commit b716b9a40c6692b76c0bb6e803399dff7b4475a9 Author: John Bintz Date: Fri Jan 25 19:01:49 2013 -0500 intitial commit diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..22604a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,400 @@ +# Bintz's integration testing setup + +_I'm writing this for my coworkers but putting it here in GitHub, because heck, why not? All of the +related projects are already here. Here's how I use them. YMMV. Do what you want, I don't care._ + +So for most purposes I only do integration testing using Cucumber and Capybara +now. I used to unit test very very heavily. I don't anymore. The reasons for this are: + +* Integration testing focuses on the most important part of the application - + how the end user interacts with it. If it doesn't work the way + the user expects it to, no amount of code coverage or component testing will + help it. +* My years of unit testing every possible thing in an application have honed my + code smell detection abilities pretty well, so I tend to + write smaller methods anyway, breaking code out to new classes when necessary. +* I made the feedback loop for integration testing with Cucumber and Capybara a + *lot* smaller. Much of the process is automated and optimized for + speed, at the cost of the occasional bit of code duplication in tests. +* A lot of the things that Rails wants you to test are silly. Did an instance + variable get set in a controller action? Can a url get routed to a particular + controller action? For routes testing, unless it's a complex route, it's usually just + simpler to load the url in a browser and make sure you get what you want to + get. For other things, a single integration test will catch everything that + the other little isolated tests will catch, and will probably require a lot + less code. + +I still advocate full automated testing for applications, run as often as possible (for me, +before every commit). I just save unit +testing for individual pieces of the app where there are a ton of possible +inputs (like some sort of filter mechanism), and I try to get 90% or more of what +the app is going to do in user's hands written into Cucumber features, +saving that last ~10% to be caught during actual user testing and when the app is +in the wild. + +The goal should be to replace as much of the development environment tweak-reload cycle that pretty +much all apps will have with something that is just as fast and infinitely repeatable. + +## Silly code metrics! + +I'm not a huge fan of code metrics-as-gospel, but they sure do help when you run them every once in a while to +find dead/untested/complex code. As an example of how much coverage you can get with as few well-designed tests as possible, +and with the discipline to only ever write enough code to get the test to pass, I ran SimpleCov on two apps built using +this method, without doing any cleanup work after this first metrics run: + + + + + +
Relevant LoCCoverageExecuted Step CountRun Time (:poltergeist driver)
+ +Not a lot of work needed to get these apps closer to 100%, just finding and eliminating some dead code and testing +a missed branch or two, probably inserted during moments of lacking discipline when I just hacked on a +project in `development` mode. I'm not perfect. :P + +## Setting up your project + +To get your project set up fast, this repo is also a gem that provides a binary that puts everything in how +I normally do things: + +``` ruby +# Gemfile + +gem 'bintz-integration_testing_setup', :git => 'git://' +``` + +`bundle install`, then run `bundle exec bints-integration_testing_setup`. It's best to do this on a pristine +project, but it may work on one that already has some stuff in it. + +## Gem setup + +You'll need several gems to pull this off, some of them custom gems: + +### For front-end development + +These gems make it very easy for Capybara to target parts of the web page to +interact with. + +``` ruby +gem 'semantic_rails_view_helpers', :git => 'git://' +``` + +### For testing + +These gems set up the Cucumber environment and get it ready for super-fast integration testing. + +``` ruby +group :cucumber do + gem 'cucumber' + gem 'cucumber-rails' + gem 'cuke-pack', :git => 'git://' + gem 'foreman' + gem 'guard' + gem 'guard-cucumber' + gem 'rb-fsevent' # => for mac systems + gem 'persistent_selenium', :git => 'git://' + gem 'poltergeist' + gem 'capybara-rails-log-inspection', :git => 'git://' + gem 'rspec' +end +``` + +### If you need to access a remote service in any way + +``` ruby +group :cucumber do + gem 'webmock', '~> 1.8.0', :require => nil + gem 'vcr', :require => nil +end +``` + +### What everything does + +Some of my custom gems are pretty cowboyed up, but they work for me, so YMMV. + +#### `semantic_rails_view_helpers` + +[This gem]( provides view helpers and Capybara finders that, when used with a form builder gem like Formtastic, allow for +very fast form & show construction, and makes