' This code shows how to make a non-blocking request with ' timeout to a remote HTTP server to retrieve a webpage ' and print it on the screen. ' ' This requires the BSD Socket Extension installed in Extension ' Slot 18. ' ' Copyright 2023 John Bintz ' Visit theindustriousrabbit.com for more info ' Licensed under the MIT License LIB=Socket Library Open If LIB<=0 Print "Unable to open bsdsocket.library!" End End If SOCKET=Socket Create Inet Socket ' A lot of functions return debugging info. Assign that to ' some useless variable, unless you're trying to figure out ' an issue with the extension. _=Socket Set Nonblocking(SOCKET,True) HOST$="aminet.net" Print "Trying to connect to "+HOST$ IP$=Dns Get Address By Name$(HOST$) ' When nonblocking sockets start to connect, they may or ' may not finish their connection before the function ' returns. If the socket doesn't connect, we have to wait ' for it to do so. ALREADY_CONNECTED=Socket Connect(SOCKET To IP$,80) Reserve As Work 30,1024 ' Due to how AMOS takes over Ctrl-C handing, there's no way ' for the bsdsocket code to use Exec's Ctrl-C handling. ' This means we need to poll for network activity. ' However, the async functions will immediately return ' if they get appropriate data before the timeout ends. ' This is somewhat more CPU efficient. For I=1 To 100 If ALREADY_CONNECTED=-1 ' We can check a socket for writing if it's currently ' attempting to connect. Once it connects, we can stop ' checking for that status -- we're ready to communicate ' with the remote server. RESULT=Socket Wait Async Writing(SOCKET,100) If RESULT>0 ALREADY_CONNECTED=0 End If End If If ALREADY_CONNECTED=0 Print "Connected to "+HOST$ HTTPGET$="GET / HTTP/1.0"+Chr$(10)+"Host: amiga"+Chr$(10)+Chr$(10) Print "Making HTTP request to "+HOST$ _=Socket Send(SOCKET,Varptr(HTTPGET$),Len(HTTPGET$)) For J=1 To 100 RESULT=Socket Wait Async Reading(SOCKET,50) If RESULT>0 Print "Receiving data" ' You can receive either to a block of memory... ' 'OUT=Socket Recv(SOCKET To Start(30),1024) 'For K=0 To OUT-1 ' _DATA$=_DATA$+Chr$(Peek(Start(30)+K)) 'Next K ' ' ...or to a string... _DATA$=Socket Recv$(SOCKET,1024) Print _DATA$ ' If the amount read is less than the length of data, ' assume we're done. This is fine for HTTP. If Len(_DATA$)<1024 Exit 2 End If End If Next J Exit End If Next I Socket Library Close