#include // Custom #include // WaitBlit() #include // AllocMem(), FreeMem() #include #include #include "screen.h" #include "bun.h" #include "system/system.h" #define COOL_BUN_WIDTH (32) #define COOL_BUN_WIDTH_BYTES (COOL_BUN_WIDTH / 8) #define COOL_BUN_HEIGHT (32) #define COOL_BUN_PLANES (2) #define COOL_BUN_LAST_ROW (COOL_BUN_HEIGHT - 1) #define COOL_BUN_LAST_ROW_BYTES (COOL_BUN_LAST_ROW * COOL_BUN_WIDTH_BYTES) #define COOL_BUN_PLANE_SIZE (COOL_BUN_WIDTH_BYTES * COOL_BUN_HEIGHT) #define COOL_BUN_MEMORY_SIZE (COOL_BUN_PLANE_SIZE * COOL_BUN_PLANES) #define BUN_MAX_RANGE (31 + 320) #define BUN_COUNT (12) #define BUN_SPEED (1) #define BUN_HORIZ_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_BUNS ((BUN_MAX_RANGE / 4) - COOL_BUN_WIDTH) #define BUN_TOTAL_HORIZ_DISTANCE (BUN_HORIZ_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_BUNS + COOL_BUN_WIDTH) #define BUN_ROW_START (50) #define BUN_VERT_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_BUNS (30) #define BUN_TOTAL_VERT_DISTANCE (COOL_BUN_HEIGHT + BUN_VERT_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_BUNS) #define FRAME_MAX (BUN_TOTAL_HORIZ_DISTANCE / BUN_SPEED) #define BUN_WAVE_LENGTH (FRAMES_FOR_SCREEN / 2) // linked as raw bytes in assembler extern unsigned char far coolbun[]; unsigned char *coolbunArea = 0; #define BLTCON0( \ minterm, aChan, bChan, cChan, dChan, shift \ ) (minterm + (aChan << 11) + (bChan << 10) + (cChan << 9) + (dChan << 8) + (shift << 12)) #define BLTCON1(descending, shift) ((descending << 1) + (shift << 12)) extern struct Custom far custom; void setupBun(void) { unsigned char *currentCoolBunArea, *currentCoolBun; coolbunArea = AllocMem(COOL_BUN_MEMORY_SIZE, MEMF_CHIP | MEMF_CLEAR); currentCoolBunArea = coolbunArea; currentCoolBun = coolbun; CopyMem(coolbun, coolbunArea, COOL_BUN_MEMORY_SIZE); } void teardownBun(void) { if (coolbunArea) { FreeMem(coolbunArea, COOL_BUN_MEMORY_SIZE); } } void bun_offRightSide( int plusXValue, int y, struct ScreenSetup *screenSetup, struct CurrentScreen *currentScreen ) { uint8_t i, plane = 0; uint8_t shift = plusXValue & 15; uint8_t wordShift = (plusXValue >> 4); uint16_t bltalwm; for (plane = 0; plane < 2; ++plane) { custom.bltcon0 = BLTCON0(0xc0, 0, 1, 0, 1, shift); custom.bltcon1 = BLTCON1(0, shift); custom.bltadat = 0xffff; custom.bltbpt = coolbunArea + plane * COOL_BUN_PLANE_SIZE; custom.bltdpt = currentScreen->planes[plane] + (y * screenSetup->byteWidth) + screenSetup->byteWidth - COOL_BUN_WIDTH_BYTES + wordShift * 2; custom.bltafwm = 0xffff; bltalwm = 0x0000; for (i = 0; i <= 15 - shift; ++i) { bltalwm += (1 << (15 - i)); } custom.bltalwm = bltalwm; custom.bltbmod = wordShift * 2; custom.bltdmod = screenSetup->byteWidth - COOL_BUN_WIDTH_BYTES + wordShift * 2; custom.bltsize = 2 - wordShift + (COOL_BUN_HEIGHT << 6); WaitBlit(); } } void bun_offLeftSide( int minusXValue, int y, struct ScreenSetup *screenSetup, struct CurrentScreen *currentScreen ) { unsigned char plane; uint8_t shift = minusXValue & 15; uint8_t wordShift = (minusXValue >> 4); uint8_t i; uint16_t bltalwm; // y can't be 0 otherwise we will corrupt memory for now if (y == 0) return; for (plane = 0; plane < 2; ++plane) { // shift left, so descending custom.bltcon0 = BLTCON0(0xc0, 0, 1, 0, 1, shift); custom.bltcon1 = BLTCON1(1, shift); // a has a mask we're shifting custom.bltadat = 0xffff; // b has bun data custom.bltbpt = coolbunArea + 2 + COOL_BUN_LAST_ROW_BYTES + plane * COOL_BUN_PLANE_SIZE; // d is the part on screen custom.bltdpt = currentScreen->planes[plane] + (screenSetup->byteWidth * (y + COOL_BUN_LAST_ROW)) + 2 - wordShift * 2; custom.bltafwm = 0xffff; bltalwm = 0x0000; for (i = 0; i <= 15 - shift; ++i) { bltalwm += (1 << i); } custom.bltalwm = bltalwm; custom.bltbmod = wordShift * 2; custom.bltdmod = screenSetup->byteWidth - 4 + wordShift * 2; custom.bltsize = 2 - wordShift + (COOL_BUN_HEIGHT << 6); WaitBlit(); } } void bun_anywhere( int x, int y, struct ScreenSetup *screenSetup, struct CurrentScreen *currentScreen ) { uint8_t plane; uint8_t shift = x & 15; uint8_t needsExtraWord = shift != 0; for (plane = 0; plane < 2; ++plane) { // if we extend the bun area by a word, we only need one write // buns will never interfere with a background so they don't need a mask // they do need the scratch area though custom.bltcon0 = BLTCON0(0xc0, 0, 1, 0, 1, shift); custom.bltcon1 = BLTCON1(0, shift); custom.bltadat = 0xffff; custom.bltbpt = coolbunArea + plane * COOL_BUN_PLANE_SIZE; custom.bltdpt = currentScreen->planes[plane] + WORD_ALIGNED_BYTE_POSITION(screenSetup->width, x, y); // custom.bltdpt = screenSetup.memoryStart; custom.bltafwm = 0xffff; if (needsExtraWord) { custom.bltalwm = 0x0000; } else { custom.bltalwm = 0xffff; } custom.bltbmod = -(needsExtraWord * 2); custom.bltdmod = screenSetup->byteWidth - COOL_BUN_WIDTH_BYTES - (needsExtraWord * 2); custom.bltsize = (2 + needsExtraWord) + (COOL_BUN_HEIGHT << 6); WaitBlit(); } } void renderBun( int x, int y, struct ScreenSetup *screenSetup, struct CurrentScreen *currentScreen ) { /** * Conditions that will cause the program to crash if met. If your bun * isn't rendering, it's due to here. * * TODO: Handle top/bottom off-screen as well. */ if (x < -31) return; if (x > screenSetup->width + 31) return; if (y < 1) return; if (y > screenSetup->height- COOL_BUN_HEIGHT - 1) return; if (x < 0) { bun_offLeftSide(-x, y, screenSetup, currentScreen); } else if (x > screenSetup->width - COOL_BUN_WIDTH) { bun_offRightSide(x - (screenSetup->width - COOL_BUN_WIDTH), y, screenSetup, currentScreen); } else { bun_anywhere(x, y, screenSetup, currentScreen); } } #define MAX_SINE_WAVE_CHANGE (20) int bunAngleAdjustments[BUN_COUNT]; void calculateBunPositions( uint16_t frame, short int bunPositions[BUN_COUNT][2], struct ScreenSetup *screenSetup ) { int x, y, row, column, current; float angle, startAngle; frame %= FRAMES_FOR_SCREEN; startAngle = (float)(frame % BUN_WAVE_LENGTH) * 360 / BUN_WAVE_LENGTH; for (current = 0; current < BUN_COUNT; ++current) { row = current / 4; column = current % 4; angle = startAngle + bunAngleAdjustments[current]; x = column * BUN_TOTAL_HORIZ_DISTANCE + ((float)frame * BUN_MAX_RANGE / FRAMES_FOR_SCREEN); if (row == 1) { x += BUN_TOTAL_HORIZ_DISTANCE / 2; } x %= BUN_MAX_RANGE; x -= 31; angle = angle * PI / 180; y = BUN_ROW_START + row * BUN_TOTAL_VERT_DISTANCE + sin(angle) * MAX_SINE_WAVE_CHANGE; bunPositions[current][0] = x; bunPositions[current][1] = y; } } short int allBunPositionsByFrame[FRAMES_FOR_SCREEN][BUN_COUNT][2]; void calculateAllBunPositions( struct ScreenSetup *screenSetup ) { int frame; for (frame = 0; frame < FRAMES_FOR_SCREEN; ++frame) { calculateBunPositions( frame, allBunPositionsByFrame[frame], screenSetup ); } } void buildBunAngleAdjustments() { int current, angleAdjustment; for (current = 0; current < BUN_COUNT; ++current) { angleAdjustment = 0; if (current % 2 == 1) angleAdjustment += 180; if (current / 4 == 1) angleAdjustment += 90; bunAngleAdjustments[current] = angleAdjustment; } } void setupBunRenderer( struct BunRenderer *bunRenderer, struct ScreenSetup *screenSetup, struct CurrentScreen *currentScreen) { bunRenderer->screenSetup = screenSetup; bunRenderer->currentScreen = currentScreen; setupBun(); buildBunAngleAdjustments(); calculateAllBunPositions(screenSetup); } void renderBunFrame( int frame, struct BunRenderer *bunRenderer ) { int bun; frame %= FRAMES_FOR_SCREEN; for (bun = 0; bun < BUN_COUNT; ++bun) { renderBun( allBunPositionsByFrame[frame][bun][0], allBunPositionsByFrame[frame][bun][1], bunRenderer->screenSetup, bunRenderer->currentScreen ); } } void teardownBunRenderer() { teardownBun(); }