#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Read a PNG file and create a palette-locked IFF ILBM file # This allows for multiple files to be exported by other tools # with the same palette colors, and for the resulting IFF ILBM # images to contain those pixels, with those colors, with the # color indexes the same across all images. # References: # # * http://etwright.org/lwsdk/docs/filefmts/ilbm.html # * [ ] AMOS and ADPro fail on an image that's less than 8 pixels wide? # * DPaint can load it, other apps get weird require 'rmagick' class PixelColor attr_reader :r, :g, :b def initialize(r:, g:, b:) @r = r @g = g @b = b end def ==(other) r == other.r && g == other.g && b == other.b end def to_cmap [ r * 16 + r, g * 16 + g, b * 16 + b ] end def inspect "RGB: #{r.to_s(16)},#{g.to_s(16)},#{b.to_s(16)}" end end DESIRED_PALETTE = [ [15,0,15], [0,0,0], [15,15,15], [5,0xd,3], [0xe, 0xe, 0], [0xe, 0xd, 0xa], [3, 8, 0xd], [4, 2, 2], [0xd, 0xe, 0xd], [0xe, 0xa, 0xe], [8, 1, 2], [3, 8, 2], [7, 6, 4], [5, 5, 5], [0xf, 0xf, 8], [0xe, 9, 3] ].map { |p| PixelColor.new(r: p[0], g: p[1], b: p[2]) } class Bitplane def initialize(bits:) @bits = bits end def count @bits.count end def [](idx) @bits[idx] end end # Convert an RMagick image into bitplane data based on # the provided palette. Raises UnknownPaletteColor if there's a # color in the image that's not in the palette. class ImageComponentParser # @param image [Magick::Image] def self.parse(image:, desired_palette:) parser = new(image: image, desired_palette: desired_palette) parser.parse! parser end UnknownPaletteColor = Class.new(ArgumentError) def initialize(image:, desired_palette:) @image = image @desired_palette = desired_palette @bitplanes = nil end def bitplane_count Math.sqrt(@desired_palette.length).ceil end def bitplanes return @bitplanes if @bitplanes bits = [] # get around duplicate objects bitplane_count.times { |i| bits << [] } @bytes.each do |byte| mask = 1 bitplane_count.times do |bit| bits[bit] << (((byte & mask) == mask) ? 1 : 0) mask = mask << 1 end end @bitplanes = bits.map { |b| Bitplane.new(bits: b) } end def parse! @bytes = [] @image.each_pixel do |px| pixel_color = PixelColor.new( # 4 bit amiga pixel colors r: px.red >> 12, g: px.green >> 12, b: px.blue >> 12 ) index = @desired_palette.find_index { |p| p == pixel_color } unless index raise UnknownPaletteColor, "Palette color not found! Check export: #{pixel_color}" end @bytes << index end end end module IFF module WithHeader def to_bytes data_bytes = to_data_bytes data_bytes_count = data_bytes.count output = self.class.name.split("::").last.unpack("C*") + [data_bytes_count].pack("N").unpack("C*") + data_bytes # pad chunk output << 0 if data_bytes_count.odd? output end end # Construct an IFF ILBM image from the provided data. class ILBMBuilder def initialize( width:, height:, palette:, bitplanes:, row_writer: CompressedRowWriter, screen_format: CAMG.PalLowRes ) @width = width @height = height @palette = palette @bitplanes = bitplanes @row_writer = row_writer @screen_format = screen_format end def row_writer return UncompressedRowWriter # here's no reason to use compression if the image is less # than 24 pixels wide if @row_writer == CompressedRowWriter && @width < 24 return UncompressedRowWriter end @row_writer end def build form = FORM.new bmhd = BMHD.new bmhd.width = @width bmhd.height = @height bmhd.planes = Math.sqrt(@palette.length).ceil bmhd.compression = row_writer.bmhd_flag cmap = CMAP.new(palette: @palette) body = BODY.new( bitplanes: @bitplanes, width: @width, row_writer: row_writer ) ilbm = ILBM.new ilbm.bmhd = bmhd ilbm.cmap = cmap ilbm.body = body ilbm.camg = @screen_format form << ilbm form end end # IFF wrapper class FORM include WithHeader def initialize @chunks = [] end def <<(chunk) @chunks << chunk end def to_data_bytes @chunks.flat_map(&:to_bytes) end def to_s to_bytes.pack("C*") end end # Image type header class ILBM attr_accessor :bmhd, :cmap, :body, :camg def to_bytes "ILBM".unpack("C*") + bmhd.to_bytes + cmap.to_bytes + camg.to_bytes + # body is always last body.to_bytes end end # Image properties class BMHD include WithHeader ASPECT_RATIO = 0x2C attr_accessor :width, :height, :planes, :compression def to_data_bytes [ *word_to_bytes(width), *word_to_bytes(height), 0, 0, 0, 0, planes, 0, compression, 0, 0, 0, ASPECT_RATIO, ASPECT_RATIO, *word_to_bytes(width), *word_to_bytes(height), ] end private def word_to_bytes(word) [ word >> 8, word & 0xff ] end end # Color map class CMAP include WithHeader def initialize(palette:) @palette = palette end def to_data_bytes @palette.flat_map(&:to_cmap) end end # Amiga-related display properties class CAMG include WithHeader def self.PalLowRes new(0x00021000) end def initialize(setting) @setting = setting end def to_data_bytes [@setting].pack("N").unpack("C*") end end module AsRowWriter def initialize @data = [] end def <<(byte) @data << byte end # Output pixel data is word padded def ensure_padded! @data << 0 if @data.length.odd? end end # Write out uncompressed bitplane data class UncompressedRowWriter include AsRowWriter def self.bmhd_flag 0 end def to_bytes ensure_padded! @data end end # Write out compressed bitplane data using the # ByteRun1 run encoding algorithm. class CompressedRowWriter include AsRowWriter def self.bmhd_flag 1 end def to_bytes ensure_padded! runs = [] # discover initial runs # format is [byte, run count] @data.each do |byte| if !runs.last runs << [byte, 1] elsif runs.last.first == byte runs.last[1] += 1 else runs << [byte, 1] end end # categorize and pack literals # formats are: # * [:repeat, byte_count] # * [:literal, byte, ...] runs = runs.each_with_object([]) do |(byte, count), out| if count > 1 out << [:repeat, byte, count] else # pack literals together if out.last&.first != :literal out << [:literal] end out.last << byte end end # write out compressed data runs.each_with_object([]) do |type, obj| case type.first when :repeat # signed int obj << (129 - type[2]) + 128 obj << type[1] when :literal # n-1 obj << type.length - 2 obj.concat(type[1..]) end end end end # Pixel data class BODY include WithHeader def initialize(bitplanes:, width:, row_writer:) @bitplanes = bitplanes @width = width @row_writer = row_writer end START_MASK = 1 << 7 def to_data_bytes rows = [] row_count = @bitplanes[0].count / @width row_count.times do |y| # interleave the bitplanes pos = y * @width @bitplanes.each do |bitplane| val = 0 mask = START_MASK # the row writer takes care of turning bitplane data into output current_row_writer = @row_writer.new @width.times do |x| val = bitplane[pos + x] * mask | val mask >>= 1 # end of byte if mask == 0 current_row_writer << val val = 0 mask = START_MASK end end unless mask == START_MASK current_row_writer << val end rows.concat(current_row_writer.to_bytes) end end rows end end end image = Magick::Image.read(ARGV[0]).first parsed = ImageComponentParser.parse(image: image, desired_palette: DESIRED_PALETTE) form = IFF::ILBMBuilder.new( width: image.columns, height: image.rows, palette: DESIRED_PALETTE, bitplanes: parsed.bitplanes, ).build File.open(ARGV[1], 'wb') { |fh| fh.puts form.to_s }