# amos-pro-bsdsocket-extension Want to get online with your AMOS program? Now you can in (some) style! This extension provides a wrapper around the BSD Socket library provided by your Internet stack. There's some attempt to roll up some of the low-level functionality into something more usable by AMOS. ## Installation * Copy `AMOSPro_BSDSocket.Lib` to `AMOSPro_System:APSystem/` * Within AMOS Professional: * Config -> Set Interpreter * Load Default Configuration * Set Loaded Extensions * Extension Slot 18 -- `AMOSPro_BSDSocket.Lib` * Exit * Save Configuration * Restart AMOS Professional * Type in the following and Run: ``` Print Socket Library Open ``` The line should tokenize, and running it should print -1 if you have no Internet stack running, or a large number if you do. ## Examples ### Communicating with an HTTP server ``` LIB=Socket Library Open If LIB<=0 End End If SOCKET=Socket Create Inet Socket _=Socket Set Nonblocking(SOCKET,True) ' connect to aminet.net IP$=Dns Get Address By Name$("aminet.net") ALREADY_CONNECTED=Socket Connect(SOCKET To IP$,80) Reserve As Work 30,1024 For I=1 To 100 If ALREADY_CONNECTED=-1 RESULT=Socket Wait Async Writing(SOCKET,100) If RESULT>0 ALREADY_CONNECTED=0 End If End If If ALREADY_CONNECTED=0 HTTPGET$="GET / HTTP/1.0"+Chr$(10)+"Host: amiga"+Chr$(10)+Chr$(10) Print "Making HTTP request to aminet.net" _=Socket Send(SOCKET,Varptr(HTTPGET$),Len(HTTPGET$)) For J=1 To 100 RESULT=Socket Wait Async Reading(SOCKET,5000) If RESULT>0 OUT=Socket Recv(SOCKET To Start(30),1024) _DATA$="" For K=0 To OUT-1 _DATA$=_DATA$+Chr$(Peek(Start(30)+K)) Next K Print _DATA$ If OUT<1024 Exit 2 End If End If Next J Exit End If Next I Socket Library Close ``` ### Starting a server ``` If Socket Library Open<=0 End End If SOCKET=Socket Create Inet Socket _=Socket Set Nonblocking(SOCKET,True) _=Socket Reuse Addr(SOCKET) RESULT=Socket Bind(SOCKET To "INADDR_ANY",8000) _=Socket Listen(SOCKET) Print "listening on port 8000" For I=1 To 100 RESULT=Socket Wait Async Reading(SOCKET,500) If RESULT>0 _REMOTE_SOCKET=Socket Accept(SOCKET) Print Socket Inet Ntoa$(Socket Get Host(_REMOTE_SOCKET)) Print Socket Get Port(_REMOTE_SOCKET) Print Socket Recv$(_REMOTE_SOCKET,1024) Exit End If Wait Vbl Next I Socket Library Close ``` ## Who's using the extension? * [AQUABYSS](https://agedcode.com/agedcode/en/games/aquabyss) * As of April 2023, the extension's been in heavy use for over a month on the client side of the game. Doing something cool with the extension? [Contact me](https://theindustriousrabbit.com/about) and I'll add it to the list! ## General Notes * The BSD Socket library, and all sockets, will close automatically when the program runs again. Sockets will stay open after stopping you code so you can debug issues from the AMOS console. * Since AMOS takes over Ctrl-C handling, you have to continually poll for socket statuses on nonblocking sockets. Trying to use a blocking socket will likely cause AMOS to hang indefinitely! * Using the Wait Async functions with small timeouts are the most system-friendly way of doing this. * MiamiDX can be fiddly, at least it is on my MiSTer set up. If Internet connectivity is not working, try re-connecting to the network. ## Versioning This project uses semantic versioning. * If the version number is below 1.0.0, API is not stable. * If the major number increases, API has changed. ## License Copyright 2023 John Bintz. Licensed under the MIT License. If you use this in your project, and you really want to, throw a link to theindustriousrabbit.com somewhere. ## Feedback? Bug reports? Go to the [About section on The Industrious Rabbit](https://theindustriousrabbit.com/about) to contact me. ## Development ### Environment * Clone the [AMOS Professional source code](https://github.com/AOZ-Studio/AMOS-Professional-Official) * Copy the contents of