amos-professional/AMOSPro Sources/Docs/PCOSReport_260393.Asc

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PCos report 26/03/1993
Giving you a perfect idea of the advancement is quite hard,
as a big part of the time Yves spend on PCos is for experimenting the
best way to achieve effects under Windows.
Yves is still working on the DLL. He has spend last week
investigating on the Microsoft DDK (27 High density discs!!!!!!)
The result of this study is that (by a very legal, but very un-
documented way), Yves has made it possible to double the speed of
sprites under Windows: you can now have twice as many frogs in
the little demo.
Yves is persuaded that he can find ways to make sprites fasters,
and he is still digging into the huuuuuuuge documentation to find
his way.
It is absolutely crucial that we are faster on certain key points
(as sprites) than the other products. This will be definite plus
for PCos.
We really insist on the fact that PCOS is a ridiculous name in
French: another name should be found, at least for the french
speaking countries...
Job done.
- All window + text primitives
- 75% of sprites, still working on improoving the speed,
- 50% of internal window garbage like window refreshing,
- 75% of menus + dialog box handling primitives
- Tiny PCOS interpretor to allow testing of the primitives (Yves
is obliged to cope with my delays in AMOSpro...)
Job still to be done.
- A lot.
Yves planing for last week:
-Monday: DDK
-Tuesday: DDK
-Wednesday: DDK
-Thursday: DDK
-Friday: DDK
Yves planning for next week:
-Monday: DDL
-Tuesday: DDL
-Wednesday: DDL
-Thursday: DDL
-Friday: DDL
...What a surprise...