; da65 V2.18 - Ubuntu 2.19-1 ; Created: 2021-10-11 14:35:45 ; Input file: ap_6502.prg ; Page: 1 .setcpu "6502" L8956 := $8956 L9BD2 := $9BD2 LFFD2 := $FFD2 ;; set interrupt, we can't be interrupted in this block ;; like a mutex sei ;; patching in our own tokenizer routine to $0304 lda #$49 sta $0304 lda #$03 sta $0305 ;; clear interrupt cli rts ;; start of our tokenizer ;; line number during GOSUB, GOTO, and RUN ;; $a7 and $a8 are RS-232 input stuff lda $14 sta $A7 lda $15 sta $A8 ;; $FF00: don't know what's here lda #$00 sta $FF00 ldx #$1F ;; reverse mode switch + ... ;; some sort of setup? make_text_reversed: lda $C7,x sta $03E3,x dex bpl make_text_reversed ;; write #$13 (home), put cursor in upper left corner lda #$13 jsr LFFD2 ;; i don't know what this is lda #$12 jsr L9BD2 ;; some places to store data in zero page? ldy #$00 ;; b4 = current character index sty $B4 ;; b0 = are we in a quoted string sty $B0 ;; 0 -> 255 dey process_character: inc $B4 ;; 255 -> 0 ;; y = current character position next_character: iny ;; load a character from input buffer ;; where what you type goes before committing lda $0200,y ;; if result is 0 (null), finish the line beq done_with_line cmp #$22 bne its_not_a_quote ;; push current character onto stack pha ;; toggle are we in a string lda $B0 eor #$FF sta $B0 ;; pull current character pla ;; push character its_not_a_quote: pha ;; is this character a space ;; spaces aren't significant unless we're in quotes cmp #$20 ;; no, keep going bne count_this_character ;; are we in a quote lda $B0 bne count_this_character ;; is the character in here a 0? then get the next character pla bne next_character count_this_character: pla ;; load current char index ldx $B4 repeatedly_process: clc ;; take the Character part... lda $A7 ;; load this character from input buffer ;; this can set the carry bit ;; so if this overflows, we want to know adc $0200,y ;; store it in $a7 sta $A7 ;; load a8 lda $A8 ;; we put the # of overflows in here adc #$00 sta $A8 ;; count down number of times dex ;; if not zero, keep going bne repeatedly_process ;; if done, go to the next character beq process_character ;; get the continually added char done_with_line: lda $A7 ;; xor it with the number of overflows eor $A8 ;; push it onto the stack pha ;; take 0-15... and #$0F ;; and stick it in y tay ;; $03d3 is the end part of the data and defined what ;; characters there are lda $03D3,y ;; print that character to the screen jsr LFFD2 ;; pull from the stack... pla ;; shift it four bits to make it 0-15 lsr a lsr a lsr a lsr a ;; and stick it in y tay ;; same printing lda $03D3,y jsr LFFD2 ldx #$1F reverse_it_again: lda $03E3,x sta $C7,x dex bpl reverse_it_again lda #$92 jsr LFFD2 ;; run the original tokenizer jmp L8956