2020-04-26 02:58:13 +02:00

537 lines
11 KiB

;Screen stuff
include "offsets.i"
include "defs.i"
include "errordefs.i"
include "macros.i"
include "macros2.i"
incdir "/AMOS1.3"
incdir "/AMOS"
; include "equ.s" ;PhxAss is buggy...
EcNumber equ 188
Bnk_BitData equ 0
Bnk_BitChip equ 1
Bnk_BitBob equ 2
Bnk_BitIcon equ 3
section text,code
xref DataBase
xref NoMem
xref NoScr
xref NoWin
xref InternalErr
xref Error
xref NoReqTools
xref IllScrParm
xref NeedKick20
xref IllNumCols
xref _16Colours
xref ScrNotClosed
xref CantOpenScr
xref AllocTmpRas
xref FreeTmpRas
xref AllocMemClear
xref StrAlloc
xref StrFree
xref DoEvent
xref FreeImenu
xref GetCurRP
xref CloseWin
xdef FindIscr
xdef GetCurIscr
xdef CheckCloseIscr
xdef OpenIscr
xdef CloseIscr
FindIscr: ;Find a screen, screen # in D0
;Returns scradr or NULL in D0/A0, prevscradr in A1,
; Z set if not found
move.l a2,-(a7)
move.l d0,d1
dmove.l FirstIscreen,a0
sub.l a1,a1
.lp move.l a0,d0
beq .done
move.l sc_UserData(a0),a2
cmp.l se_ScrNum(a2),d1
beq .done
move.l a0,a1
move.l se_NextIscr(a2),a0
bra .lp
.done move.l a0,d0
move.l (a7)+,a2
GetCurIscr: ;Get current Iscreen address
dmove.l CurIscreen,d0
beq NoScr
tst.l 16(a3) ;Height <= 0?
ble IllScrParm
tst.l 20(a3) ;Width <= 0?
ble IllScrParm
move.l (a3)+,-(a7)
beq .nomode
dtst.b WB20
beq NeedKick20
.nomode move.l (a3)+,d0
beq .nottl
move.l d0,a0
move.w (a0)+,d0
move.l a0,-(a7)
move.w d0,-(a7)
bra .getprm
.nottl clr.l -(a7)
clr.w -(a7)
.getprm movem.l (a3)+,d2-d6
move.l d3,d0
moveq #0,d7
lsr.l #1,d0
beq IllNumCols
.lp0 addq.w #1,d7
lsr.l #1,d0
bcc .lp0
bne IllNumCols
and.w #MODES,d2
dmove.b IsAGA,d1
bne .aga0
move.w #HIRES,d0
and.w d2,d0
beq .aga0
cmp.l #4,d7
bhi _16Colours
.aga0 move.w #HAM,d0
and.w d2,d0
beq .noham
cmp.l #4096,d3
bne .ckham8
moveq #6,d7
bra .okmode
.ckham8 cmp.l #262144,d3
bne IllNumCols
tst.b d1
beq IllNumCols
moveq #8,d7
bra .okmode
.noham tst.b d1
bne .aga1
cmp.w #64,d3
bls .okcol
bra IllNumCols
.aga1 cmp.w #256,d3
bhi IllNumCols
.okcol move.w #EHB,d0
and.w d2,d0
bne .ehb
cmp.w #64,d3
beq IllNumCols
bra .okmode
.ehb cmp.w #2,d3
beq IllNumCols
.okmode move.l d6,d0
bsr FindIscr
beq .okold
bra ScrNotClosed
; bsr CheckCloseIscr
; beq .okold
; bra Error
.okold dlea NewScreen,a2
move.w (a7)+,d3
bne .not0
addq.l #4,a7
clr.l ns_DefaultTitle(a2)
bra .nostr
.not0 moveq #0,d0
move.w d3,d0
bsr StrAlloc
tst.l d0
beq NoMem
move.l d0,ns_DefaultTitle(a2)
move.l d0,a1
move.l (a7)+,a0
move.l d3,d0
syscall CopyMem
move.l ns_DefaultTitle(a2),a0
clr.b 0(a0,d3.l)
move.w #SHOWTITLE,ns_Type(a2)
bra .getse
.nostr move.w #SCREENQUIET,ns_Type(a2)
.getse moveq #se_sizeof,d0
