Date: Sat, 16 Dec 95 01:48:00 GMT X-Mailviewer: RRR/DIGITAL CANDY E-Mail From: Paul Wellstead <> To: Subject: Int Ext X-Smtp-Posting-Host: [Sat, 16 Dec 95 12:31:30 GMT] X-Smtp-Posting-Host: [Sat, 16 Dec 95 12:33:44 GMT] Hi Andy I am sending you this privately cos I don't want to show myself up :-) Right the Intuition Ext. Does it draw buttons on the screen as you would expect it to? When I use Igadget it defines (and reacts) to the zone where the button should be but there is no visible button, surely we don't have to write in our own button drawing routines do we? I did this and it slows things down quite horribly. I am sure it's summit stupid I am doing, so can you put me straight please? I was attempting to write an easy to use Archiver/de-archiver called Exarc. By the way the text gadget and sliders work fine. I am using an A1200 4meg Amos Pro V2. 'requester title Irequest Def Title "ExArc Request" Iwindow_open Wb 0,0,0,640,200,"ExArc V1.0" Itext 24,18,"Extract" Itext 24,38,"Archive" Reserve Igadget 2 Set Igadget Hit 1,24,10,64,12 Set Igadget Hit 2,24,30,64,12 Igadget On Amos To Back 'main loop Do Multi Wait EVENT=Iwait Event A=Igadget Read(1) If A=True _EXTRACT End If A=Igadget Read(1) If A=True _ARCHIVE End If If EVENT=Ievent Close Exit End If Loop Itrap On Iscreen Close 0 Itrap Off Iwindow Close Wb 0 Amos To Front Edit Procedure _EXTRACT Iwrite "extract ok" End Proc Procedure _ARCHIVE Iwrite "archive ok" End Proc I haven't put the extension in the F1 cat yet as I would like to see how this problem turns out. Our Amos customers would have my balls if you have to write your own buttons (I am sure you don't but this needs to be sorted) /\Steve Bye/\ -------------------- | F1 Licenceware | --------------------