is_cpm_managing_posts = true; $do_write = false; $use_default_file = false; if ($cpm_config->config_method == "comicpress-config.php") { $do_write = !isset($_POST['just-show-config']); } else { $use_default_file = true; } include(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/../cp_configuration_options.php'); $original_properties = $cpm_config->properties; foreach ($comicpress_configuration_options as $field_info) { extract($field_info); $config_id = (isset($field_info['variable_name'])) ? $field_info['variable_name'] : $field_info['id']; switch ($type) { case "folder": $cpm_config->properties[$config_id] = $_POST[$_POST["folder-{$config_id}"] . "-" . $config_id]; break; default: if (isset($_POST[$config_id])) { $cpm_config->properties[$config_id] = $_POST[$config_id]; } break; } } if ($wpmu_version) { cpm_wpmu_save_options(); $cpm_config->is_wp_options = true; } if (!$cpm_config->is_wp_options) { if (!$do_write) { $file_output = write_comicpress_config_functions_php($cpm_config->config_filepath, true, $use_default_file); $cpm_config->properties = $original_properties; if ($use_default_file) { $cpm_config->messages[] = __("No comicpress-config.php file was found in your theme folder. Using default configuration file.", 'comicpress-manager'); } $cpm_config->messages[] = __("Your configuration:", 'comicpress-manager') . "
" . htmlentities($file_output) . "
"; } else { if (!is_null($cpm_config->config_filepath)) { if (is_array($file_output = write_comicpress_config_functions_php($cpm_config->config_filepath))) { $cpm_config->config_method = read_current_theme_comicpress_config(); $cpm_config->path = get_comic_folder_path(); $cpm_config->plugin_path = PLUGINDIR . '/' . plugin_basename(__FILE__); cpm_read_information_and_check_config(); $backup_file = pathinfo($file_output[0], PATHINFO_BASENAME); $cpm_config->messages[] = sprintf(__("Configuration updated and original config backed up to %s. Rename this file to comicpress-config.php if you are having problems.", 'comicpress-manager'), $backup_file); } else { $relative_path = substr(realpath($cpm_config->config_filepath), CPM_STRLEN_REALPATH_DOCUMENT_ROOT); $cpm_config->warnings[] = sprintf(__("Configuration not updated, check the permissions of %s and the theme folder. They should be writable by the Webserver process. Alternatively, copy and paste the following code into your comicpress-config.php file:", 'comicpress-manager'), $relative_path) . "
" . htmlentities($file_output) . "
"; $cpm_config->properties = $original_properties; } } } } else { cpm_read_information_and_check_config(); $cpm_config->messages[] = sprintf(__("Configuration updated in database.", 'comicpress-manager'), $backup_file); } } ?>