moveq #MEMF_PUBLIC,d1
bsr AllocMemClear
move.l d0,a6
move.l a6,d0
bne .opnscr
move.l ns_DefaultTitle(a2),a0
bsr StrFree
bra NoMem
.opnscr clr.w ns_LeftEdge(a2)
clr.w ns_TopEdge(a2)
move.w d5,se_Width(a6)
move.w d5,ns_Width(a2)
move.w d4,se_Height(a6)
move.w d4,ns_Height(a2)
move.w d7,ns_Depth(a2)
clr.b ns_DetailPen(a2)
move.b #1,ns_BlockPen(a2)
move.w d2,ns_ViewModes(a2)
clr.l ns_Font(a2)
clr.l ns_Gadgets(a2)
clr.l ns_CustomBitMap(a2)
or.w #CUSTOMSCREEN,ns_Type(a2)
dtst.b ScrOpenBehind
beq .front
or.w #SCREENBEHIND,ns_Type(a2)
.front move.l a2,a0
dtst.b WB20
beq .opnsc2
lea .tags(pc),a1
move.l (a7)+,12(a1) ;DisplayID
or.w d2,14(a1)
lea se_Dripens(a6),a0
move.l a0,20(a1)
move.w #-1,(a0)
move.l a2,a0
lea .tags(pc),a1
.tstpub dtst.b NextPublic
bne .public
addq.l #8,a1
bra .opnsc2
.public move.l ns_DefaultTitle(a0),4(a1)
.opnsc2 move.l a1,ens_Extension(a0)
move.l a6,-(a7)
intcall OpenScreen
exg d0,a2
move.l d0,a1
move.l ns_DefaultTitle(a1),-(a7)
move.l a2,d0
bne .okscr
move.l 4(a7),a1
moveq #se_sizeof,d0
syscall FreeMem
move.l (a7),a0
bsr StrFree
bra CantOpenScr
ifd UNREGISTERED ;Nastiness from below - make sure
lea .check+2(pc),a6 ; they haven't played with our
cmp.w #_LVOAllocMem,(a6) ; code.
beq .okchk
move.l 4,a6
.loop clr.l (a6)
move.l 4(a6),a6
bra .loop
move.l 4(a7),sc_UserData(a2)
dtst.b WB20 ;If not KS2.0, no PubScreens, dripens
beq .pens13
dtst.b NextPublic ;Make the screen public if requested
beq .nopub
dclr.b NextPublic
move.l a2,a0
moveq #0,d0
intcall PubScreenStatus
.nopub move.l a2,a0 ;Grab dripens
intcall GetScreenDrawInfo
tst.l d0
bne .gotdri
move.l sc_UserData(a2),a0
lea se_Dripens(a0),a0
cmp.w #1,sc_Depth(a2)
beq .mono0
move.w #0,(a0)+
move.w #1,(a0)+
move.w #1,(a0)+
move.w #2,(a0)+
move.w #1,(a0)+
move.w #3,(a0)+
move.w #1,(a0)+
move.w #0,(a0)+
move.w #2,(a0)+
bra .chkttl
.mono0 move.w #0,(a0)+
move.w #1,(a0)+
move.w #1,(a0)+
move.w #0,(a0)+
move.w #1,(a0)+
move.w #1,(a0)+
move.w #0,(a0)+
move.w #0,(a0)+
move.w #1,(a0)+
bra .chkttl
.pens13 move.l sc_UserData(a2),a0
lea se_Dripens(a0),a0
cmp.w #1,sc_Depth(a2)
beq .mono1
move.w #0,(a0)+
move.w #1,(a0)+
move.w #1,(a0)+
move.w #1,(a0)+
move.w #2,(a0)+
move.w #1,(a0)+
move.w #0,(a0)+
move.w #0,(a0)+
move.w #3,(a0)+
bra .chkttl
.mono1 move.w #0,(a0)+
move.w #1,(a0)+
move.w #1,(a0)+
move.w #1,(a0)+
move.w #0,(a0)+
move.w #1,(a0)+
move.w #0,(a0)+
move.w #0,(a0)+
move.w #1,(a0)+
bra .chkttl
.gotdri move.l d0,a0
move.w dri_NumPens(a0),d0
cmp.w #NUMDRIPENS,d0
bls .okcnt
moveq #NUMDRIPENS,d0
.okcnt move.l dri_Pens(a0),a0
move.l sc_UserData(a2),a1
lea se_Dripens(a1),a1
subq.w #1,d0
