messages[] = sprintf(__("Reminder: You are managing the %s comic subdirectory.", 'comicpress-manager'), get_cat_name(get_option('comicpress-manager-manage-subcomic'))); } $cpm_config->need_calendars = true; $example_date = cpm_generate_example_date(CPM_DATE_FORMAT); $example_real_date = date(CPM_DATE_FORMAT); $zip_extension_loaded = extension_loaded('zip'); if (cpm_option('cpm-skip-checks') != 1) { if (!function_exists('get_comic_path')) { $cpm_config->warnings[] = __('It looks like you\'re running an older version of ComicPress. Storyline, hovertext, and transcript are fully supported in ComicPress 2.7. You can use hovertext and transcripts in earlier themes by using get_post_meta($post->ID, "hovertext", true) and get_post_meta($post->ID, "transcript", true).', 'comicpress-manager'); } } if (count($_POST) == 0 && isset($_GET['upload'])) { $cpm_config->warnings[] = sprintf(__("Your uploaded files were larger than the post_max_size setting, which is currently %s. Either upload fewer/smaller files, upload them via FTP/SFTP, or increase your server's post_max_size.", 'comicpress-manager'), ini_get('post_max_size')); } ob_start(); ?>

%s-single-comic-title.ext) and for when you might be duplicating a post. You will also be shown which comic will appear with which blog post in the Post editor.", 'comicpress-manager'), $example_date) ?>

Single comic titles are generated from the incoming filename. If you've named your file %s-my-new-years-day.jpg and create a new post for the file, the post title will be My New Years Day. This default should handle the majority of cases. If a comic file does not have a title, the date in MM/DD/YYYY format will be used.", 'comicpress-manager'), $example_real_date) ?>

Upload image files lets you upload multiple comics at a time, and add a default post body for each comic.", 'comicpress-manager') ?> upload a Zip file and create new posts from the files contained within the Zip file.", 'comicpress-manager') ?> You can't upload a Zip file because you do not have the PHP zip extension installed.", 'comicpress-manager') ?>

Donate a few bucks to show your appreciation!", 'comicpress-manager') ?>

comic_files) > 0) { ?>
" />
(click to open calendar. for single file uploads only. can accept any date format parseable by strtotime())", 'comicpress-manager') ?>
" />