' . __('post categories.','comicpress') . '' . __(' It is necessary to have 2 more categories in addition to the uncategorized category, a Blog and Comic primary categories. These two additional categories will be the root categories that seperate the difference between the comic and blog posts. When you post a new comic you will be posting it into the comic category or heirarchal children of the comic category. When posting a new blog post you need to set it into the blog category or child of the blog category. Uncategorized will act as a blog post category (do not rename uncategorized). You can configure the categories to set as the primary blog and comic category from within the comicpress-config.php file or use ComicPress Manager - ComicPress Config','comicpress'); } if (empty($error)) { // Check Comics Folder if (!is_dir(ABSPATH . '/' . $comic_folder)) { $error[] = array('header', __('Comics Folder is not configured and is unable to be found.','comicpress')); $error[] = __('ComicPress stores the files it uses inside a specific directory and that directory is set within the comicpress-config.php or you can configure it from within ComicPress Manager. When this error is present it means that the theme is unable to find the appropriate directory to read the comics from.','comicpress'); } } if (empty($error)) { // Make sure the ComicPress theme is installed in themes/comicpress if (ABSPATH . 'wp-content/themes/comicpress' != get_template_directory()) { $error[] = array('header', __('ComicPress theme is not installed into the correct folder.','comicpress')); $error[] = __('As of version 2.9, the ComicPress main core theme is required to be installed into the wp-content/themes/comicpress directory. It is currently not installed into that directory.','comicpress'); } } if (empty($error) && $comicpress_options['enable_full_post_check']) { // Check to make sure posts are not in blogcat and comiccat both $founderror = false; $non_comic_categories = str_replace(' and ', ',', $non_comic_categories); $blog_query = '&show_posts=-1&posts_per_page=-1&cat='.$non_comic_categories; $founderrorpost = array(); query_posts($blog_query); if (have_posts()) { while (have_posts()) : the_post(); if (in_comic_category()) { $founderrorpostlist .= ''.get_the_title().'
'; $founderror = true; } endwhile; } if ($founderror) { $error[] = array('header', __('Post\'s are in both a comic category and blog category.','comicpress')); $error[] = __('The following posts are set both in a comic category and a blog category, with ComicPress the designations of categories is very important. The rule of thumb is to make sure that all posts are only in a single category. If a post is in both the comic category and blog category there will be issues with both navigation and execution of the ComicPress code.','comicpress'); $error[] = $founderrorpostlist; } } if (!empty($error)) { ?>

ComicPress Debug

ComicPress doesn't seem to be fully installed at this time, check out these messages.

${text}"; break; case 'raw': echo $text; break; default: echo "


"; break; } } } ?>