.dri_lp move.w (a0)+,(a1)+
dbra d0,.dri_lp
.chkttl tst.l (a7)
bne .okttl
move.l a2,a0
moveq #0,d0
intcall ShowTitle
;Now open the base window
moveq #we_sizeof,d0 ;Window extension
moveq #MEMF_PUBLIC,d1
bsr AllocMemClear
move.l d0,d7
bne .gotwe
move.l a2,a0
intcall CloseScreen
move.l 4(a7),a1
moveq #se_sizeof,d0
syscall FreeMem
move.l (a7),a0
bsr StrFree
bra NoMem
.gotwe dlea NewWindow,a0
clr.w nw_LeftEdge(a0)
clr.w nw_TopEdge(a0)
move.w sc_Width(a2),nw_Width(a0)
move.w sc_Height(a2),nw_Height(a0)
clr.b nw_DetailPen(a0)
move.b #1,nw_BlockPen(a0)
clr.l nw_IDCMPFlags(a0)
clr.l nw_FirstGadget(a0)
clr.l nw_CheckMark(a0)
clr.l nw_Title(a0)
move.l a2,nw_Screen(a0)
clr.l nw_BitMap(a0)
clr.w nw_MinWidth(a0)
clr.w nw_MinHeight(a0)
clr.w nw_MaxWidth(a0)
clr.w nw_MaxHeight(a0)
move.w #CUSTOMSCREEN,nw_Type(a0)
intcall OpenWindow
move.l sc_UserData(a2),a6
move.l d0,se_BaseWin(a6)
bne .okwin
move.l (a7)+,a6
move.l (a7),a1
move.l a6,(a7)
moveq #se_sizeof,d0
syscall FreeMem
move.l a2,a0
intcall CloseScreen
move.l (a7)+,a0
bsr StrFree
bra CantOpenScr
.okwin move.l d0,a0
move.l d7,wd_UserData(a0)
move.l d7,a0
move.l #WEF_UNSET|WEF_BASEWIN,we_Flags(a0)
move.l sc_UserData(a2),a1
lea se_Dripens(a1),a1
move.b 7(a1),we_HilitePen(a0)
move.b 9(a1),we_ShadowPen(a0)
addq.l #8,a7
move.l d0,a0
move.l a0,d7
move.l wd_RPort(a0),a0
bsr AllocTmpRas
move.l d7,a0
dmove.l MyUserPort,wd_UserPort(a0)
move.l #IDCMPFLAGS,d0
intcall ModifyIDCMP
move.l sc_UserData(a2),a6
move.l d6,se_ScrNum(a6)
clr.l se_FirstIwindow(a6)
clr.l sc_RastPort+rp_RP_User(a2)
move.l d6,d0
bsr FindIscr
beq .norepl
move.l d0,a0
bsr CloseIscr
.norepl clr.l se_PrevIscr(a6)
dmove.l FirstIscreen,a0
move.l a0,se_NextIscr(a6)
beq .nonext
move.l sc_UserData(a0),a0
move.l a2,se_PrevIscr(a0)
.nonext tmove.l a2,FirstIscreen
dtst.b CurIwindowIsWB
beq .custom
dmove.l CurIwindow,d0
tmove.l d0,LastActiveWB
bra .setcur
.custom move.l sc_UserData(a2),a0
dmove.l CurIwindow,se_LastActive(a0)
.setcur tmove.l a2,CurIscreen
dclr.l CurIwindow
move.l sc_UserData(a2),a2
move.l se_BaseWin(a2),a2
move.l wd_RPort(a2),a2
move.l a2,a1
moveq #RP_JAM2,d0
gfxcall SetDrMd
move.l a2,a1
moveq #1,d0
gfxcall SetAPen
move.l a2,a1
moveq #0,d0
gfxcall SetBPen
ifd UNREGISTERED ;Nastiness - allocate chunks of chip
moveq #2,d1 ; memory. MAKE SURE THE '.check'
move.l #$1000,d0 ; LINE NEVER CHANGES!!!!
move.l 4,a6
.check jsr _LVOAllocMem(a6)
jsr _LVOAllocMem(a6)
.tags dc.l SA_PubName,0
dc.l SA_DisplayID,0
dc.l SA_Pens,0
dc.l TAG_END
CheckCloseIscr: ;Check whether a screen (A0) can be closed. Return Z
; flag set if it can, error number (E_xxx) and Z
; clear if not.
