// change_to: "on" or "off" EditArea.prototype.change_highlight= function(change_to){ if(this.settings["syntax"].length==0 && change_to==false){ this.switchClassSticky(_$("highlight"), 'editAreaButtonDisabled', true); this.switchClassSticky(_$("reset_highlight"), 'editAreaButtonDisabled', true); return false; } if(this.do_highlight==change_to) return false; this.getIESelection(); var pos_start= this.textarea.selectionStart; var pos_end= this.textarea.selectionEnd; if(this.do_highlight===true || change_to==false) this.disable_highlight(); else this.enable_highlight(); this.textarea.focus(); this.textarea.selectionStart = pos_start; this.textarea.selectionEnd = pos_end; this.setIESelection(); }; EditArea.prototype.disable_highlight= function(displayOnly){ var t= this, a=t.textarea, new_Obj, old_class, new_class; t.selection_field.innerHTML=""; t.selection_field_text.innerHTML=""; t.content_highlight.style.visibility="hidden"; // replacing the node is far more faster than deleting it's content in firefox new_Obj= t.content_highlight.cloneNode(false); new_Obj.innerHTML= ""; t.content_highlight.parentNode.insertBefore(new_Obj, t.content_highlight); t.content_highlight.parentNode.removeChild(t.content_highlight); t.content_highlight= new_Obj; old_class= parent.getAttribute( a,"class" ); if(old_class){ new_class= old_class.replace( "hidden","" ); parent.setAttribute( a, "class", new_class ); } a.style.backgroundColor="transparent"; // needed in order to see the bracket finders //var icon= document.getElementById("highlight"); //setAttribute(icon, "class", getAttribute(icon, "class").replace(/ selected/g, "") ); //t.restoreClass(icon); //t.switchClass(icon,'editAreaButtonNormal'); t.switchClassSticky(_$("highlight"), 'editAreaButtonNormal', true); t.switchClassSticky(_$("reset_highlight"), 'editAreaButtonDisabled', true); t.do_highlight=false; t.switchClassSticky(_$("change_smooth_selection"), 'editAreaButtonSelected', true); if(typeof(t.smooth_selection_before_highlight)!="undefined" && t.smooth_selection_before_highlight===false){ t.change_smooth_selection_mode(false); } // this.textarea.style.backgroundColor="#FFFFFF"; }; EditArea.prototype.enable_highlight= function(){ var t=this, a=t.textarea, new_class; t.show_waiting_screen(); t.content_highlight.style.visibility="visible"; new_class =parent.getAttribute(a,"class")+" hidden"; parent.setAttribute( a, "class", new_class ); // IE can't manage mouse click outside text range without this if( t.isIE ) a.style.backgroundColor="#FFFFFF"; t.switchClassSticky(_$("highlight"), 'editAreaButtonSelected', false); t.switchClassSticky(_$("reset_highlight"), 'editAreaButtonNormal', false); t.smooth_selection_before_highlight=t.smooth_selection; if(!t.smooth_selection) t.change_smooth_selection_mode(true); t.switchClassSticky(_$("change_smooth_selection"), 'editAreaButtonDisabled', true); t.do_highlight=true; t.resync_highlight(); t.hide_waiting_screen(); }; /** * Ask to update highlighted text * @param Array infos - Array of datas returned by EditArea.get_selection_infos() */ EditArea.prototype.maj_highlight= function(infos){ // for speed mesure var debug_opti="",tps_start= new Date().getTime(), tps_middle_opti=new Date().getTime(); var t=this, hightlighted_text, updated_highlight; var textToHighlight=infos["full_text"], doSyntaxOpti = false, doHtmlOpti = false, stay_begin="", stay_end="", trace_new , trace_last; if(t.last_text_to_highlight==infos["full_text"] && t.resync_highlight!==true) return; // OPTIMISATION: will search to update only changed lines if(t.reload_highlight===true){ t.reload_highlight=false; }else if(textToHighlight.length==0){ textToHighlight="\n "; }else{ // get text change datas changes = t.checkTextEvolution(t.last_text_to_highlight,textToHighlight); // check if it can only reparse the changed text trace_new = t.get_syntax_trace(changes.newTextLine).replace(/\r/g, ''); trace_last = t.get_syntax_trace(changes.lastTextLine).replace(/\r/g, ''); doSyntaxOpti = ( trace_new == trace_last ); // check if the difference comes only from a new line created // => we have to remember that the editor can automaticaly add tabulation or space after the new line) if( !doSyntaxOpti && trace_new == "\n"+trace_last && /^[ \t\s]*\n[ \t\s]*$/.test( changes.newText.replace(/\r/g, '') ) && changes.lastText =="" ) { doSyntaxOpti = true; } // we do the syntax optimisation if( doSyntaxOpti ){ tps_middle_opti=new Date().getTime(); stay_begin= t.last_hightlighted_text.split("\n").slice(0, changes.lineStart).join("\n"); if(changes.lineStart>0) stay_begin+= "\n"; stay_end= t.last_hightlighted_text.split("\n").slice(changes.lineLastEnd+1).join("\n"); if(stay_end.length>0) stay_end= "\n"+stay_end; // Final check to see that we're not in the middle of span tags if( stay_begin.split(' trace: "+trace_new +"\nchanged_last_text: "+ch.lastText+" => trace: "+trace_last //debug_opti+= "\nchanged: "+ infos["full_text"].substring(ch.posStart, ch.posNewEnd); + "\nchanged_line: "+ch.newTextLine + "\nlast_changed_line: "+ch.lastTextLine +"\nstay_begin: "+ stay_begin.slice(-100) +"\nstay_end: "+ stay_end.substr( 0, 100 ); //debug_opti="start: "+stay_begin_len+ "("+nb_line_start_unchanged+") end: "+ (stay_end_len)+ "("+(splited.length-nb_line_end_unchanged)+") "; //debug_opti+="changed: "+ textToHighlight.substring(stay_begin_len, textToHighlight.length-stay_end_len)+" \n"; //debug_opti+="changed: "+ stay_begin.substr(stay_begin.length-200)+ "----------"+ textToHighlight+"------------------"+ stay_end.substr(0,200) +"\n"; +"\n"; } // END OPTIMISATION } tps_end_opti = new Date().getTime(); // apply highlight updated_highlight = t.colorize_text(textToHighlight); tpsAfterReg = new Date().getTime(); /*** * see if we can optimize for updating only the required part of the HTML code * * The goal here will be to find the text node concerned by the modification and to update it */ //------------------------------------------- // if( doSyntaxOpti ) { try { var replacedBloc, i, nbStart = '', nbEnd = '', newHtml, lengthOld, lengthNew; replacedBloc = t.last_hightlighted_text.substring( stay_begin.length, t.last_hightlighted_text.length - stay_end.length ); lengthOld = replacedBloc.length; lengthNew = updated_highlight.length; // find the identical caracters at the beginning for( i=0; i < lengthOld && i < lengthNew && replacedBloc.charAt(i) == updated_highlight.charAt(i) ; i++ ) { } nbStart = i; // find the identical caracters at the end for( i=0; i + nbStart < lengthOld && i + nbStart < lengthNew && replacedBloc.charAt(lengthOld-i-1) == updated_highlight.charAt(lengthNew-i-1) ; i++ ) { } nbEnd = i; // get the changes lastHtml = replacedBloc.substring( nbStart, lengthOld - nbEnd ); newHtml = updated_highlight.substring( nbStart, lengthNew - nbEnd ); // We can do the optimisation only if we havn't touch to span elements if( newHtml.indexOf(' 0 ) { nbClosed--; parentSpan = parentSpan.parentNode; } // find the position of the last opended tag while( parentSpan.parentNode != t.content_highlight && parentSpan.parentNode.tagName != 'PRE' && ( tmpMaxStartOffset = Math.max( 0, beginStr.lastIndexOf( '', maxStartOffset ) ); // count the number of sub spans nbSubSpanBefore = beginStr.substr( lastEndPos ).split('' ) + 1 ); // console.log( span, textNode, nbOpendedSpan,nbClosedSpan, span.nextSibling, textNode.length, nbUnchangedChars, lastHtml, lastHtml.length, newHtml, newHtml.length ); // alert( textNode.parentNode.className +'-'+ textNode.parentNode.tagName+"\n"+ textNode.data +"\n"+ nbUnchangedChars +"\n"+ lastHtml.length +"\n"+ newHtml +"\n"+ newHtml.length ); // IE only manage \r for cariage return in textNode and not \n or \r\n if( t.isIE ) { nbUnchangedChars -= ( beginStr.substr( beginStr.length - nbUnchangedChars ).split("\n").length - 1 ); //alert( textNode.data.replace(/\r/g, '_r').replace(/\n/g, '_n')); textNode.replaceData( nbUnchangedChars, lastHtml.replace(/\n/g, '').length, newHtml.replace(/\n/g, '') ); } else { textNode.replaceData( nbUnchangedChars, lastHtml.length, newHtml ); } //--------] } } // an exception shouldn't occured but if replaceData failed at least it won't break everything catch( e ) { // throw e; // console.log( e ); doHtmlOpti = false; } } /*** END HTML update's optimisation ***/ // end test // console.log( (TPS6-TPS5), (TPS5-TPS4), (TPS4-TPS3), (TPS3-TPS2), (TPS2-TPS1), _CPT ); // get the new highlight content tpsAfterOpti2 = new Date().getTime(); hightlighted_text = stay_begin + updated_highlight + stay_end; if( !doHtmlOpti ) { // update the content of the highlight div by first updating a clone node (as there is no display in the same time for t node it's quite faster (5*)) var new_Obj= t.content_highlight.cloneNode(false); if( ( t.isIE && t.isIE < 8 ) || ( t.isOpera && t.isOpera < 9.6 ) ) new_Obj.innerHTML= "
" + hightlighted_text + "
"; else new_Obj.innerHTML= ""+ hightlighted_text +""; t.content_highlight.parentNode.replaceChild(new_Obj, t.content_highlight); t.content_highlight= new_Obj; } t.last_text_to_highlight= infos["full_text"]; t.last_hightlighted_text= hightlighted_text; tps3=new Date().getTime(); if(t.settings["debug"]){ //lineNumber=tab_text.length; //t.debug.value+=" \nNB char: "+_$("src").value.length+" Nb line: "+ lineNumber; t.debug.value= "Tps optimisation "+(tps_end_opti-tps_start) +" | tps reg exp: "+ (tpsAfterReg-tps_end_opti) +" | tps opti HTML : "+ (tpsAfterOpti2-tpsAfterReg) + ' '+ ( doHtmlOpti ? 'yes' : 'no' ) +" | tps update highlight content: "+ (tps3-tpsAfterOpti2) +" | tpsTotal: "+ (tps3-tps_start) + "("+tps3+")\n"+ debug_opti; // t.debug.value+= "highlight\n"+hightlighted_text;*/ } }; EditArea.prototype.resync_highlight= function(reload_now){ this.reload_highlight=true; this.last_text_to_highlight=""; this.focus(); if(reload_now) this.check_line_selection(false); };