bad file, can we get a date attached? if (isset($_POST['upload-date-format']) && !empty($_POST['upload-date-format'])) { $target_filename = date(CPM_DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($result['date'])) . $result['title'] . '.' . pathinfo($_FILES[$key]['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); } } } $comic_file = $_FILES[$key]['name']; extract(cpm_do_gd_file_check_on_upload($_FILES[$key]['tmp_name'], $target_filename)); $output_file = null; if ($result !== false) { extract($result, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, "filename"); if ($file_ok) { if (($obfuscated_filename = cpm_obfuscate_filename($target_filename)) !== $target_filename) { $cpm_config->messages[] = sprintf(__('Uploaded file %1$s renamed to %2$s.', 'comicpress-manager'), $target_filename, $obfuscated_filename); $filename_original_titles[$obfuscated_filename] = $result['converted_title']; $target_filename = $obfuscated_filename; } $output_file = $target_root . '/' . $target_filename; @move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$key]['tmp_name'], $output_file); $files_created_in_operation[] = $output_file; if (file_exists($output_file)) { $files_uploaded[] = $target_filename; if ($gd_did_rename) { $gd_rename_file[] = $comic_file; } } else { $files_not_uploaded[] = $target_filename; } if ($did_filecheck) { if ($is_cmyk) { $did_convert_cmyk_jpeg[] = $comic_file; } } } else { if ($did_filecheck) { $invalid_image_types[] = $comic_file; } else { $invalid_filenames[] = $comic_file; } } } else { if (!$tried_replace) { $invalid_filenames[] = $comic_file; } } if ( ($cpm_config->scale_method_cache == CPM_SCALE_IMAGEMAGICK) && (cpm_option('cpm-strip-icc-profiles') == "1") && !empty($output_file)) { $temp_output_file = $output_file . '.' . md5(rand()); $command = array("convert", "\"${output_file}\"", "-strip", "\"${temp_output_file}\""); $strip_profiles = escapeshellcmd(implode(" ", $command)); exec($strip_profiles); if (file_exists($temp_output_file)) { @unlink($output_file); @rename($temp_output_file, $output_file); } } } } } if ($wpmu_version) { if (cpm_wpmu_is_over_storage_limit()) { $ok_to_keep_uploading = false; break; } } } if ($ok_to_keep_uploading) { foreach ($files_uploaded as $target_filename) { $target_path = $target_root . '/' . $target_filename; @chmod($target_path, CPM_FILE_UPLOAD_CHMOD); if ($write_thumbnails) { $wrote_thumbnail = cpm_write_thumbnail($target_path, $target_filename); } if (!is_null($wrote_thumbnail)) { if (is_array($wrote_thumbnail)) { $thumbnails_written[] = $target_filename; $files_created_in_operation = array_merge($files_created_in_operation, $wrote_thumbnail); } else { $thumbnails_not_written[] = $target_filename; } } } if ($wpmu_version) { if (cpm_wpmu_is_over_storage_limit()) { $ok_to_keep_uploading = false; } } } if ($ok_to_keep_uploading) { foreach ($files_uploaded as $target_filename) { if ($new_post) { extract(cpm_breakdown_comic_filename($target_filename), EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, "filename"); if (isset($filename_original_titles[$target_filename])) { $filename_converted_title = $filename_original_titles[$target_filename]; } if (($post_hash = generate_post_hash($filename_date, $filename_converted_title)) !== false) { extract($post_hash); $ok_to_create_post = true; if (isset($_POST['duplicate_check'])) { $ok_to_create_post = (($post_id = post_exists($post_title, $post_content, $post_date)) == 0); } if ($ok_to_create_post) { if (!is_null($post_id = wp_insert_post($post_hash))) { $posts_created[] = get_post($post_id, ARRAY_A); foreach (array('hovertext', 'transcript') as $field) { if (!empty($_POST["${field}-to-use"])) { update_post_meta($post_id, $field, $_POST["${field}-to-use"]); } } } } else { $duplicate_posts[] = array(get_post($post_id, ARRAY_A), $target_filename); } } else { $invalid_filenames[] = $target_filename; } } } cpm_display_operation_messages(compact('invalid_filenames', 'files_uploaded', 'files_not_uploaded', 'thumbnails_written', 'thumbnails_not_written', 'posts_created', 'duplicate_posts', 'invalid_image_types', 'gd_rename_file', 'did_convert_cmyk_jpeg')); } else { $cpm_config->messages = array(); $cpm_config->warnings = array($cpm_config->wpmu_disk_space_message); foreach ($files_created_in_operation as $file) { @unlink($file); } } return array($posts_created, $duplicate_posts); } /** * Display messages when CPM operations are completed. */ function cpm_display_operation_messages($info) { global $cpm_config; extract($info); if (count($invalid_filenames) > 0) { $cpm_config->messages[] = __("The following filenames were invalid: ", 'comicpress-manager') . implode(", ", $invalid_filenames); } if (count($invalid_image_types) > 0) { $cpm_config->warnings[] = __("According to GD, the following files were invalid image files: ", 'comicpress-manager') . implode(", ", $invalid_image_types); } if (count($files_uploaded) > 0) { $cpm_config->messages[] = __("The following files were uploaded: ", 'comicpress-manager') . implode(", ", $files_uploaded); } if (count($files_not_uploaded) > 0) { $cpm_config->messages[] = __("The following files were not uploaded, or the permissions on the uploaded file do not allow reading the file. Check the permissions of both the target directory and the upload directory and try again: ", 'comicpress-manager') . implode(", ", $files_not_uploaded); } if (count($thumbnails_written) > 0) { $cpm_config->messages[] = __("Thumbnails were written for the following files: ", 'comicpress-manager') . implode(", ", $thumbnails_written); } if (count($thumbnails_not_written) > 0) { $cpm_config->messages[] = __("Thumbnails were not written for the following files. Check the permissions on the rss & archive folders, and make sure the files you're processing are valid image files: ", 'comicpress-manager') . implode(", ", $thumbnails_not_written); } if (count($new_thumbnails_not_needed) > 0) { $cpm_config->messages[] = __("New thumbnails were not needed for the following files: ", 'comicpress-manager') . implode(", ", $new_thumbnails_not_needed); } if (count($gd_rename_file) > 0) { $cpm_config->messages[] = __("GD was able to recognize the filetypes of these files and change their extensions to match: ", 'comicpress-manager') . implode(", ", $gd_rename_file); } if (count($did_convert_cmyk_jpeg) > 0) { $cpm_config->messages[] = __("The following JPEG files have been converted from CMYK to RGB: ", 'comicpress-manager') . implode(", ", $did_convert_cmyk_jpeg); } if (count($posts_created) > 0) { $post_links = array(); foreach ($posts_created as $comic_post) { $post_links[] = "
  • " . $comic_post['post_title'] . " (" . $comic_post['post_date'] . ") " . generate_view_edit_post_links($comic_post) . "
  • "; } $cpm_config->messages[] = __("New posts created. View them from the links below:", 'comicpress-manager') . " "; } else { if (count($files_uploaded) > 0) { if (count($duplicate_posts) == 0) { $cpm_config->messages[] = __("No new posts created.", 'comicpress-manager'); } } } if (count($duplicate_posts) > 0) { $post_links = array(); foreach ($duplicate_posts as $info) { list($comic_post, $comic_file) = $info; $post_links[] = "
  • " . $comic_file . " — " . $comic_post['post_title'] . " (" . $comic_post['post_date'] . ") " . generate_view_edit_post_links($comic_post) . "
  • "; } $cpm_config->messages[] = __("The following files would have created duplicate posts. View them from the links below: ", 'comicpress-manager') . ""; } } /** * Show the Post Body Template. * @param integer $width The width of the editor in pixels. */ function cpm_show_post_body_template($width = 435) { global $cpm_config; ?>
    Post body template:

    • {category}:
    • {date}: %s)", 'comicpress-manager'), date("F j, Y", time())) ?>
    • {title}:
    = filemtime($js_path . '/' . $regular_file)) { $file_to_use = $minified_file; } } ?> need_calendars) { ?> messages, __("The operation you just performed returned the following:", 'comicpress-manager'), 'messages'), array( $cpm_config->warnings, __("The following warnings were generated:", 'comicpress-manager'), 'warnings'), array( $cpm_config->errors, __("The following problems were found in your configuration:", 'comicpress-manager'), 'errors') ) as $info) { list($messages, $header, $style) = $info; if (count($messages) > 0) { if (count($messages) == 1) { $output = $messages[0]; } else { ob_start(); ?> If your error is permissions-related, you may have to set some Windows-specific permissions on your filesystem. Consult your Webhost for more information.

    ", 'comicpress-manager'); } ?>
    errors) > 0) { $current_theme_info = get_theme(get_current_theme()); ?>

    show_config_editor) { ?>

    config_filepath) . '/comicpress-config.php.*'); if ($found_backup_files === false) { $found_backup_files = array(); } foreach ($found_backup_files as $file) { if (preg_match('#\.([0-9]+)$#', $file, $matches) > 0) { list($all, $time) = $matches; $available_backup_files[] = $time; } } arsort($available_backup_files); // if ($wpmu_version) { // $cpm_config->show_config_editor = true; // } else { if ($cpm_config->config_method == "comicpress-config.php") { if (!$cpm_config->can_write_config) { $update_automatically = false; } } else { if (count($available_backup_files) > 0) { if (!$cpm_config->can_write_config) { $update_automatically = false; } } else { $update_automatically = false; } } if (!$update_automatically) { ?>

    You won't be able to update your comicpress-config.php or functions.php file directly through the ComicPress Manager interface. Check to make sure the permissions on %s and comicpress-config.php are set so that the Webserver can write to them. Once you submit, you'll be given a block of code to paste into the comicpress-config.php file.", 'comicpress-manager'), $current_theme_info['Template Dir']) ?>

    0) { ?>

    Some backup comicpress-config.php files were found in your theme directory. You can choose to restore one of these backup files, or you can go ahead and create a new configuration below.", 'comicpress-manager') ?>

    " />

    show_config_editor) { echo cpm_manager_edit_config(); } ?>
    () $b[1]) ? -1 : 1; } /** * Handle all ComicPress actions. */ function cpm_handle_actions() { global $cpm_config; $valid_actions = array('multiple-upload-file', 'create-missing-posts', 'update-config', 'restore-backup', 'change-dates', 'write-comic-post', 'update-cpm-config', 'do-first-run', 'skip-first-run', 'build-storyline-schema', 'batch-processing', 'manage-subcomic'); // // take actions based upon $_POST['action'] // if (isset($_POST['action'])) { if (in_array($_POST['action'], $valid_actions)) { require_once('actions/comicpress_' . $_POST['action'] . '.php'); call_user_func("cpm_action_" . str_replace("-", "_", $_POST['action'])); } } } /** * Show the details of the current setup in the Sidebar. */ function cpm_show_comicpress_details() { global $cpm_config, $wpmu_version; $all_comic_dates_ok = true; $all_comic_dates = array(); foreach ($cpm_config->comic_files as $comic_file) { if (($result = cpm_breakdown_comic_filename(pathinfo($comic_file, PATHINFO_BASENAME))) !== false) { if (isset($all_comic_dates[$result['date']])) { $all_comic_dates_ok = false; break; } $all_comic_dates[$result['date']] = true; } } $subdir_path = ''; if (($subdir = cpm_get_subcomic_directory()) !== false) { $subdir_path .= '/' . $subdir; } ?>