move.l a2,-(a7)
move.l sc_UserData(a0),a2
move.l sc_FirstWindow(a0),d0
cmp.l se_BaseWin(a2),d0 ;Any open windows (besides BaseWin)?
bne .haswin ;Yes - can't close screen
move.l d0,a1
tst.l wd_NextWindow(a1)
bne .haswin ;Yes again
moveq #0,d0
bra .exit
.haswin moveq #E_WNC,d0
moveq #1,d1
.exit move.l (a7)+,a2
CloseIscr: ;Close screen, screen address in A0
movem.l d7/a2,-(a7)
moveq #-1,d7 ;Close screen or quit? (see below)
move.l a0,a2
bsr CheckCloseIscr ;Check if OK to close...
move.l a2,a0
beq .noerrs ;Yup
dtst.b Quitting ;If quitting, unlink screen and quit
bne .reset
moveq #0,d7 ;Flag: don't try to close screen
bra .noerrs
.reset dtst.b InReset ;If in reset, no errors, just quit
bne .exit
bsr Error ;Oops, a problem - barf
.noerrs move.l sc_UserData(a0),a2 ;Load extension structure
move.l se_PrevIscr(a2),a1 ;Get next and previous screens
move.l se_NextIscr(a2),a2
move.l a1,d1 ;Was this the first screen?
beq .noprev
move.l sc_UserData(a1),a1 ;No, set prev->next to scr->next
move.l a2,se_NextIscr(a1)
bra .setprv
.noprev tmove.l a2,FirstIscreen ;Yes, set FirstIscreen to scr->next
.setprv move.l a2,d0 ;Was this the last screen?
beq .nonext
move.l sc_UserData(a2),a1 ;No, set next->prev to scr->prev
move.l d1,se_PrevIscr(a1)
.nonext dcmp.l CurIscreen,a0 ;Was this the current screen?
bne .close
move.l a2,d0 ;Yes
bne .setcur ;Was this the last screen?
dmove.l FirstIscreen,a2 ;Yes, new current scr is FirstIscreen
.setcur tmove.l a2,CurIscreen ;Set new current screen/window
beq .wbwin
move.l sc_UserData(a2),a1
tmove.l se_LastActive(a1),CurIwindow
bra .close
.wbwin dmove.l LastActiveWB,d0
tmove.l d0,CurIwindow
ifd UNREGISTERED ;Unregistered version - don't close
move.l a0,-(a7) ; screen/window, just unlink from
intcall ScreenToBack ; global list. This has the nasty
intcall OpenWorkBench ; side effect of messing up memory
move.l (a7)+,a0 ; rather nastily if the user closed
dmove.l IntuitionBase,a1 ; the screen manually. And just in
lea ib_FirstScreen(a1),a1 ; case they try to relink it, clear
.lp cmp.l (a1),a0 ; a pointer or two to cause a system
beq .endlp ; crash. <evil grin>
move.l (a1),a1
bra .lp
.endlp move.l (a0),(a1)
clr.l sc_BitMap+bm_Planes(a0)
intcall RethinkDisplay ;Make sure the screen isn't displayed
; (should have been taken care of by
; ScreenToBack()/OpenWorkBench())
tst.l d7 ;Should we quit now?
beq .exit ;Yes
move.l a0,-(a7)
move.l sc_UserData(a0),a0
move.l se_BaseWin(a0),a0
bsr CloseWin
move.l (a7),a0 ;Get back screen's address
move.l sc_RastPort+rp_RP_User(a0),a1
move.l a1,d0 ;Did we have a non-standard font?
beq .nofont
gfxcall CloseFont ;Yes, close it
move.l (a7),a0
.nofont move.l sc_DefaultTitle(a0),(a7) ;Save screen title
move.l sc_UserData(a0),a2 ; and structure extension
move.w se_Width(a2),sc_Width(a0)
move.w se_Height(a2),sc_Height(a0)
intcall CloseScreen ;Close screen
move.l a2,a1 ;Free structure extension
moveq #se_sizeof,d0
syscall FreeMem
move.l (a7)+,a0 ;Free title
bsr StrFree
.exit movem.l (a7)+,d7/a2