1, 'comic_dimensions' => '760x', 'rss_dimensions' => '350x', 'archive_dimensions' => '125x', 'mini_dimensions' => '100x', 'category_order' => false, 'blogpost_count' => 10, 'comic_space' => 'comic_only', 'category_usage' => 'storyline', 'layout' => 'classic.inc', 'helpers' => array(), 'addons' => array(), 'storyline_order' => '' ); var $additional_stylesheets = array(); var $additional_javascripts = array(); var $comic_post_attachments_cache = array(); var $category_tree = array(); var $partial_paths = array(); var $layouts = null; function &get_instance() { static $instance; if (!$instance) { $instance = array(new ComicPress()); } return $instance[0]; } /** * Load ComicPress options. */ function load() { $result = get_option('comicpress-options'); if (is_array($result)) { $this->comicpress_options = array_merge($this->comicpress_options, $result); } } /** * Save ComicPress options. */ function save() { if (is_array($this->comicpress_options)) { update_option('comicpress-options', $this->comicpress_options); } } /** * Initialize the class. */ function init() { $this->load(); if (current_user_can('edit_themes')) { if (!empty($this->comicpress_options['helpers'])) { add_action('wp_footer', array(&$this, 'announce_activated_helpers')); } } add_filter('intermediate_image_sizes', array(&$this, 'intermediate_image_sizes')); foreach (array('comic', 'rss', 'archive', 'mini') as $size) { list($w, $h) = explode("x", $this->comicpress_options["${size}_dimensions"]); update_option("${size}_size_w", $w); update_option("${size}_size_h", $h); update_option("${size}_crop", 0); } } function intermediate_image_sizes($sizes) { return array_merge($sizes, array('comic', 'rss', 'archive', 'mini')); } function announce_activated_helpers() { echo "
[ Activated ComicPress helpers: " . implode(", ", array_keys($this->comicpress_options['helpers'])) . " ]
"; } /** * Gather blog posts for the given index page. */ function get_index_blog_posts_query() { global $post, $paged; $t = $post; $wp_query = new WP_Query(); $wp_query->query( 'showposts=' . (int)$this->comicpress_options['blogpost_count'] . '&cat=-' . $this->comicpress_options['comic_category_id'] . '&paged=' . $paged ); return $wp_query; } /** * See if a file exists in either child or parent theme, and if it does, return the path to that file. * @param string $path The path to find. * @param string $force_parent If true, always find the parent. * @return string|boolean The path to the file, or false if not found. */ function cascade_search($path, $force_parent = false) { $dirs_to_search = array(get_template_directory()); if (!$force_parent) { array_unshift($dirs_to_search, get_stylesheet_directory()); } foreach ($dirs_to_search as $dir) { $dir = trailingslashit($dir); if (file_exists($dir . $path)) { return $dir . $path; } } return false; } /** * Search a path for directories named after the slugs provided. * @param array $categories A list of category slugs going from child -> parent -> root. * @param string $path The path to search. * @return array All matching paths. */ function category_search($categories, $path) { $path = trailingslashit($path); $all_categories = array_reverse($categories); $all_paths = array(); while (count($all_categories) > 0) { $target = $path . implode('/', $all_categories); if (is_dir($target)) { $all_paths[] = $target; } array_pop($all_categories); } return array_reverse($all_paths); } /** * Recursively search a particular template directory for a specified file, limiting the search to the provided categories. * @param string $name The name of the file with no path information. * @param string $path The path within the template directories to start the search. * @param attay $categories The child -> root category slugs to search within the specified path. If not provided, retrieve from current post. * @return string|boolean The path to the file, for false if not found. */ function find_file($name, $path, $categories = null) { foreach (array(get_stylesheet_directory(), get_template_directory()) as $dir) { $dir = trailingslashit($dir) . $path; $dirs_to_search = $this->category_search($categories, $dir); $dirs_to_search[] = $dir; foreach ($dirs_to_search as $category_path) { $target = trailingslashit($category_path) . $name; if (file_exists($target)) { return $target; } } } return false; } } ?>