201 lines
6.9 KiB
201 lines
6.9 KiB
# Makefile for Intuition Extension
VERSION = 1.3b
# Sources for the main extension code. Don't fool with the order or you'll
# regret it!
INTSRC0 = iheader.s itokens.s intuition.s extutils.s screens.s color.s \
windows.s fonts.s input.s errorstubs.s text.s graphics.s request.s \
menus.s gadgets.s other.s extcode.s errors.s
INTSRC = %(INTSRC0:*:src/%1)
# Object files for external code segment. jumptable.o must be first!
EXTOBJ= obj/jumptable.o \
obj/amosfuncs.o obj/errors.o obj/graphics.o obj/input.o \
obj/intmisc.o obj/iutils.o obj/memory.o obj/screens.o \
obj/startup.o obj/windows.o
EXTOBJ_C = %(EXTOBJ:obj/*:obj/creator/%1)
EXTSRC = %(EXTOBJ:obj/*.o:src2/%1.s)
EXTERNAL = obj/extcode
EXTERNAL_C = obj/creator/extcode
# Object files for unregistered version of external code. Note that many
# don't need to be reassembled.
EXTOBJU=obj/jumptable.o \
obj/amosfuncs.o obj/errors.o obj/graphics.o obj/input.o \
obj/intmisc.o obj/iutils.o obj/memory.o obju/screens.o \
obj/startup.o obju/windows.o
EXTOBJU_C = %(EXTOBJ:*/*:%1/creator/%2)
# Object files which do need to be reassembled:
EXTOBJUONLY = obju/screens.o obju/windows.o
EXTOBJUONLY_C = %(EXTOBJUONLY:obju/*:obju/creator/%1)
EXTSRCUONLY = %(EXTOBJUONLY:obju/*.o:src2/%1.s)
EXTERNALU = obju/extcode
EXTERNALU_C = obju/creator/extcode
default: pro
all: pro creator pro-unreg creator-unreg
both: pro creator
unreg: pro-unreg creator-unreg
arc: arc-full arc-demo
pro: $(PROPATH)intuition.lib
creator: $(CREPATH)intuition.lib
pro-unreg: $(PROPATH)intuition_unreg.lib
creator-unreg: $(CREPATH)intuition_unreg.lib
rm obj/\#?.o obju/\#?.o obj/creator/\#?.o obju/creator/\#?.o
spotless: clean
rm $(PROPATH)intuition.lib $(PROPATH)intuition_unreg.lib
rm $(CREPATH)intuition.lib $(CREPATH)intuition_unreg.lib
touch src/defs.i
$(PROPATH)intuition.lib : \
$(EXTERNAL) $(INTSRC) src/offsets.i src/defs.i src/macros.i
/extasm src/intuition.s -o%(left)
$(CREPATH)intuition.lib : \
$(EXTERNAL_C) $(INTSRC) src/offsets.i src/defs.i src/macros.i
/extasm src/intuition.s -SCREATOR -o%(left)
$(PROPATH)intuition_unreg.lib : \
$(EXTERNALU) $(INTSRC) src/offsets.i src/defs.i src/macros.i
/extasm src/intuition.s -SUNREGISTERED -o%(left)
$(CREPATH)intuition_unreg.lib : \
$(EXTERNALU_C) $(INTSRC) src/offsets.i src/defs.i src/macros.i
/extasm src/intuition.s -SCREATOR -SUNREGISTERED -o%(left)
dlink -o%(left) %(right)
dlink -o%(left) %(right)
dlink -o%(left) %(right)
dlink -o%(left) %(right)
as -o%(left) %(right) -isrc -d
as -o%(left) %(right) -isrc -d -SCREATOR
as -o%(left) %(right) -isrc -d -SUNREGISTERED
as -o%(left) %(right) -isrc -d -SCREATOR -SUNREGISTERED
src/defs.i src/macros.i src/macros2.i
src/defs.i : src/data.i
touch %(left)
@-makedir temp:Intuition
@copy drawer.info temp:Intuition.info
@-makedir temp:Intuition/AMOS_System
@-makedir temp:Intuition/APSystem
@copy progs/IntuiViewer.amos temp:Intuition clone
# @copy amos:games/Shanghai.AMOS temp:Intuition clone
@copy ~(Shanghai).guide temp:Intuition clone quiet
@copy $(PROPATH)Intuition.lib temp:Intuition/apsystem clone
@copy $(CREPATH)Intuition.lib temp:Intuition/amos_system clone
@copy src/IntRoutines.i temp:Intuition clone
@echo >t:xyz cd temp:
@echo >>t:xyz lha -rx m IntExtBeta Intuition
@echo >>t:xyz uuencode IntExtBeta.lha IntExtBeta.uu
