var EA_keys = {8:"Retour arriere",9:"Tabulation",12:"Milieu (pave numerique)",13:"Entrer",16:"Shift",17:"Ctrl",18:"Alt",19:"Pause",20:"Verr Maj",27:"Esc",32:"Space",33:"Page up",34:"Page down",35:"End",36:"Begin",37:"Left",38:"Up",39:"Right",40:"Down",44:"Impr ecran",45:"Inser",46:"Suppr",91:"Menu Demarrer Windows / touche pomme Mac",92:"Menu Demarrer Windows",93:"Menu contextuel Windows",112:"F1",113:"F2",114:"F3",115:"F4",116:"F5",117:"F6",118:"F7",119:"F8",120:"F9",121:"F10",122:"F11",123:"F12",144:"Verr Num",145:"Arret defil"}; function keyDown(e){ if(!e){ // if IE e=event; } // send the event to the plugins for(var i in editArea.plugins){ if(typeof(editArea.plugins[i].onkeydown)=="function"){ if(editArea.plugins[i].onkeydown(e)===false){ // stop propaging if(editArea.isIE) e.keyCode=0; return false; } } } var target_id=( || e.srcElement).id; var use=false; if (EA_keys[e.keyCode]) letter=EA_keys[e.keyCode]; else letter=String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode); var low_letter= letter.toLowerCase(); if(letter=="Page up" && !editArea.isOpera){ editArea.execCommand("scroll_page", {"dir": "up", "shift": ShiftPressed(e)}); use=true; }else if(letter=="Page down" && !editArea.isOpera){ editArea.execCommand("scroll_page", {"dir": "down", "shift": ShiftPressed(e)}); use=true; }else if(editArea.is_editable==false){ // do nothing but also do nothing else (allow to navigate with page up and page down) return true; }else if(letter=="Tabulation" && target_id=="textarea" && !CtrlPressed(e) && !AltPressed(e)){ if(ShiftPressed(e)) editArea.execCommand("invert_tab_selection"); else editArea.execCommand("tab_selection"); use=true; if(editArea.isOpera || (editArea.isFirefox && editArea.isMac) ) // opera && firefox mac can't cancel tabulation events... setTimeout("editArea.execCommand('focus');", 1); }else if(letter=="Entrer" && target_id=="textarea"){ if(editArea.press_enter()) use=true; }else if(letter=="Entrer" && target_id=="area_search"){ editArea.execCommand("area_search"); use=true; }else if(letter=="Esc"){ editArea.execCommand("close_all_inline_popup", e); use=true; }else if(CtrlPressed(e) && !AltPressed(e) && !ShiftPressed(e)){ switch(low_letter){ case "f": editArea.execCommand("area_search"); use=true; break; case "r": editArea.execCommand("area_replace"); use=true; break; case "q": editArea.execCommand("close_all_inline_popup", e); use=true; break; case "h": editArea.execCommand("change_highlight"); use=true; break; case "g": setTimeout("editArea.execCommand('go_to_line');", 5); // the prompt stop the return false otherwise use=true; break; case "e": editArea.execCommand("show_help"); use=true; break; case "z": use=true; editArea.execCommand("undo"); break; case "y": use=true; editArea.execCommand("redo"); break; default: break; } } // check to disable the redo possibility if the textarea content change if( > 0){ setTimeout("editArea.check_redo();", 10); } setTimeout("editArea.check_file_changes();", 10); if(use){ // in case of a control that sould'nt be used by IE but that is used => THROW a javascript error that will stop key action if(editArea.isIE) e.keyCode=0; return false; } //alert("Test: "+ letter + " ("+e.keyCode+") ALT: "+ AltPressed(e) + " CTRL "+ CtrlPressed(e) + " SHIFT "+ ShiftPressed(e)); return true; }; // return true if Alt key is pressed function AltPressed(e) { if (window.event) { return (window.event.altKey); } else { if(e.modifiers) return (e.altKey || (e.modifiers % 2)); else return e.altKey; } }; // return true if Ctrl key is pressed function CtrlPressed(e) { if (window.event) { return (window.event.ctrlKey); } else { return (e.ctrlKey || (e.modifiers==2) || (e.modifiers==3) || (e.modifiers>5)); } }; // return true if Shift key is pressed function ShiftPressed(e) { if (window.event) { return (window.event.shiftKey); } else { return (e.shiftKey || (e.modifiers>3)); } };