it easy to write tests to target elements on those views. + +#### `cuke-pack` + +[This gem]( helps you set up a lot of common Cucumber environment settings, like support for Timecop, FakeFS, and Mocha; +helps with confirming JavaScript dialogs; enables `cucumber-step_writer`; sets up Guard for a work-in-process workflow. + +#### `cucumber-step_writer` + +[Exactly what it sounds like]( Writes out your missing Cucumber steps into `features/steps/(given|when|then)` so you don't +have to copy-paste them anymore. + +#### `foreman` and `guard` + +For testing, starting both Guard and persistent_selenium is made easy with Foreman. During development, if you have any +dependent services like a Delayed Job worker or API tunnel, Foreman makes it a lot easier to work with. + +#### `persistent_selenium` + +[Keep a Firefox (for now) window open]( while you test, and don't close or reset the page after a failed step. Very helpful +in quickly diagnosing problems and fixing them. Occasional DRb errors, but that's on every one out of 100 runs. + +#### `poltergeist` + +When you're ready to run your whole test suite, use [the Poltergeist driver](, which uses +[PhantomJS]( to run the tests in a super-fast headless browser. + +#### `caypbara-rails-log-inspection` + +Normally, errors go in your `log/test.log`. [This]( redirects them to `$stderr`, so you can see exceptions in your Guard +output. + +### Remote API integration testing + +If your app has to connect to an remote API, it's better to use [VCR]( to record the actual output from the +API, rather than mocking it directly using WebMock. You may need to mock certain things (Varnish BANs are a common one I have to mock up), but +for the most part, use the actual data from the actual API, and if you're developing both in parallel, rebuild those cassettes often. + +## The process + +For your continuous integration work, you would want to run `bin/wip_cucumber`, to use both Guard and persistent_selenium. + +Let's say you want to add a feature to your application where you see a list of users. +A good Cucumber scenario tries to avoid the nuts and bolts of how a scenario should happen, +instead focusing on as high a level as possible, while needing as few steps as possible. + +The approach below is brittle, as it depends on precise text and regexp matches: + +``` gherkin +Feature: My feature + Scenario: Do something + Given the user "my username" exists with the password "123456" + Given I am on the home page + When I click "Login" + And I fill in "Username" with "my username" + And I fill in "Password" with "123456" + And I click "Login" + ... +``` + +Knowing the particulars of the username and password, and enumerating how a login works, is +probably overkill, unless you're actually testing login, and even then the approach above is still brittle. +Instead, use a approach like this: + +``` gherkin +Feature: My feature + Scenario: Do something + Given I exist as a user + Given I am logged in + Given I am on the home page + ... +``` + +This prevents needing brittle "websteps"-style steps, which were deprecated from Cucumber +years ago. These higher level steps can store the necessary user data in instance variables +for use later: + +``` ruby +Given /^I exist as a user$/ do + @username = 'my username' + @password = '123456' + + # use bang!-style creates to help catch validation errors as you test + # your test setup data should be valid anyway + @user = User.create!(:username => @username, :password => @password) +end + +Given /^I am logged in$/ do + visit '/' + + # use within liberally, and ensure that your pages have enoughs + # identifiers to use it effectively! good use of within means + # you won't need to use xpath searching + within '#login-form' do + # find by CSS selector, since text matching is brittle! + fill_in 'input[name="user[username]"]', :with => @username + fill_in 'input[name="user[password]"]', :with => @password + + # this comes from semantic_rails_view_helpers + + end +end + +Given /^I am on the home page$/ do + visit '/' + + # find all by itself is an easy way to sanity check a page + # it will raise an exception if the element does not exist + # after Capybara.default_timeout + find('body.home_page') +end +``` + +A note about steps that call other steps: one could wrap up all those login steps into a meta-step: + +``` ruby +Given /^I am logged in$/ do + step %{the user "my username" exists with the password "123456"} + step %{I am on the home page} + step %{I click "Login"} + step %{I fill in "Username" with "my username"} + step %{I fill in "Password" with "123456"} + step %{I click "Login"} +end +``` + +But this is even more brittle, since now you have to worry about the formatting of steps within not just +feature files, but in step files as well. My experience with these is to avoid them like the plague. +They will bite you later. + +Normally, once you build a feature and run it through Cucumber, either manually or using +Guard, you'll get a list of steps to copy-paste to somewhere in `features/steps`. With this setup, +`cucumber-step_writer` will create the step files for you, with one step per appropriately-named file +in `features/steps/(given|when|then)`: + +``` +features/ + steps/ + given/ + i_exist_as_a_user.rb + i_am_logged_in.rb + i_am_on_the_home_page.rb +``` + +This makes it very easy to find a particular step using your editor's "find by filename" function, +like with Command-T in Textmate, Sublime Text 2, or with the Vim plugin (surprise) Command-T. + +Once the steps are written, you can start filling in the steps, one at a time. Here's what would +happen during your typical test run with each possible driver, given my experience: + +* `:rack_test`: Tests move super-fast, but inspecing output HTML requires lots of `puts`. If you can write + all your finders perfectly the first or second time, and have no need for any JavaScript anywhere, `:rack_test` is very fast. +* `:selenium` and members, like `:firefox` or `:chrome`: The startup time of the browser is a pain, and it's nearly + impossible to inspect the page state on a failed test. I used to use a `pause` command to pause test execution + after a failure, inserting `pause` into the failing step, to see what was going on. This involved a lot of test re-running + and wasted time. +* `:poltergeist` and `:capybara_webkit`: Very fast, JavaScript support, but during development, has the same problem + as `:rack_test`: inspecting HTML requires `puts`. I save these for pre-commit or whole suite tests. `:poltergeist` is a + little more stable than `:capybara_webkit` in my experience, and requires less (read: no) things to compile when you install a + new copy of the gem. +* `:sauce`-based browsers: For when you care about Internet Explorer. A necessary evil. +* `:persistent_selenium`: When used with Foreman, keeps the browser open while testing, retaining the page state on + a failed test so you can see what happened. Suffers from DRb recycled object errors, and can rack up memory while + you use it, but it's as close to using `development` mode and reloading something in a browser that you can get. + +So my new approach is: + +* `:persistent_selenium` while you write and refine and fix your tests/code +* `:poltergeist` once you're ready to commit and re-test the entire application + +While testing using `:persistent_selenium`, focus on exactly one scenario at a time (maybe two) by tagging that scenario +with the `@wip` tag: + +``` gherkin +Feature: My feature + @wip + Scenario: Do something + Given I exist as a user + Given I am logged in + Given I am on the home page + ... +``` + +This hijacks the original meaning of `@wip` that Cucumber defined, which is "I am working on this feature, but it's OK, +you can commit this to the repository even though it's not done." The new meaning is "I'm working on this and won't +commit any code until it's done." It's in your best interests at that point to keep features small and focused. If it +takes too much time to set up a feature and run it, perhaps the feature is too complex and some refactoring may be +needed. Or maybe it's just a big feature and you have to deal with it. + +Once a test fails or is pending, Firefox will still be open, in the state before the failed/pending test. Use the +inspection tools to diagnose the problem or to build the code necessary to go on to the next step. Keep going +until the test is complete. If you get a `DRb recycled object` error, just run the test again. + +Once the scenario is complete, go on to the next one. With regards to feature organization, if working with a CRUD +asset, I often have two features: one for without an existing object and one with an existing object: + +``` +features/ + users.feature + users/ + with_user.feature +``` + +I then copy-paste (oh noes) whatever steps necessary to get `users/with_user.feature` working. Honestly, it really +shouldn't be that many, otherwise you're probably doing something wrong, like being too granular in your +steps. Ideally, those step definitions should be written with an eye toward reusability anyway. + +Once you're ready to commit code, if you used the `bintz-integration_testing_setup` binary to set up your project, +the default Rake task runs the `cucumber:precommit` task. Ideally, you should always run all your features all the time. +Sometimes, for practical reasons, you may want to turn a few of the slower/unchanging tests off with the `@no-precommit` +tag. Just remember that you turned them off if you're starting to see problems in your app! + +## Testing things that Capybara can't test + +Sometimes you need to check HTTP headers, or load a file that Poltergeist of a browser will choke on (loading CSS or JS +files directly into Poltergeist is an error, actually). Then you have to drop to Rack::Test directly. Be sure you +have `Capybara.app_host` set correctly and Rack::Test should "just work": + +``` ruby +When /^I request the JavaScript file$/ do + get Capybara.app_host + '/file.js' +end + +Then /^the cache header should be correct$/ do + last_response.headers['Cache-Control'].should include(@max_age.to_s) +end +``` + +## Random tips + +* Some JavaScript widgets, like WYSIWYG editors, are hard to test. Have an option that replaces them with + their equivalent native widget during testing. This also falls into the "don't test the framework" category: + the creator of the widget should be ensuring that the widget starts up and works, not you. +* Don't be afraid to break things up using Plain Old Ruby Objects. ActiveRecord isn't the be-all, end-all design + pattern. If it's getting too big and you're passing a state around various methods, break it out. +* Make new folders in `app` for things. I usually have one for Delayed Job job objects, one for value objects, + one for behaviors or concerns (in Rails 4 they have dedicated `app/model/concerns` and `app/controller/concerns`, + but I also have those apply to + +## Writing less better organized code + +Rails gives you a lot of built-in tools to keep you from writing a lot of code. But there are gems out there that +let you get away with writing even less code, which means you have less things to test. You should never "test the +framework" when you write tests -- assume that the author of the tools you use have tested them thoroughly, unless +otherwise discovered (and then help the author by pinpointing the problem and sending code to fix it!) That's +why I'm not a fan of things like model validation tests: the model file clearly says `validates :something`, there's +no need to test that directly, unless you think Rails itself is broken. Indirect testing through integration +testing is fine, though (but probably mostly unnecessary). + +For a "typical" Rails application which provides some sort of HTML-based interface to end users, I'll use +most of, of not all of, the following gems: + +* [inherited_resources]( Rails controller generators are OK, but this + is way faster. With this, you don't even have to feel guilty about not having controller unit tests that are + essentially "I have set an instance variable and called the render method". +* [formtastic]( Writing forms is lame. Formtastic lets you do it a lot + faster, makes it easier to target your form elements using Capybara and semantic_rails_view_helpers, and + makes writing custom form elements a snap, even ones that have JavaScript in them. +* [draper]( Views shouldn't have any more logic than the occasional `if` statement. + Put the rest of that logic in decorators. Combine that with [decorates_before_rendering]( + for stupid-simple decorators. +* [Active Admin]( If you don't need to write an admin interface, don't do it. +* [cocoon]( and [my fork]( `accepts_nested_attributes_for` get some well-deserved hate, but + if you truly are only putting nested attributes into an object in a single way, and you're doing it with a gem like cocoon, then it's perfectly acceptable IMHO. + Write a Form Object to accept the input if you really care that much about that sort of thing. +* [virtus]( For things like View Objects and Value Objects and Form Objects, make those objects behave like + ActiveRecord objects. (Read [this article]( for some background on that.) + +For something that's more of a "service", I'll still use what tools I can, but the test flow may be different. + +Of course, you'll have your authentication gems and your asset-related gems and your pagination gems, but those +aren't about writing less code or better organized code. + +## Thing will go wrong and my code will fail. Get over it. + +I fully expect that I will make mistakes during development, either through incorrect assumptions or just plain shoddy work. +I'm getting better at programming, but I'm not perfect. I use, at the very least, [exception_notification]( +to catch problems. If I have access to Errbit or Airbrake or something similar for catching and reporting exceptions, I'll use it. When it breaks, +if my actual code is clean enough, it should be easy to create a new feature, or fix a bad one, and get the problem resolved. + +## Changelog + +* v0.1 (2013-01-25): Initial brain dump diff --git a/bin/bintz-integration_testing_setup b/bin/bintz-integration_testing_setup new file mode 100755 index 0000000..da9b98a --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/bintz-integration_testing_setup @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby + +require 'thor' +require 'bundler' + +class BintzIntegrationTestingSetup < Thor + include Thor::Actions + + def self.source_root + File.expand_path('../../skel/root', __FILE__) + end + + no_tasks do + def gem_root + Pathname(File.expand_path('../..', __FILE__)) + end + end + + desc 'install', 'Install my testing setup in your project' + def install + Bundler.with_clean_env do + if File.file?