/**** * This page contains some general usefull functions for javascript * ****/ // need to redefine this functiondue to IE problem function getAttribute( elm, aName ) { var aValue,taName,i; try{ aValue = elm.getAttribute( aName ); }catch(exept){} if( ! aValue ){ for( i = 0; i < elm.attributes.length; i ++ ) { taName = elm.attributes[i] .name.toLowerCase(); if( taName == aName ) { aValue = elm.attributes[i] .value; return aValue; } } } return aValue; }; // need to redefine this function due to IE problem function setAttribute( elm, attr, val ) { if(attr=="class"){ elm.setAttribute("className", val); elm.setAttribute("class", val); }else{ elm.setAttribute(attr, val); } }; /* return a child element elem: element we are searching in elem_type: type of the eleemnt we are searching (DIV, A, etc...) elem_attribute: attribute of the searched element that must match elem_attribute_match: value that elem_attribute must match option: "all" if must return an array of all children, otherwise return the first match element depth: depth of search (-1 or no set => unlimited) */ function getChildren(elem, elem_type, elem_attribute, elem_attribute_match, option, depth) { if(!option) var option="single"; if(!depth) var depth=-1; if(elem){ var children= elem.childNodes; var result=null; var results= []; for (var x=0;x0){ results= results.concat(result); } }else if(result!=null){ return result; } } } } if(option=="all") return results; } return null; }; function isChildOf(elem, parent){ if(elem){ if(elem==parent) return true; while(elem.parentNode != 'undefined'){ return isChildOf(elem.parentNode, parent); } } return false; }; function getMouseX(e){ if(e!=null && typeof(e.pageX)!="undefined"){ return e.pageX; }else{ return (e!=null?e.x:event.x)+ document.documentElement.scrollLeft; } }; function getMouseY(e){ if(e!=null && typeof(e.pageY)!="undefined"){ return e.pageY; }else{ return (e!=null?e.y:event.y)+ document.documentElement.scrollTop; } }; function calculeOffsetLeft(r){ return calculeOffset(r,"offsetLeft") }; function calculeOffsetTop(r){ return calculeOffset(r,"offsetTop") }; function calculeOffset(element,attr){ var offset=0; while(element){ offset+=element[attr]; element=element.offsetParent } return offset; }; /** return the computed style * @param: elem: the reference to the element * @param: prop: the name of the css property */ function get_css_property(elem, prop) { if(document.defaultView) { return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null).getPropertyValue(prop); } else if(elem.currentStyle) { var prop = prop.replace(/-\D/gi, function(sMatch) { return sMatch.charAt(sMatch.length - 1).toUpperCase(); }); return elem.currentStyle[prop]; } else return null; } /**** * Moving an element ***/ var _mCE; // currently moving element /* allow to move an element in a window e: the event id: the id of the element frame: the frame of the element ex of use: in html: or in javascript: document.getElementById("my_div").onmousedown= start_move_element */ function start_move_element(e, id, frame){ var elem_id=(e.target || e.srcElement).id; if(id) elem_id=id; if(!frame) frame=window; if(frame.event) e=frame.event; _mCE= frame.document.getElementById(elem_id); _mCE.frame=frame; frame.document.onmousemove= move_element; frame.document.onmouseup= end_move_element; /*_mCE.onmousemove= move_element; _mCE.onmouseup= end_move_element;*/ //alert(_mCE.frame.document.body.offsetHeight); mouse_x= getMouseX(e); mouse_y= getMouseY(e); //window.status=frame+ " elem: "+elem_id+" elem: "+ _mCE + " mouse_x: "+mouse_x; _mCE.start_pos_x = mouse_x - (_mCE.style.left.replace("px","") || calculeOffsetLeft(_mCE)); _mCE.start_pos_y = mouse_y - (_mCE.style.top.replace("px","") || calculeOffsetTop(_mCE)); return false; }; function end_move_element(e){ _mCE.frame.document.onmousemove= ""; _mCE.frame.document.onmouseup= ""; _mCE=null; }; function move_element(e){ var newTop,newLeft,maxLeft; if( _mCE.frame && _mCE.frame.event ) e=_mCE.frame.event; newTop = getMouseY(e) - _mCE.start_pos_y; newLeft = getMouseX(e) - _mCE.start_pos_x; maxLeft = _mCE.frame.document.body.offsetWidth- _mCE.offsetWidth; max_top = _mCE.frame.document.body.offsetHeight- _mCE.offsetHeight; newTop = Math.min(Math.max(0, newTop), max_top); newLeft = Math.min(Math.max(0, newLeft), maxLeft); _mCE.style.top = newTop+"px"; _mCE.style.left = newLeft+"px"; return false; }; /*** * Managing a textarea (this part need the navigator infos from editAreaLoader ***/ var nav= editAreaLoader.nav; // allow to get infos on the selection: array(start, end) function getSelectionRange(textarea){ return {"start": textarea.selectionStart, "end": textarea.selectionEnd}; }; // allow to set the selection function setSelectionRange(t, start, end){ t.focus(); start = Math.max(0, Math.min(t.value.length, start)); end = Math.max(start, Math.min(t.value.length, end)); if( this.isOpera && this.isOpera < 9.6 ){ // Opera bug when moving selection start and selection end t.selectionEnd = 1; t.selectionStart = 0; t.selectionEnd = 1; t.selectionStart = 0; } t.selectionStart = start; t.selectionEnd = end; //textarea.setSelectionRange(start, end); if(isIE) set_IE_selection(t); }; // set IE position in Firefox mode (textarea.selectionStart and textarea.selectionEnd). should work as a repeated task function get_IE_selection(t){ var d=document,div,range,stored_range,elem,scrollTop,relative_top,line_start,line_nb,range_start,range_end,tab; if(t && t.focused) { if(!t.ea_line_height) { // calculate the lineHeight div= d.createElement("div"); div.style.fontFamily= get_css_property(t, "font-family"); div.style.fontSize= get_css_property(t, "font-size"); div.style.visibility= "hidden"; div.innerHTML="0"; d.body.appendChild(div); t.ea_line_height= div.offsetHeight; d.body.removeChild(div); } //t.focus(); range = d.selection.createRange(); try { stored_range = range.duplicate(); stored_range.moveToElementText( t ); stored_range.setEndPoint( 'EndToEnd', range ); if(stored_range.parentElement() == t){ // the range don't take care of empty lines in the end of the selection elem = t; scrollTop = 0; while(elem.parentNode){ scrollTop+= elem.scrollTop; elem = elem.parentNode; } // var scrollTop= t.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop; // var relative_top= range.offsetTop - calculeOffsetTop(t) + scrollTop; relative_top= range.offsetTop - calculeOffsetTop(t)+ scrollTop; // alert("rangeoffset: "+ range.offsetTop +"\ncalcoffsetTop: "+ calculeOffsetTop(t) +"\nrelativeTop: "+ relative_top); line_start = Math.round((relative_top / t.ea_line_height) +1); line_nb = Math.round(range.boundingHeight / t.ea_line_height); range_start = stored_range.text.length - range.text.length; tab = t.value.substr(0, range_start).split("\n"); range_start += (line_start - tab.length)*2; // add missing empty lines to the selection t.selectionStart = range_start; range_end = t.selectionStart + range.text.length; tab = t.value.substr(0, range_start + range.text.length).split("\n"); range_end += (line_start + line_nb - 1 - tab.length)*2; t.selectionEnd = range_end; } } catch(e){} } setTimeout("get_IE_selection(document.getElementById('"+ t.id +"'));", 50); }; function IE_textarea_focus(){ event.srcElement.focused= true; } function IE_textarea_blur(){ event.srcElement.focused= false; } // select the text for IE (take into account the \r difference) function set_IE_selection( t ){ var nbLineStart,nbLineStart,nbLineEnd,range; if(!window.closed){ nbLineStart=t.value.substr(0, t.selectionStart).split("\n").length - 1; nbLineEnd=t.value.substr(0, t.selectionEnd).split("\n").length - 1; try { range = document.selection.createRange(); range.moveToElementText( t ); range.setEndPoint( 'EndToStart', range ); range.moveStart('character', t.selectionStart - nbLineStart); range.moveEnd('character', t.selectionEnd - nbLineEnd - (t.selectionStart - nbLineStart) ); range.select(); } catch(e){} } }; editAreaLoader.waiting_loading["elements_functions.js"]= "loaded";