@execute t:xyz
@delete temp:IntExtBeta.lha t:xyz temp:Intuition all quiet
@-makedir temp:Intuition
@copy drawer.info temp:Intuition.info clone
@-makedir temp:Intuition/AMOS_System
@-makedir temp:Intuition/APSystem
@copy progs/IntuiViewer.AMOS temp:Intuition clone quiet
@copy IntuiViewer.guide temp:Intuition clone quiet
@copy $(PROPATH)Def_icon.info temp:Intuition/IntuiViewer.AMOS.info
@acomp temp:Intuition/IntuiViewer wb inclib quiet
@copy $(PROPATH)Def_Compiled.info temp:Intuition/IntuiViewer.info
@patch <intuition.guide.diff -o temp:Intuition/Intuition.guide
@copy Intuition.guide.info temp:Intuition clone
@copy IntuiViewer.guide temp:Intuition clone
@# @copy Shanghai.guide temp:Intuition clone
@# @copy amos:games/Shanghai.AMOS temp:Intuition clone
@# @copy $(PROPATH)Def_icon.info temp:Intuition/Shanghai.AMOS.info clone
@# @acomp temp:Intuition/Shanghai wb inclib quiet
@# @copy $(PROPATH)Def_Compiled.info temp:Intuition/Shanghai.info clone
@copy $(PROPATH)intuition_unreg.lib temp:Intuition/apsystem/Intuition.Lib clone
@copy $(CREPATH)intuition_unreg.lib temp:Intuition/amos_system/Intuition.Lib clone
@copy Intuition.Lib.info temp:Intuition/apsystem clone
@copy Intuition.Lib.info temp:Intuition/amos_system clone
@copy drawer.info temp:Intuition/APSystem.info clone
@copy drawer.info temp:Intuition/AMOS_System.info clone
@copy Registration.txt temp:Intuition clone
@copy src/IntRoutines.i temp:Intuition clone
@-copy README.$(VERSION) temp:Intuition/README clone
@echo >t:xyz cd temp:
@echo >>t:xyz lha -rx m IntExtDemo.lha Intuition Intuition.info
@echo >>t:xyz uuencode IntExtDemo.lha IntExtDemo.uu IntExt$(VERSION)-Demo.lha
@execute t:xyz
@delete temp:IntExtDemo.lha t:xyz temp:Intuition all quiet
@delete t:xyz temp:Intuition all quiet
@-makedir temp:Intuition
@copy drawer.info temp:Intuition.info clone
@-makedir temp:Intuition/AMOS_System
@-makedir temp:Intuition/APSystem
@# @copy progs/IntuiViewer.AMOS temp:Intuition clone quiet
@# @copy IntuiViewer.guide temp:Intuition clone quiet
@# @copy $(PROPATH)Def_icon.info temp:Intuition/IntuiViewer.AMOS.info
@# @acomp temp:Intuition/IntuiViewer wb inclib quiet
@# @copy $(PROPATH)Def_Compiled.info temp:Intuition/IntuiViewer.info
@# @copy Shanghai.guide temp:Intuition clone
@# @copy amos:games/Shanghai.AMOS temp:Intuition clone
@# @copy $(PROPATH)Def_icon.info temp:Intuition/Shanghai.AMOS.info clone
@# @acomp temp:Intuition/Shanghai wb inclib quiet
@# @copy $(PROPATH)Def_Compiled.info temp:Intuition/Shanghai.info clone
@copy Intuition.guide temp:Intuition clone
@copy Intuition.guide.info temp:Intuition clone
@copy $(PROPATH)Intuition.lib temp:Intuition/apsystem clone
@copy $(CREPATH)Intuition.lib temp:Intuition/amos_system clone
@copy Intuition.Lib.info temp:Intuition/apsystem clone
@copy Intuition.Lib.info temp:Intuition/amos_system clone
@copy drawer.info temp:Intuition/APSystem.info clone
@copy drawer.info temp:Intuition/AMOS_System.info clone
@copy src/IntRoutines.i temp:Intuition clone
@-copy README.$(VERSION) temp:Intuition/README clone
@echo >t:xyz cd temp:
@echo >>t:xyz lha -rx m IntExtFull Intuition Intuition.info
@echo >>t:xyz uuencode IntExtFull.lha IntExtFull.uu IntExt$(VERSION).lha
@execute t:xyz
@delete temp:IntExtFull.lha t:xyz temp:Intuition all quiet