amos-professional/AMOSPro Sources/Docs/Compiler_Discs.Asc

264 lines
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AMOSpro Compiler Disc layout
3 Discs:
* Disc 1: "AMOSPro_Compiler:"
This disc will bootable. It will contain at least:
S/AMOSPro_Interpreter_Config To use the compiler
S/AMOSPro_Compiler_Config "
Libs/powerpacker.library Needed by the compiler
Libs/amos.library The latest one
Libs/...other system libraries
APSystem/APCmp The compiler
APSystem/AMOSPro.Lib The main AMOSPro Library
APSystem/Compiler.Lib The compiler library
APSystem/AMOSPro_Compact.Lib The main extensions
APSystem/AMOSPro_Editor_Config For the error messages
APSystem/CompilerA_Resource.Abk The shell animated buttons
APSystem/Compiler_Resource.Abk The resource
AMOSPro_Help/Compiler_Help.Txt The help files
AMOSPro_Help/Compiler_Help.Map "
AMOSPro_Help/AMOSPro_Help The help program, compiled
Compiler_Shell The compiled shell
Install The compiler installer
* Disc 2 : "AMOSPro_Extras:"
This disc will not be bootable. It will contain
Compiler_Examples/... All of Jean-Baptiste examples
Compiler_Examples/Galax/... The galaxian game
Anim/Turtle.anim The IFF animation
Interpreter_Config.AMOS Interpreter configuration program
Editor_Config.AMOS Editor configuration program
Install.AMOS AMOSPro installer
Install_Data/... AMOSPro installer data
Compiler_Shell.AMOS The compiler shell
Compile_Current.AMOS Small accessory to compile the
... current program
*Disc 3 : "AMOSPro_Update:"
This disc will be bootable, and contain the AMOSPro 2.0 update.
How to use the compiler?
Here is a list of all the possible users, and how it will work:
1. You dont have AMOSPro
1.1 You have only one drive
-a- Boot disc 1, enter registration. Disc 1 will now boot
into the compiler shell.
-b- Select "I don't have AMOSPro", and then "I don't have
a hard-disc": the installer will simply quit.
-c- To compile, either boot from DISC 1 or click on the
"Compiler_Shell" icon from the Wb
The compiler will copy all the necessary files onto
You can now compile on another disc.
1.2. You have two drives.
-a- same
-b- Select "I don't have AMOSPro", and then "I don't have
a hard-disc": the installer will simply quit.
-c- You can compile as for 1.1., but also select not to
copy the files onto ram-disc, and compile with Disc 1
in drive DF0: and your program disc in drive DF1:
1.3. You have a hard drive.
-a- same
-b- Select "I don't have AMOSPro", and then "I have
a hard-disc"
-c- The installer will ask where
to install your AMOSPro_Compiler, and copy the files
in it, save the configuration files at the appropriate
-d- To compile, two solutions: 1) click on the "Compiler_Shell"
icon from the Workbench. 2) Use APCMP command from the CLI.
-e- Of course, Disc 1 will be also useable as a stand alone
2. You have AMOSPro.
Before all, you should update your current version of AMOSPro, being
on a floppy disc or on a hard-disc. The updater will be _exactly_ the
same as V1.12 updater. The only modification will be a neat AGA logo
as a title if you run the updater on a AGA machine.
The Compiler Installer will refuse to work if your version of
AMOSPro is not updated.
2.1. You have only one drive.
-a- same
-b- select "I own AMOSPro", then "I don't have a hard-disc"
-c- The installer will copy the appropriate files onto your
AMOSPro_System disc.
-d- Simply reboot your AMOSPro_System disc.
You will now have new options in your user menu. You will
also find the Compiler_Shell.AMOS in your directory. To
compile, just run the Compiler_Shell. It will copy
all the necessary files onto ram-disc so that you can
compile on an alternate disc.
2.2. You have two drives.
-a- same
-b- same
-c- same
-d- same as before but you'll wont be obliged to copy the
files onto ram-disc, although compiling would be much
faster by doing so.
2.3. You have a hard-disc.
-a- same
-b- select "I own AMOSPro", then "I have a hard-disc"
-c- The installer will ask for your current AMOSPro program,
check if it is V2.0
-d- The installer will create a new folder just near the
usual Accessories/Tutorials etc... ones, called "Compiler"
-e- It will copy the examples, the animation, everything in it.
It will also copy all the files necessary to have the
AMOSPro compiler working.
-f- Next time you start AMOSPro, you'll have a new automatic
assign "AMOSPro_Compiler", pointing to your new "Compiler"
folder. You'll have as well new user menu options etc...
-g- To compile, 3 solutions: 1) from AMOSPro with the menu,
2) using the compiled compiler shell, 3) from the CLI using
-h- Of course, Disc 1 will be also useable as a stand alone
The new command line
APCmp will match the new 2.0 standarts of command line syntax.
All the previous parameters used by ACMP are obsolete. You must use the
new ones.
*** please forget what I have written in my previous doc about the "-f"
APCMP [FROM] "Source_Name.AMOS" [TO "Object_Name"]
[TYPE=0/1/2/3] [TOKEN]
[WB] or [NOWB]
- [FROM]"Source_Name.AMOS" specify the name of the source file. This file
can be and AMOS program or an ASCII file. FROM is optional. The name
can include spaces, in this case it must be included in quotes.
- TO "Object_Name" is optional, and specify the name of the program to
create. If not specifed, the name will be computed from the source
name. TO must be present.
Same as "-o" from ACMP
- TYPE=0/1/2/3 is optional, and specify the type of the program to create,
The number has the same meaning as for ACMP.
Same as "-t" from ACMP
- TOKEN is optional, and forces the compiler to tokenise the source
program, and stop after tokenisation. This way, APCMP behave like a
simple tokeniser.
- ERR or ERRORS is optional, both syntax will be recognised. Force
the compiler to include the error messages in the object code. Otherwise
no messages is included.
Same as "-e1" from ACMP
- NOERR or NOERRORS is the reverse of the previous one, optional too.
Same as "-e0" from ACMP
- LONG is optional, and force long branches within the compiled program.
Same as "-l" from ACMP
- NOLONG is the reverse of the previous one, optional too.
This is the default.
- DEF or DEFAULT is optional. Force the compiler to create a default screen
in the compiled program. Default option.
Same as "-s1" from ACMP
- NODEF or NODEFAULT is optional. Force the compiler not to create a
default screen.
Same as "-s0" from ACMP
- WB is optional. Make the compiled program start in AMOS TO BACK mode,
allowing a clean startup.
Same as "-W1" from ACMP
- NOWB is optional. Reverse of the previous one.
Same as -"W0" from ACMP
- QUIET is optional. Prevent any message but error message from the
Same as "-q" from ACMP
- TEMP="Temp_Directory" is optional. Specify the directory where to
store the temporary files created by the compiler.
- LIBS="Libs_Directory" is optional, and specify a pathname where to
find all the libraries to compile, instead of using the ones
normally pointed to within s:AMOSPro_Interpreter_Config
Same as "-f" from ACMP
- CONFIG="Config_name" is optional, and specify a pathname of the
Compiler configuration to use to compile.
Same as "-C" from ACMP
As you can see, although it seems a bit longer to type in, this
system of command line is much easier to remember than the previous one.
The exact system template is, in a proper AmigaDos syntax:
Just copy this in the manual!!!
Cheers! Francois.