IFND EXEC_RESIDENT_I EXEC_RESIDENT_I SET 1 ** ** $Filename: exec/resident.i $ ** $Release: 1.3 $ ** ** ** ** (C) Copyright 1985,1986,1987,1988 Commodore-Amiga, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved ** *---------------------------------------------------------------- * * Resident Module Tag * *---------------------------------------------------------------- STRUCTURE RT,0 UWORD RT_MATCHWORD * word to match APTR RT_MATCHTAG * pointer to structure base APTR RT_ENDSKIP * address to continue scan UBYTE RT_FLAGS * various tag flags UBYTE RT_VERSION * release version number UBYTE RT_TYPE * type of module BYTE RT_PRI * initialization priority APTR RT_NAME * pointer to node name APTR RT_IDSTRING * pointer to id string APTR RT_INIT * pointer to init code LABEL RT_SIZE *------ Match word definition: RTC_MATCHWORD EQU $4AFC * (ILLEGAL instruction) *------ RT_FLAGS bit and field definitions: BITDEF RT,COLDSTART,0 BITDEF RT,AUTOINIT,7 * RT_INIT points to data * Compatibility: RTM_WHEN EQU 1 * field position in RT_FLAGS RTW_NEVER EQU 0 * never ever init RTW_COLDSTART EQU 1 * init at coldstart time ENDC ; EXEC_RESIDENT_I