wpmu_disk_space_message = __("You've exceeded your disk space quota! Either delete files you don't need, or find out how to get more disk space for your account.", 'comicpress-manager'); } /** * Add WPMU path information to the document root. */ function cpm_wpmu_modify_path($document_root) { $result = get_option('upload_path'); $root_path = str_replace('\wp-admin','',getcwd()); $root_path = str_replace('/wp-admin','',$root_path); if (!empty($result)) { $document_root = $root_path . '/' . $result; } return $document_root; } /** * Load ComicPress options from the options table. */ function cpm_wpmu_load_options() { global $cpm_config; include(ABSPATH . 'wp-content/plugins/comicpress-manager/cp_configuration_options.php'); foreach ($comicpress_configuration_options as $field_info) { $config_id = (isset($field_info['variable_name'])) ? $field_info['variable_name'] : $field_info['id']; $result = cp_option($field_info['id']); if ($result === false) { update_option("comicpress-" . $field_info['id'], $field_info['default']); $result = $field_info['default']; } $cpm_config->properties[$config_id] = $result; } } /** * Save ComicPress options to the options table. */ function cpm_wpmu_save_options() { global $cpm_config; include(ABSPATH . 'wp-content/plugins/comicpress-manager/cp_configuration_options.php'); foreach ($comicpress_configuration_options as $field_info) { $config_id = (isset($field_info['variable_name'])) ? $field_info['variable_name'] : $field_info['id']; update_option("comicpress-" . $field_info['id'], $cpm_config->properties[$config_id]); } } /** * Return the first run directory. */ function cpm_wpmu_first_run_root_dir() { global $blog_id; return "wp-content/blogs.dir/${blog_id}"; } /** * Get the list of directories to create. */ function cpm_wpmu_first_run_dir_list() { $root_dir = ABSPATH . cpm_wpmu_first_run_root_dir(); return array("$root_dir", "$root_dir/files", "$root_dir/files/comics", "$root_dir/files/comics-rss", "$root_dir/files/comics-archive", "$root_dir/files/comics-mini"); } /** * Action to perform on the end of the first run. */ function cpm_wpmu_complete_first_run() { update_option("upload_path", cpm_wpmu_first_run_root_dir() . "/files"); } /** * Get the available disk space for this account. */ function cpm_wpmu_get_available_disk_space() { $space_allowed = 1048576 * get_space_allowed(); $space_used = get_dirsize( constant( "ABSPATH" ) . constant( "UPLOADS" ) ); return $space_allowed - $space_used; } /** * Returns true if current blog is over storage limit. */ function cpm_wpmu_is_over_storage_limit() { return cpm_wpmu_get_available_disk_space() < 0; } ?>