# Amiga BSD Socket coding Get your Amiga doing stuff on the Internet! All code in this repo is licensed under the MIT License. ## The original AMOS code `amos_pro_original` contains the original AMOS Professional code to use `bsdsocket.library` in BASIC. It requires the [EasyLife](http://aminet.net/package/dev/amos/Easylife110_P1) extension. This is the code used in the [23 Year Old Code](https://youtu.be/l4GNHJfYOUU) video. ## Server in C `server_in_c` uses SAS/C and the AmiTCK SDK to build a simple server that prints out what is received, like a very basic `netcat`. This is the code used in the [Simple Server in C for the Commodore Amiga](https://youtu.be/i6_PQUsayN4) video. ## Client in Assembler `client_in_asm` uses AsmPro and the AmiTCK SDK to build a simple client that connects to a specified host and port and sends some data, like the other end of a very basic `netcat`. This is the code used in the [Building a simple Amiga network client...in assembler?!?](https://youtu.be/HbMPBbF9-RE) video.