    post_date); if ($timestamp < $current_timestamp) { $is_current = true; } if ($is_current) { if ($is_previous) { $previous_post = $comic_post; break; } $current_post = $comic_post; $is_previous = true; } else { $upcoming_post = $comic_post; } } $found_posts = compact('previous_post', 'current_post', 'upcoming_post'); $post_titles = array('previous_post' => __("Last Post", 'comicpress-manager'), 'current_post' => __("Current Post", 'comicpress-manager'), 'upcoming_post' => __("Upcoming Post", 'comicpress-manager')); ?>
    $title) { if (!empty($found_posts[$key])) { $timestamp = strtotime($found_posts[$key]->post_date); $post_date = date(CPM_DATE_FORMAT, $timestamp); $comic_file = null; foreach ($cpm_config->comic_files as $file) { if (($result = cpm_breakdown_comic_filename(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_BASENAME))) !== false) { if ($result['date'] == $post_date) { $comic_file = $file; break; } } } ?>

    post_title ?> []

    <?php echo $found_posts[$key]->post_title ?>
    Comic file not found!

    You don't have any comic posts!

    >comic_files) . " comic files"; $output_config['config_filepath'] = substr(realpath($cpm_config->config_filepath), CPM_STRLEN_REALPATH_DOCUMENT_ROOT); $output_config['path'] = substr(realpath($cpm_config->path), CPM_STRLEN_REALPATH_DOCUMENT_ROOT); $output_config['zip_enabled'] = extension_loaded("zip"); clearstatcache(); $output_config['folder_perms'] = array(); $subdir = ""; if (($subdir = cpm_get_subcomic_directory()) !== false) { $subdir = '/' . $subdir; } foreach (array( 'comic' => CPM_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/' . $cpm_config->properties['comic_folder'] . $subdir, 'rss' => CPM_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/' . $cpm_config->properties['rss_comic_folder'] . $subdir, 'archive' => CPM_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/' . $cpm_config->properties['archive_comic_folder'] . $subdir, 'config' => $cpm_config->config_filepath ) as $key => $path) { if (($s = @stat($path)) !== false) { $output_config['folder_perms'][$key] = decoct($s[2]); } else { $output_config['folder_perms'][$key] = "folder does not exist"; } } $new_output_config = array(); foreach ($output_config as $key => $value) { if (is_string($value)) { $value = htmlentities($value); } $new_output_config[$key] = $value; } var_dump($new_output_config); ?> 0) { $file = array_shift($folder_stack); if (is_dir($file)) { $root_file = substr($file, strlen(CPM_DOCUMENT_ROOT) + 1); if (preg_match("#(${folders_to_ignore})$#", $root_file) == 0) { if (count(explode("/", $root_file)) <= $max_depth) { $found_folders[] = $root_file; $folder_stack = array_merge($folder_stack, glob($file . "/*")); } else { if (!$max_depth_message) { $cpm_config->messages[] = sprintf(__("I went %s levels deep in my search for comic directories. Are you sure you have your site set up correctly?", 'comicpress-manager'), $max_depth); $max_depth_message = true; } } } } if (count($found_folders) == $max_directories) { $cpm_config->messages[] = sprintf(__("I found over %s directories from your site root. Are you sure you have your site set up correctly?", 'comicpress-manager'), $max_directories); break; } } sort($found_folders); ob_start(); ?>
    (" . $description . ")"; $config_id = (isset($field_info['variable_name'])) ? $field_info['variable_name'] : $field_info['id']; switch($type) { case "category": ?> properties[$config_id], $found_folders); ?> properties["${folder_name}comic_folder"])) { $all_comic_folders_found = false; break; } } if (!$all_comic_folders_found) { ?> is_wp_options) { ?>
    : />

    Create your comics, archive, or RSS folders first, then reload this page and use the dropdowns to select the target folder. If ComicPress Manager can't automatically find your folders, you can enter the folder names into the dropdowns.", 'comicpress-manager') ?>

    " />