('Gemfile.penchant') #=> using Penchant + append_file('Gemfile.penchant', gem_root.join('skel/Gemfile-additions').read) + system "penchent gemfile" + else + append_file('Gemfile', gem_root.join('skel/Gemfile-additions').read) + system "bundle" + end + + if !File.file?('features/support/env.rb') + system "bundle exec rails g cucumber:install" + end + + system 'bundle exec cuke-pack install' + + gsub_file 'config/cucumber.yml', 'precommit: <%=', 'precommit: DRIVER=poltergeist <%=' + + append_to_file 'Rakefile', <<-RB +Rake::Task['default'].clear_prerequisites +Rake::Task['default'].clear + +task :default => :cucumber +RB + + system 'which phantomjs 2>/dev/null >/dev/null' + if $?.exitstatus != 0 + puts "For Poltergeist, install PhantomJS into your path:" + end + + directory '.', '.' + + system 'bundle exec cuke-pack wip-guard' + + File.chmod 0755, 'bin/wip_cucumber' + + puts "You can now run bin/wip_cucumber to run your Cucumber @wip tests continuously in persistent_selenium" + end + end + + default_task :install +end + +BintzIntegrationTestingSetup.start + +# vim: syntax=ruby diff --git a/bintz-integration_testing_setup.gemspec b/bintz-integration_testing_setup.gemspec new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c052b00 --- /dev/null +++ b/bintz-integration_testing_setup.gemspec @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- do |gem| + gem.authors = ["John Bintz"] + = [""] + gem.description = %q{The way that I set up my projects for fast, continuous integration testing using Cucumber and Capybara} + gem.summary = %q{The way that I set up my projects for fast, continuous integration testing using Cucumber and Capybara} + gem.homepage = "" + + gem.files = `git ls-files`.split($\) + gem.executables = gem.files.grep(%r{^bin/}).map{ |f| File.basename(f) } + gem.test_files = gem.files.grep(%r{^(test|spec|features)/}) + = "bintz-integration_testing_setup" + gem.require_paths = ["lib"] + gem.version = "0.0.1" + + gem.add_dependency 'thor' +end + diff --git a/skel/Gemfile-additions b/skel/Gemfile-additions new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d254a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/skel/Gemfile-additions @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +gem 'semantic_rails_view_helpers', :git => 'git://' + +group :cucumber do + gem 'cucumber' + gem 'cucumber-rails' + gem 'database_cleaner' + gem 'capybara' + gem 'cuke-pack', :git => 'git://' + gem 'foreman' + gem 'guard' + gem 'guard-cucumber' + gem 'rb-fsevent' # => for mac systems + gem 'persistent_selenium', :git => 'git://' + gem 'poltergeist' + gem 'capybara-rails-log-inspection', :git => 'git://' + gem 'rspec' +end + diff --git a/skel/root/Procfile.wip b/skel/root/Procfile.wip new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d3494f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/skel/root/Procfile.wip @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +guard: guard -g wip +ps: persistent_selenium start + diff --git a/skel/root/bin/wip_cucumber b/skel/root/bin/wip_cucumber new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e51629a --- /dev/null +++ b/skel/root/bin/wip_cucumber @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +exec bundle exec foreman start -f Procfile.wip + diff --git a/skel/root/features/support/drivers.rb b/skel/root/features/support/drivers.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8137913 --- /dev/null +++ b/skel/root/features/support/drivers.rb @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# capybara drivers for fast testing +# +# this one runs your entire test suite +require 'capybara/poltergeist' + +# this one runs while you continuously test via guard +require 'persistent_selenium/driver' + +# you can override the driver with the DRIVER environment variable +ENV['DRIVER'] ||= 'persistent_selenium' + diff --git a/skel/root/features/support/log_inspection.rb b/skel/root/features/support/log_inspection.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..82171f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/skel/root/features/support/log_inspection.rb @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# enable rails log inspection so you get errors in your console instead of the logs +require 'capybara/rails-log-inspection/cucumber' + diff --git a/skel/root/lib/tasks/cucumber.rake b/skel/root/lib/tasks/cucumber.rake new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eff322e --- /dev/null +++ b/skel/root/lib/tasks/cucumber.rake @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# cuke-pack rake task +# +begin + require 'cucumber/rake/task' + + namespace :cucumber do +, 'Run all features') do |t| + t.profile = 'default' + end + +, 'Only run features that should be tested before committing') do |t| + t.profile = 'precommit' + end + +, 'Only run features being worked on') do |t| + t.profile = 'wip' + end + end + + task :cucumber => 'cucumber:precommit' + task :default => 'cucumber:precommit' +rescue LoadError + $stderr.puts "no cucumber, skipping" +end +