post = $post; } } function get_comic_image_attachments() { if (is_null($this->attachments)) { $this->attachments = get_children(array( 'post_parent' => $this->post->ID, 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image' )); } return $this->attachments; } /** * Display all the attached images. */ function display_attached_images($type = "comic", $limit = null, $size_type = null, $format = "%s") { if (is_null($size_type)) { $size_type = $type; } $found = false; $ordering = $this->normalize_comic_image_ordering($this->post->ID); $output = array(); if (is_array($ordering[$type])) { $i = 1; foreach ($ordering[$type] as $attachment_id) { if (get_post_meta($attachment_id, "comic_image_type", true) == $type) { $attachment = get_post($attachment_id); $title = (!empty($attachment->post_excerpt) ? $attachment->post_excerpt : $attachment->post_title); $url = wp_get_attachment_url($attachment->ID, ''); $sizes = image_downsize($attachment->ID, $size_type); if ($sizes) { $url = $sizes[0]; } $output[] = apply_filters('comicpress_attached_image', sprintf($format, $this->get_comic_img_tag($url, $size_type, array('title' => $title))), $attachment_id, $i++); $found = true; if (!is_null($limit)) { if (--$limit == 0) { break; } } } } } if (!empty($output)) { echo apply_filters('comicpress_display_attached_images', $output, $this->post->ID, ''); } return $found; } function _display_type($types, $format, $single = false) { $target_type = reset($types); foreach ($types as $type) { if ($this->display_attached_images($type, ($single ? 1 : null), $target_type, $format)) { return; } } } function display_comics($format) { $this->_display_type(array('comic'), $format); } function display_archive($format) { $this->_display_type(array('archive'. 'comic'), $format, true); } function display_rss($format) { $this->_display_type(array('rss'. 'comic'), $format); } /** * Build an <img /> tag for a comic. */ function get_comic_img_tag($url, $type, $additional_parameters = array()) { $dimensions = array(); if (isset($this->comicpress->comicpress_options["${type}_dimensions"])) { list($width, $height) = explode("x", $this->comicpress->comicpress_options["${type}_dimensions"]); $dimensions = compact('width', 'height'); } $output = ' $value) { $output .= $parameter . '="' . $value . '" '; } } $output .= "/>"; return $output; } /** * Normalize the ordering of comic images in this post. * If images have beed added or removed, intelligently update the metadata. */ function normalize_comic_image_ordering() { if (is_array($this->get_comic_image_attachments())) { $ordering_by_type = array(); $ordering_types = get_post_meta($this->post->ID, 'comic_ordering', true); $comic_image_ordering = array(); $found_post_ids = array(); if (!empty($ordering_types)) { foreach ($ordering_types as $type => $post_ids) { $comic_image_ordering[$type] = array(); foreach ($post_ids as $ordering_post_id) { foreach ($this->get_comic_image_attachments() as $attachment) { if (!isset($found_post_ids[$attachment->ID])) { if ($attachment->ID == $ordering_post_id) { $comic_image_ordering[$type][] = $attachment->ID; $found_post_ids[$ordering_post_id] = true; } } } } } } $remaining_posts_to_sort = array(); foreach ($this->get_comic_image_attachments() as $attachment) { $comic_image_type = get_post_meta($attachment->ID, 'comic_image_type', true); if (!empty($comic_image_type)) { if (!isset($found_post_ids[$attachment->ID])) { if (!isset($remaining_posts_to_sort[$comic_image_type])) { $remaining_posts_to_sort[$comic_image_type] = array(); } $remaining_posts_to_sort[$comic_image_type][] = $attachment->ID; } } } foreach ($remaining_posts_to_sort as $type => $posts) { usort($remaining_posts_to_sort[$type], array(&$this, 'sort_remaining_comic_images')); } foreach ($remaining_posts_to_sort as $type => $posts) { if (is_array($comic_image_ordering[$type])) { $comic_image_ordering[$type] = array_merge($comic_image_ordering[$type], $posts); } else { $comic_image_ordering[$type] = $posts; } } update_post_meta($this->post->ID, 'comic_ordering', $comic_image_ordering); return $comic_image_ordering; } return false; } function sort_remaining_comic_images($a, $b) { return strtotime($a->post_date) - strtotime($b->post_date); } /** * Change the ordering of comic images in the associated post. * @param array $order The new requested order. */ function change_comic_image_ordering($requested_new_order) { $orderings = get_post_meta($this->post->ID, 'comic_ordering', true); if (!is_array($orderings)) { $orderings = array(); } $new_order = array(); $requested_new_order = (array)$requested_new_order; foreach ($orderings as $type => $current_order) { $new_order[$type] = array(); $sort_by_position = array(); $position = 0; foreach ($requested_new_order[$type] as $id) { if (!isset($sort_by_position[$position])) { $sort_by_position[$position] = array(); } $sort_by_position[$position][] = $id; $position++; } ksort($sort_by_position); $requested_order = array(); foreach ($sort_by_position as $position => $ids) { sort($ids); $requested_order = array_merge($requested_order, $ids); } $requested_order = array_merge($requested_order, array_diff($current_order, $requested_order)); foreach ($requested_order as $requested_comic) { if (in_array($requested_comic, $current_order)) { $new_order[$type][] = $requested_comic; } } } update_post_meta($this->post->ID, 'comic_ordering', $new_order); } function get_parent_categories() { $parents = wp_get_post_categories($this->post->ID); do { $parents } while ($parents_found); } } ?>